Ozarnov R..
Analyzing the financial and banking cooperation among Russia and the SCO member states
// National Security.
2023. № 1.
P. 28-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.1.38940 EDN: INSEHE URL:
The article deals with the financial and banking cooperation between Russia and the SCO member states, which is characterized by the availability of a low level and the simultaneous expansion potential, particularly under the contemporary unprecedented sanctions pressure. The author dwells upon the activities of the SCO, including the Interbank Association, comes to the conclusion that practically most of the goals and objectives of financial and economic cooperation within the SCO are mainly declarative without practical implementation. The study is based on such general scientific cognitive methods as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and graphical interpretation of statistical information and time series. The novelty of the article lies in developing the proposals and priority cooperation areas within the SCO and the SCO Interbank Association, as well as the SWOT analysis of the SCO Development Bank, aimed at improving the efficiency of financial and banking cooperation between Russia and the SCO member countries. The author proposes the basic strategy of the SCO Development Bank for strengthening the bank's position as a multilateral development bank, as well as promoting the economic cooperation among the SCO member states. One should take into account the obtained results in creating Russia's bilateral and multilateral cooperation within the SCO.
SWOT-analysis, Russia, developing countries, national economy, national currencies, world economy, EAEU, SCO, banking cooperation, world finance
Evtekhov R.A..
Cross-border spaces in the perception of threats to Russia's National Security
// National Security.
2022. № 6.
P. 109-120.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.6.39056 EDN: SFSGCH URL:
Changes in international relations and perceptions of national security are forcing individual States to expand the contours of their own security borders. It is not uncommon for these contours to go far beyond their own borders. The purpose of the study is to determine the nature of the perception of the transformation of cross-border spaces in the system of threats to Russia's national security. The main materials of the study were socio-political discourse, in particular individual speeches of the President of Russia, the national security strategy and other normative and doctrinal documents in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. The studied narratives and comparison of statements and reactions to individual regional transformations, compared with doctrinal documents in the field of national security, allowed us to identify trigger points. In particular, in comparison of the political changes in Afghanistan, Finland and Ukraine, it was revealed that it is the value transformation at the current moment in the vision of the Russian elite that is of the greatest concern, both regionally and politically and socially. The basis of the research methodology is a systematic approach, content analysis, and a comparative approach, which made it possible to identify the dominants in the current political discourse and determine the reason for the perception of the transformation of cross-border spaces by the Russian elite in a certain way. As a result, it is determined that the change of the value paradigm is perceived as something significantly more dangerous than a military threat, as well as the expansion of NATO to the east, which is by no means perceived as an equivalent threat. In addition, the Russian elite perceives the current international system as something unfair, due to the capabilities of Western states to influence areas lying near the borders of Russia. While Russia itself does not have the opportunity to broadcast its ideas and values on territories far from its borders. Changes in the value orientation of cross-border areas lying in the border of Russia are perceived by the elite at the moment as the main national threat to the country's security.
the borders, political security, threat perception, safety, national security, threats, border regions, values, cross-border space, elites
Novikov A.V..
The impact of political instability upon the increase of terrorism in the Middle East
// National Security.
2021. № 2.
P. 43-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.2.35482 URL:
The key goal of the article is to examine whether the domestic political instability associated with the “Arab Spring” caused the subsequent surge of global terrorism, which reached its peak in 2014. The author reviews six different types of domestic political instability: antigovernment demonstrations, national strikes, government crises, government repression, disturbances, and revolutions. Using the regression models, the author clarifies the impact of such factors as the level of education, Internet access, economic development, democratization indexes, and the degree of religious and ethnic fragmentariness. Analysis is conducted on the results of the models separately for different types of political regimes, forms of domestic political instability, and global regions. The results of construction and analysis a number of negative binomial regression models testify to the support of “escalation effect”, which implies that heightened intensity of domestic political instability leads to the surge of terrorist attacks. More severe forms of domestic political instability, namely repression and disturbances, generate a higher level of terrorism; however, revolution, as the most severe form of domestic political instability does not produce such effect. The formulated conclusions are also substantiated by the fact that certain forms of political instability have a different impact upon terrorism and its peculiarities, depending on the geographical region and the type of political regime.
economic development, political regime, Middle East, regression analysis, the arab spring, the Internet, political instability, terrorism, region, escalation effect
Tikhanychev O.V..
Clarification of the structure of “hybrid forces”
// National Security.
2021. № 1.
P. 40-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.1.33387 URL:
The subject of this research is the “hybrid wars”, while the object is the “hybrid forces” as a means of conducting hybrid wars. The author establishes that that currently in assessment of “hybrid forces”, the latter imply military and irregular formations opposing on the battlefield. At the same time, the analysis of the content of “hybrid wars” demonstrates that the structure of “hybrid forces” should be understood in a broader sense, considering procurement and all-round support, including those carried out covertly. This approach provides a more accurate assessment of “hybrid wars” and its actors. The main conclusion of consists in the proposal to expand the structure of “hybrid forces”, alight in with the structure of modern” hybrid” conflicts. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that based on clarification of the actors and structure of “hybrid forces”, the author formulates recommendations on clarification of the mechanisms for assessing course of “hybrid” wars, analysis of the possible vectors for “hybrid” actions; as well as underlines the need for regulation of international legislation in the area of conducting armed conflicts and their actors. The analysis of open sources describing the subject area shows that this problem was not previously solved in such a statement
comprehensive support, hidden support, economic component, information component, power component, soft power, hybrid forces, hybrid wars, hybrid action participants, structure of hybrid forces
Krivov S.V., Baranova T.V., Starkin S.V..
Anti-Russian sanctions due to the Ukrainian crisis of 2014: assessment of consequences and prospects
// National Security.
2020. № 6.
P. 39-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.6.34565 URL:
The subject of this research is the sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia in response to the Ukrainian events of 2014. Leaning on the available empirical data and expert assessments conducted by various financial and analytical structures, an attempt is made to identify the nature and severity of impact of sanction pressure upon different economic sectors of the Russian Federation, implemented for achieving the foreign policy goals. Emphasis is placed on the absence of uniform sanctions policy due to the specificity of foreign policy goals and peculiarities of sanction mechanisms used by the United States and the European Union. It is underlined that anti-Russian sanctions and Russia’s response in many instances are substantiated by the preceding trends in strategic vision of foreign and domestic policy by the Russian Federation, as well as the nature of its relations with the West. The conclusion is made that the focus in studying the problem of sanctions has shifted towards the political analysis and further analytical and scientific examination. The author believes that in the conditions of uncertainty of the economic effects and absence of common approaches towards understanding the prospects of sanctions policy by the Western countries the two main scenarios of its further development. It would either gradually fade out without “renewed efforts”, slowly negating its practical effect, and prompt the United States and the European Union intensify the dialogue with Russia, avoiding the problematic issues on the status of Crimea, implication in the events in South-Eastern Ukraine, etc.; or it can lead to full “politicization” of sanctions polity and its integration into the negotiation process on settlement of the Ukrainian situation and turning into a powerful tool for conducting negotiations.
impacts of sanctions, pivot to the East, import substitution, embargo, targeted sanctions, comprehensive sanctions, economics, policy, international relations, security of Russia
Ilicheva Y.A..
Peculiarities of cooperation between India and ASEAN countries in the area of security in Southeast Asia
// National Security.
2019. № 3.
P. 38-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.3.29990 URL:
The Republic of India has close historical ties with Southeast Asia. Back in 1960’s, some of the member-states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) considered India a strategic partner and potential guarantor of security. The subject of this research is the cooperation between India and ASEAN countries in the area of defense. Research on the development of cooperation between the Republic and the Association appears to be extremely relevant, since the relations between the countries are the key element of foreign policy and the main vector of New Delhi policy (“Look East” and later “Act East”). The topic is appealing to scientists as it allows analyzing the factors that influenced the bilateral relations, as well as determining the possible obstacles in their development. India’s approach to ASEAN is motivate not only by purely economic interests, but also foreign policy. First and foremost, with regards to ASEAN countries, the Republic intends to become dominant power in northeastern part of Indian Ocean (particularly in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea), as well as play an important strategic role in Southeast Asia and Pacific Rim. The Republic of India has good relations in the area of defense only with Singapore and Vietnam, while its cooperation with other state, such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand remain on a relatively basic level.
Singapore, Vietnam, Strait of Malacca, Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal, Look East, Act East, security, ASEAN, India
Sazonova K.L..
Current international legal status of the weapon of mass destruction (WMD) and international responsibility of the states for its use
// National Security.
2018. № 6.
P. 52-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.6.28480 URL:
The topic of total and partial ban on certain types of weapons constantly remained highly relevant for international law. However, even the adoption of multiple international agreements is not conducive to eliminate incidences of the use of particular types of prohibited weapons. The possible use of weapons, classified as the “weapon of mass destruction”, cause special concern due to their high lethal power. Another pressing issue is the question of holding internationally responsible the countries for using such weapons. This research is based on the analysis of provisions of the international treaties and conventions regulating the use of various types of WMD; international legal documents regulating the questions of international responsibility of the states; as well as doctrinal studies of the Russian and foreign authors. Leaning on the conducted research alongside the analysis of particular cases of use of the weapon of mass destruction, the author determines the key problems related to holding countries internationally responsible. The conclusion is made that the international legal regulation of the status of weapon of mass destruction has multiple gaps, which impedes adequate raising of the question of possible international responsibility of states for usage of such type of weapons. The treaties and conventions regulating WMD are limited either by the pool of participants or the absence of control mechanisms. Moreover, it is especially difficult to identify the responsible party in use of WMD in terms of the domestic armed conflict. In this case, special importance falls development of mechanisms for collecting facts and counteracting information speculations.
biological weapon, chemical weapon, nuclear weapon, international security, international responsibility, weapon of mass destruction, prohibited weapons, international treaty, disarmament, states
Astakhova E.V., Reshetnyak E.I..
Main development trends of hi-tech production in current global economy
// National Security.
2018. № 5.
P. 27-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.5.27797 URL:
The goal of this article lies in the analysis of main development trends of hi-tech production in various countries of the world, as well as in the theoretical substantiation of the vectors of research and development of the country due to the growing value of innovative products. The author explores the prerequisites of the relevance of growing importance of the development of hi-tech production for the national economies, particularly the increase of GDP and competitive recovery of the country at the global markets. The study determines the key aspects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; as well as substantiates the need for regular monitoring of the indexes that reflect the state and level of development of the hi-tech industries worldwide. For positioning separate countries in the global technological space in relation to the key players within it, the author frames the correlation-regression model of weight of the portion of the hi-tech production in the GDP structure. The model ensures the possibility of forecasting changes of the contribution of hi-tech production in GDP of the country due to variation of indexes of the research and development activity. The author proposes the chain model for creation of value of the hi-tech products considering the institutional means of assuring research and development advancement and ensuring execution of the functions of strategic management of the research and development advancement on different levels of management (international, national and local).
economy competitiveness, strategic management, correlation model, scientific activity indicators, the economic growth, high tech innovation, high-tech production, customer value, scientific research, high-tech Value Model
Ivanov O.S..
International coordination of countries with regards to the problem of dilution of taxation base and reallocation of profits
// National Security.
2018. № 2.
P. 19-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.2.26064 URL:
The subject of this research is the international tax relations established between the countries and in need of reforms. The object of this research is the separate position of BEPS Action Plan, such as automatic exchange of financial (tax) information, international documentation on transfer pricing, multilateral instrument of adjusting bilateral agreements on avoiding the double taxation. The article provides a detailed overview of publications dedicated to the subject of research, based on which the author analyzes the object of research, indicating its key development trends and determining peculiarities in the area of national security for Russia. The study demonstrates that the international coordination with regards to the problem of dilution and reallocation of taxed profit, which emerged as a result of transformation of the nature of running international business, suggested a set of instruments on its overcoming that lay the new foundation for further development of the international tax relations between the countries, propelling them to the next level. By implementing such instruments, Russia must consider the opinion of other EAEU member-states and escalation of tension with the Western countries, as well as the current tax climate. Otherwise, there could occur significant risks for the national security.
OECD, DTA, Multilateral Instrument, Country-by-Country Reporting, transfer pricing, FATCA, AEoI, BEPS, Federal Tax Service, EAEU
Degterev D.A., Khudaykulova A.V..
Balance of powers within the international political science theoretical concepts and applied analysis
// National Security.
2018. № 1.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.1.25193 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the concept of balance within the foreign and Russian international political science – one of the most well-known and at the same time controversial concepts. The authors examine the aforementioned concept in the context of the theory of international relations (first and foremost, in terms of realistic paradigm), categories of system approach regarding international relations (dynamic equilibrium in the complex system), as well as historical retrospective (on the example of the “European concert” and bipolar world of the cold war times). Special role is given to the notion of power within the framework of international relations, diverse quantitative methods of its assessment, theoretical game model of the balance of powers and establishment of international coalitions, as well as the notion of asymmetric conflicts. The scientific novelty consists in combination of the classical and contemporary theoretical concepts of the balance of powers with operationalization of this concept within the framework of the applied quantitative analysis in the international political science.
game theory, systemic models, system of international relations, realism, theory of international relations, balance of powers, asymmetric conflict, quantitative methods, applied analysis, international coalitions
Shul'ts V.L., Kul'ba V.V., Shelkov A.B., Chernov I.V..
Analysis of tasks of information management in the context of globalization
// National Security.
2017. № 3.
P. 34-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2017.3.21740 URL:
The results of carried out analysis of the essence, key functions as well as strategic and tactical tasks of information management are presented. The tasks for the formation and support of the ideology of national development, formation of human potential and social stability ensuring are considered as the basic functions of information management. It is shown that in the current international situation, characterized by severe geopolitical confrontation the information management should be focused on the achievement of the two groups of strategic objectives: creative (to ensure sustainable domestic socio - economic development) and protective (to protect the development of Russian society from external threats). In order to solve the applied and practical problems of improving the efficiency of information management. it is proposed to use the methodology of the systemic analysis of the consequences of information, economic and political interactions in the community, as well as scenario analysis of complex information confrontation processes. The results of the analysis have shown that under present conditions the crucial task of information management consists in ensuring harmonization and coordination processes of the effective protection of sovereignty of the Russian society and the state from external and provoked from outside internal threats, as well as to preserving and developing its own model of a man, society, system of meanings, moral and historical values. Successful solution of this interrelated set of tasks is a necessary condition for ensuring the civilizational, political, economic, and informational independence of the Russian state. For effective counteraction, the informational aggression is now especially needed the purposeful and thoughtful structural transformation of the information security of the state, as well as the creation of a powerful and effective scientific-methodological base for providing information sovereignty of the country. Practical use of the results of research contribute to the formation of a unified state multilevel information management system, which would play a key role in the crisis-free sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.
ideology of development, countering threats, information aggression, geopolitical opponent, informational confrontation, information potential, information management, system of values, human potential, social stability
Litovkina M.I..
Classification of determinants affecting health, and threats to health during the globalization period: organizational legal aspect
// National Security.
2017. № 2.
P. 17-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2017.2.21879 URL:
This article makes accent on the problem of formation of the determinants (creation of safe environment) that are necessary for supporting the decent living standards and social wellness, realization of its constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as elimination or decrease of the threats to health. The choice of the topic is justified by the fact that among the directions of ensuring national security of any country, must be present the goals for strengthening the population health and development of healthcare. Perhaps, due to this, many states over the recent years mark a trend towards introducing the positions on health into the corresponding legislative acts. The subject of this research is the facts that testify to the high level of riskogenics of various spheres of human life that is substantiated particularly by the globalization processes. The author also examines the international legal acts that declare the need for achieving the appropriate level of psychic and physical health alongside its highest possible standard. Author’s contribution consists in meticulous presentation of the two main groups of individual and general determinants that have impact upon health. In the latter group, a significant place is held by the environmental and transnational factors, which in the globalization period substantiate, in particular, the renaissance of such threats as epidemics and infections, caused by the negative ecological circumstances, armed conflicts, migration processes that are accompanied by the drastic violation of people’s usual habitat. In addition, over the recent years there have emerged the “new” infectious agents, which must be counteracted by means of global efforts of legal and organizational character, including those aimed at ensuring security of the main determinants affecting health.
Infectious diseases, Healthcare system, Transnational factors, Social determinants, Environmental determinants, Health, Globalization, Constitutionalization, State, National security
Sazonova K.L..
The question of international legal responsibility of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): theoretical conceptual aspects and key legal collisions based on the results of the realized operations
// National Security.
2016. № 2.
P. 183-190.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.2.67745 URL:
This research is dedicated to the questions of setting the international legal responsibility for misuse of force, destruction of infrastructure, and victims among the civil population, which is the result of military operations realized by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The author analyzes the main legal difficulties that emerge due to the possibility of holding NATO internationally responsible. In addition to that, the author examines the questions of correlation between the peacemaking functions of NATO and UN with regards to the maintenance of international peace and security, which is especially relevant considering the active strive of the Alliance to take on the extensive competency in these field. The conclusion is made that the main operations conducted by NATO were accompanied by the major violations of the existing international law, which allows posing a question that such violations can qualify as the foundations for international responsibility. We can state that today the question of high importance consists in which judicial body could knowledgeably examine the case on setting the international legal responsibility of international organizations.
grounds for responsibility, United Nations, international law, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, military operations, international responsibility, international security, stategic concept, competence, military law
Kosorukov A.A., Barto E.V..
Great Silk Road in the competitive space of world politics
// National Security.
2016. № 2.
P. 191-211.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.2.67746 URL:
In the beginning of the XXI century within the competitive realm of world politics, we could observe a clash between the concepts of various states on construction of the international transportation corridors in Eurasia on the historical space of the Great Silk Road, its land and sea components. The main rivals in this process are China (the concept of Great Silk Road, United States (the concept of New Silk Road), Russia (Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, transit geopolitical location), European Union (Pan-European corridors, VIKING, INOGATE), Turkey, Kazakhstan, India, and others. The scientific novelty consists in the following: determination of the main peculiarities of the Great Silk Road historical space, and its land and international sea transportation corridors; examination of the competitive concepts of various countries on the restoration of the Great Silk Road; analysis of the place and role of Russia in the process of construction of the Great Silk Road.
China, European Union, Eurasian Economic Union, New Silk Road, Great Silk Road, USA, Russia, Pan-European corridors, Turkey, India
Popova L.L..
The issues of ensuring regional security in the era of globalization: experience of the Latin American states
// National Security.
2016. № 1.
P. 49-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.1.67531 URL:
The subject of this research is the challenges in the sphere of national and regional security that are faced by the Latin American countries in the globalizing world. Among such challenges are the transnational crime, drug trade, and terrorism. The first part of the article analyzes the evolutional process of the doctrines of regional security in Latin America; the second part is dedicated to the issues of counteraction against the transnational security threats, as well as to the international cooperation in the area of security within the Western hemisphere. Special attention is given to the analysis of the causes and consequences of activation of the drug trade in Latin America. Scientific novelty consists in the complex examination of the destabilization factors of the Latin America systems of national security. The author concludes that currently a real threat to the countries of Latin America is the crisis of public safety associated with criminalization and narcotization of the society, and partial occupancy by the criminal communities of the government functions. The author underlines that today the countries of Latin America did not develop a unified effective strategy on counteracting this phenomena.
regional security, transnational crime, terrorism, globalization, integrative security, regional integration, drug trafficking, criminalization, public safety, national security, regional security, national security, transnational crime, terrorism, globalization, integrated security, regional integration, drug trafficking, criminalization, public security
Ursul A.D..
Global goals for sustainable development
// National Security.
2015. № 5.
P. 683-698.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.5.66981 URL:
This article analyzes the problem of forming the goals for sustainable development due to the implementation of the universal agenda on further realization of the Rio process at the UN level. The author points out that there are two immanently interconnected strategical goals for sustainable development – the survival of civilization and preservation of biosphere, as well as the comprehensive existential purpose – their coexistence and coevolution. The new global goals for sustainable development are the continuation of the Millennium Development Goals, which represent eight priority goals for international development. The proposed UN Agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 sustainable development goals and 169 related tasks of complex nature, which comprise a set of universal priorities and parameters for sustainable development. The author believes that in its modern perception, the concept of sustainable development cannot be limited by the “targeted triad” of correlation between environment, economics, and social sphere. It is also noted, that Russia is on the path of realization of a remote, but important in its conceptual aspect strategic and global goal in transition to sustainable development – the establishment of noosphere.
sustainable development, United Nations, noosphere, Millennium Declaration, global management, global development, goal, SDGs, existential goal, environmental issues
Filippov V.R..
Uranium factor in France’s foreign policy towards Africa
// National Security.
2015. № 3.
P. 386-400.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.3.66589 URL:
Use of the comparative political analysis allowed the author to identify certain trends within France’s foreign policy towards Africa of the beginning of this millennium. Analysis of the geographic localization of the expeditions of the French armed forces into Africa confirms the fact that the Élysée Palace initiated the peacekeeping and humanitarian interventions within the territories of the sovereign nations of the Dark Continent whenever France faced a serious threat to their energy security. The threat to the interests of the French state corporation AREVA, which specializes in recovery and refinement of uranium ore, was always followed by operations of the special services and military interventions in Niger, Mali and the Central African Republic. The methodological basis for this research consisted of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, and modeling. The author substantiates the opinion according to which the rapid escalation of the competitiveness and the African uranium markets, emergence of new players in these markets, first and foremost China, prompts France to resort to various forms of political and military pressure (from political assassinations and incitement of confessional and tribal conflicts to direct military intrusion) upon the political elites of their former colonies. A conclusion is made on the fact that it is the direct dependency of the French nuclear power plants, and therefore the whole French economy, upon the African uranium defines the main vector of the Africa policy of the Fifth Republic.
Françafrique, France, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Africa, neocolonialism, values, uranium, intervention
Kosorukov, A.A..
Global elites community: class and network dimension.
// National Security.
2014. № 2.
P. 227-234.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.2.64062 URL:
The article is devoted to the studies of the global elites community, theoretical substantiation for its existence
from the standpoints of postmodernism, liberalism, constructivism and post-structuralism. Special attention is paid
to the theory of transnational historical materialism, allowing to analyze the formation of the new global capitalist
class within this community. The author also provides analysis of this community from the standpoint of network
analysis showing how the new global class is penetrated with the network connections responsible for the formation,
support and spread of consensus regarding the political course of the states. The author singles out the main problems,
which the global elites community faces, such as transformation of the institution of state, global democratization
trend, the movement of the power center, de-globalization of risks, pluralism of global elite agenda and the vulnerability
of global elites community. The methodology of studies, as provided in the article, is based upon the theory of
transnational historical materialism, as well as constructivism and post-structuralism. When analyzing the structure
of global elites community the author used the level approach within the framework of international relations theory,
and more specifically, uses the individual level. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the analysis of global
elites community from the standpoints of various theories as a relatively young and new term in political elites studies,
evaluation of the structures within the new global capitalist class, its specific features regarding recruitment of
the new members and achievement of consensus decisions, singling out problems and risks ,which the global elites
community faces at the crossroads of the class and network tendencies of its development.
global elites community, global capitalist class, network, recruiting, individual, state, democratization, power center, de-globalization of risks, agenda.
Andreev, M.V..
Strategies for the development of intercultural
dialog within the framework
of strengthening national security: topical
problems of social and political doctrine
of the Western Europe and the USA.
// National Security.
2013. № 6.
P. 35-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.6.63870 URL:
The article concerns topical aspects
of social and political doctrine regarding intercultural
dialog. The author concentrates on the
problem of inter-cultural dialog and its efficiency
in various spheres of life, such as migration
processes, communications, science, culture,
education, sports, etc., which is quite topical
for the USA and the European states. Special
attention is paid to the inter-religious dialog,
as a leading element in inter-cultural social
and political dialog. The author also provides
criticism of the practical applicability of the
basic European documents in the sphere of
inter-cultural dialog, such as the White Book
of the Council of Europe. The basis for the
scientific methodology of work is formed by
the specialized research methods: political legal
method, systemic method, comparative legal
method, formal logical method, cluster method,
etc., as well as some general scientific methods.
While working with the topical issues, the author
based his work upon the works of foreign scholars
on the issues in question. The article contains a
conclusion on the need to actualize some aspects
of inter-cultural dialog, to institutionalize some
aspects of inter-religious dialog via a special
forum for the formation of uniform views on the
topical problems of development of international
relations within the framework of globalization.
The article may be of interest for a wide range
of professionals, interested in the problems of
interaction of cultures, peoples and religions.
intercultural dialog, globalization, national security, European civilization, interconfessional relations, threats to international security, migration processes, conflicts among the nations, stability, sustainable development.
Bolkunov, O.N..
Basic approaches
to the energy security guarantees
for the states.
// National Security.
2013. № 5.
P. 94-105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.5.63360 URL:
The term “energy security “is often
used in discussions on the issues of energy
industr y, global policy and inter national
security. However, there is no consensus
among the international scholars towards this
term. The article includes an attempt to show
that methodological ambiguity towards energy
security is due to risks and challenges of various
nature, appearing at various times in the sphere
of establishing and implementation of energy
policy of states. The author singles out the three
key approaches or dimensions of energy security
of states, being developed within the frameworks
of various scientific disciplines in response to
threats and challenges of principally different
nature. These approaches provide for a rather
complete picture of theoretical constructions
regarding energy security. The works aimed to
evaluate efficiency of state policy in the sphere
of energy security tend to follow one or several
main directions as described above. Due to the
complicated character of existing energy system
and their fast transformation the problems may
not be efficiently studied and resolved within
separate scientific disciplines. The author makes
a conclusion that the further development of the
theoretical constructions in this sphere should be
achieved through the synthesis of achievements
found in various approaches towards evaluation
of state energy security, in order to make it more
reliable, complex and verifiable.
state administration, geopolitical transformations, energy strategy, national security, global energetic system, energy policy, energy security, energy supply security, security threats, diversification of risks.
Kuzmin, E.A..
Theoretical and empiric study of economical security
in the conditions of liberalization of the trade relations:
Part 2. The empiric approbation for the method
of fragmented economic security
// National Security.
2013. № 2.
P. 255-267.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.2.62611 URL:
In the article the author provides approbation
of the theoretical and methodological research apparatus
for the analysis of the fragmented economic security,
taking as an example the foreign relations of
Russia for the period since 2007 to 2011. The specific
features of the interactions of enterprises and organizations
are evaluated within the context of certain types
of economic activities with foreign partners. The author
evaluates the internal guarantees of commodity
production, then he provides the results of calculations
of the current and barrier replacement level of the domestic
production with the import, which constitutes
fragmented assessment of economic security.
economic security, free trade, mutual penetration of economies, substitution of domestic production.
Lykov, A.Y..
The problem of security guarantees
as a prerequisite for the formation of the global state
// National Security.
2013. № 2.
P. 268-276.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.2.62612 URL:
The article is devoted to the outward expressions
of the modern problems, which are related the security
guarantees within the state and at the international
level. Taking the modern conflicts as examples, the author
analyzes the problems of their political and legal
regulation, and establishes the possibilities for their solution
with the help of the existing social management
system. The author discusses the issues of permissible
interference of the states in the affairs of other states, the
problems of lack of control over the weapons of mass
destruction and the problems of global terrorism. Then
the author concludes that modern international and national
institutions are not able to guarantee the human
security, which in turn calls for the formation of a global
organization of a new type.
jurisprudence, globalization, politics, global, state, war, arms, security, the USA, the UN.
Kuzmin, E.A..
Theoretical and empiric studies of economic security
in liberalized trade relations. Part 1. Theoretical and
methodological positioning of a problem and possible
// National Security.
2013. № 1.
P. 34-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.1.62341 URL:
In the article the author shares his methodological ideas
in the sphere of assessment of a fragmented economic
security, which is to include a new component for evaluation
– a dependent fragmented economic security, as
defined in relation to the external environment. The article
highlights the fact that the effects of the relationship
between economies (the effect of adhesion) and the relations
between economic agents within the economy (the
effect of cohesion) create the conditions for co-analysis
of the interaction and economic security within the model
of “I – the others”.
economic security, free trade, interpenetrating economies, substitution of domestic production.
Polyakov, E.N..
On the issue of the causes of financial crisis of 2008 –
2010 and its consequences for the macro-prudential
// National Security.
2013. № 1.
P. 51-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.1.62342 URL:
The topicality of this article is due to the fact that in
three years after the sharpest phase of global financial
crisis, we finally understand its nature, and we can evaluate
the activities of the monetary government of states
at the time of crisis, to compare the monetary politics of
Russia and other developing states, and to understand
whether the Central Bank and Government of Russia
drew the right conclusions from the situation. Therefore,
this article devoted to the analysis of inß uence of instability
onto the global financial market on the economies
of the developing states, and the analysis of the prerequisites
for the higher or lower vulnerability of financial
systems in the developing states in the global economic
crisis of 2008 – 2010. In particular, the author analyzes
the causes and effects of the global financial crisis on
the economies of developing states including Russia.
The author also pays much attention to the inß uence
of the global financial crisis on the economies of two
groups of developing states – the South-Eastern Asian
states and the states of Central and Eastern Europe.
The results of this study may be used for the further economic
research, and they help to explain the dynamics
of the key macroeconomic characteristics of the Russian
Federation during the sharp period of crisis. The author
offers the analysis of vulnerability level of the Russian
economy in cases of lacking stability of global financial
markets at the present time.
economics, crisis, finances, economics, causes, politics, Russia, consequences, system, security.
Belousova, A.V., Potanin M.M., Kolesnikova A.Y..
Export sector of the economics in the Far East
of Russia: innovation development vector.
// National Security.
2012. № 6.
P. 44-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.6.61994 URL:
The authors establish the contents of the export
sector of the economics in the Far East of Russia,
they also analyze the structure and dynamics of its
development in 2000-2010. It is stated that the key
spheres of production in the export sector of the
macro-region are oil and mineral products mining,
timber harvesting, fishing. The share of their
products in the Far Eastern export is above 80 per
cent. As part of the analysis of the complexes in
the above-mentioned spheres, the authors show
the tendency of sustainment of considerable share
of raw materials production within the export
structure of the region in the long-term perspective.
The authors analyze the endogenous limitations
and exogenous challenges for the growth and
development of the resource-dependent economy,
and for the economic security of the Far Eastern
macro-region. The authors then establish the key
directions for the changes and development of the
export sector of the Far East, which would bring
it to the way of innovative development, such as
the greater share of processing enterprises, development
of production of new goods for export,
technological modernization, formation of the supporting institutional regimes. Taking the mineral
raw material export sector of the Far East as
an example, the authors show the prerequisites for
the implementation of changes.
export sector of economics, raw materials export, resource-dependent economics, innovative development, innovation potential, economic security, economic growth, the Far East.
Bocharov, M.I., Bocharova, T.I..
Global communications area: the problems of secure communication.
// National Security.
2012. № 4.
P. 47-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.4.61354 URL:
The article is devoted to the evaluation of the term “communication security”, as well as the problems of communication
security in the electronic mass media. The authors characterize the positive and negative features of the interaction of
people in the Internet, the speech fi eld of the cyber-space oft he World Wide Web.
globalization, global communication network, electronic mass media, communication security, norms of language.
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A..
The future of the global world: guarantees of security through sustainable
// National Security.
2012. № 3.
P. 23-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.3.59468 URL:
The article establishes that a global world is fraught with new threats and dangers of planetary scale, which could cause
a global catastrophe. There is a need to infl uence global processes through sustainable development, providing for the
survival of civilization. By sustainable development the authors mean planetary-driven system and balanced development of
society and nature, not destroying the environment and ensuring the survival and continued existence of a safe indefi nitely
civilization. In the future, the global world with sustainable development, national and global security will be provided
mainly through this type of development that will promote the positive tendencies and overcome the negative tendencies of
global development.
security, globalism, globalization, global security, global governance, global processes, national security, social and natural contradiction, sustainable development, evolutionary globalism.
Sidorov, S.A..
Concept of national security of the People’s Republic of China within the framework of international
and national security of Russia.
// National Security.
2012. № 1.
P. 77-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.1.59032 URL:
In this article the author views the key directions of the concept of national security of the People’s Republic of China
within the framework of international and national security of Russia, then comes to a conclusion that in the new reality
of the internatioanl relations the relations between Russia and China should be neither oversimplifi ed nor idealized.
They can cause rather dangerous confl icts, especially in the perspective. Currently the border issues between the Russian
Federation and the People’s Republic of China are mainly solved, the relations between two states are rather stable, and
based on all of the exising evaluations the key vector of the military and political efforts of China in the near future shall
not be directed at Russia.
political science, national security, concept, People’s Republic of China, Russia, partnership, cooperation, multi-vector diplomacy, priorities
Kondakov, S.A..
The pipeline projects of Russia.
// National Security.
2011. № 6.
P. 35-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.6.58987 URL:
This paper presents an analysis of the key strategic objectives tasks and pipeline politics in Russia, its priorities have
an impact on the formation of foreign policy of the state.
political science, national security, international relations, foreign policy, pipeline policy, transit of hydrocarbons, oil and gas projects, strategic initiatives of Russia, energy security, security, national interests.
Lyubimova, T.M., Danilova, A.A..
Terrorism: linguоpragmatic analysis of the term.
// National Security.
2011. № 5.
P. 106-114.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.5.58760 URL:
The article considers the notion of terrorism, given in the international legal documentation. The semantics of the lexical unit
‘terrorism’ is analyzed on the basis of the linguistic correlation between the signifi er and the signifi ed, the linguopragmatic
aspects of the a coordinated defi nition of the word terrorism are presented.
Terrorism, linguopragmatics, lexicology, doublespeak, notion, lexical substitutes, UN, counter-terrorism strategy.
Laktionova, M.A..
Gender violence as a global problem: expert analysis.
// National Security.
2011. № 4.
P. 27-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.4.58495 URL:
The article is devoted to the gender violence as a global problem in the modern world. The author analyzes
sociological data on the scale of gender violence in the global community, in the Russian Federation and in the
Northern Caucasian region. The author singles out general and specifi c features of violence towards women on
various levels, the reasons for its replication. The author also offers some ways to minimize gender violence.
sociology, gender violence, global problem, globalization, culture, home violence, woman, man, gender, discrimination.
Shadursky, A.V..
“Shale revolution” and changes in the conditions of guarantees of energy security in
the EU.
// National Security.
2011. № 4.
P. 36-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.4.58496 URL:
The author analyzes the role of the “shale revolution” in changes in the conditions and guarantees of energy
security of the EU, including the aspect of direct infl uence, as related to the attempts of the direct transfer of
the “shale revolution” from the USA to Europe. The author analyzes the key reasons for the success of such a
revolution in the USA, and the need to replicate this conditions in order to achieve success. Taking Poland as an
example, the author also shows that while the infl uence of this revolution may be limited for the EU as a whole,
it may cause considerable changes in energy security of certain countries and regions. The author then shows
why the decision to develop non-traditional sources of natural gas in Europe is politically determined, rather
than based on economical reasons.
political science, energy, security, natural gas, slate, shale, European, non-traditional, sources, Poland.
Shultz, V.L., Kulba, V.V., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V..
Modeling and scenario analysis of effi ciency of
information support of developing the Arctic sector. Part 2. Development and scenario analysis of imitation
// National Security.
2011. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.2.58164 URL:
The article is devoted to the complex of applied problems of development and studies of the models of analysis of
effi ciency of information support of the strategic projects of development of the Arctic sector with the use of the
apparatus of functional sign graphs. The authors provide the results of modeling and scenario analysis of the
processes of geopolitical information struggle.
security, information support, information struggle, information threat, modeling, sign graphs, scenario analysis, development of Arctic region, natural resources.
Shultz, V.L., Kulba, V.V., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V..
Modeling and scenario analysis of efficiency of information support of strategic projects for the development of the Arctic sector. Part 1. Analysis and preparation of basic data.
// National Security.
2010. № 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.11.57921 URL:
The article is devoted to a set of methodological and
applied problems regarding efficiency of information
support of the state policy of the Russian Federation
in Arctic region. The authors analyze goals and priorities
of Russia in this region. Then they establish a system of key markers of efficiency of strategic projects
for the development of the Arctic sector. The article
also includes analysis of information threats to its
implementation, as well as technology of planning and
management of information support of the project of
the class in question.
security, information support, information influence, topical planning, key markers, scenario modeling, active information campaign, destructive influence, information threat
Zhigaylo, V.V..
Theoretical bases of globalization of
the world economy.
// National Security.
2010. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.7.57654 URL:
Globalization of world economy should be understood
as formation of a global economic system, where the key
source of social wealth should be science and entrepreneurial
capital, which would lead to greater interdepen125
dency of states, more intensive international trade in
goods and services, more active global economic unions
(international cooperation in the sphere of production).
In the author’s opinion the process of globalization refl
ects on states of the world unevenly, and the key problem
of globalization is polarization of incomes of developed
and developing states.
economics, globalization, internationalization, system, competition, capital, integration, defi nition, basis
Gaykin, V.A..
Geopolitics of Eurasian territory
and the “Tumangan” project.
// National Security.
2010. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.7.57655 URL:
The author offers a new prognostic concept of “race
wars” (which contradicts the well-known theory of clash
of civilizations by Huntington), which allows to predict
the development of humankind. Within the context of this
concept the destructive role of “Tumangan” project can
be seen quite differently
economics, project, race war, Russia in a global world, Eurasia, European Union, China, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Trans-Siberian
Zhigaylo, V. V..
Theoretical Grounds for Globalization of the World Economy
// National Security.
2010. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.3.57524 URL:
Globalization of the world economy is the process of creation of the global economic system based on science and enterprise capital as the main sources of social wealth; intensification of international trade of goods, services and technologies; activation of the activity by the global trade and economic unions (cross-culture of cooperation of manufacture). Based on the author, the process of globalization reflects on all countries of the world. The main problem of globalization is the gap between incomes of developed and developing countries
economics, globalization, internationalization, system, competition, capital, relations, integration, definition, foundation
Ursul, A. D..
National Idea in the Epoch of Globalization: Problems of Security and Sustainable Development
// National Security.
2010. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.1.57274 URL:
The author of the article suggested to form the national idea based on the main positions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and Conception of a Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation. According to the author, it would allow to combine the peculiarities of a Russian state and society and their participation in the global process. It is suggested that the future national idea would acquire both the ‘noospheric’ continuation and possibly an official formalization in the form of a state strategy of Russia’s sustainable development.
social studies, security, globalization, innovation processes, national security, national idea, national interests, noosphere, strategy of national security, sustainable development
Abramychev, A. I., Shults, V. L..
On Some Questions of International Security and National System of Export Control
// National Security.
2009. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.5.57022 URL:
The end of the cold war expanded the range of potential destabilizing factors in the sphere of security. On this evidence, the system of export control, being one of the components of security, gains its importance. The author of the article described the regimes of export control in the sphere of foreign economic relations. The author described the terms ‘control list’, ‘licensing system’, ‘total control’, ‘system of technical testing’, ‘mechanism of interagency coordination and information exchange system’. The article contains a suggestion to come back to the practice of scientific assistance of works and studies in the sphere of export control.
economics, security, national, export, company-internal, globalization, world, economy, regime, exemption
Ethnical conflicts in the Western Eeurope: euroterrorism (taking the terrorist organization
of the Basks — ETA
// National Security.
2009. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.4.56771 URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of separatism in the Southern Europe, and in Italy and France in particular. The key method, which is used by separatists, for example in ETA, is terrorism, and it ‘ s a profitable business for the mercenaries, and an issue of interest to many government officials. In order to achieve their goals the separatists cooperate with criminal structures and mafia, which in turn facilitates the flourishing of terrorism and criminal business alike.
Keywords: economics, security, conflicts, separatism, terrorism, criminality, mafia, basks, ETA, Spain
Poltorakov, A.Y..
Political and systemic aspects
of security of post-industrial society.
// National Security.
2009. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.2.56642 URL:
In the XXI century the problem of guarantees for security as a social and political problem is more and more completed by social and cultural element, which has to do with both the formation of the postindustrial state, and the complications of social and political being. The state remains the key social institutions, which guarantees security in the modern state. At the same time the phenomenon of “privatization of security” grows as well. While the importance of social security is recognized, the views on its social and political parameters vary.
Keywords: sociology, security, politics, postindustrial, culture, violence, values, society, privatization, risk
Ivanova, D.I..
Anti-terrorism policy of the UN and the strategy of control over the international terrorism.
// National Security.
2009. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.1.56217 URL:
As the author of this article points out, the key role for international control over terrorism is set for the consistent and reconciled anti-terrorism strategy of the states. The agreement of states is crucial for formation of international legal norms, therefore so is the efficiency of activities of the international organizations, which attempt to control terrorism, as well as the efficiency of the security services in this sphere.
Keywords: terrorism, anti-terrorism strategy, international law, control, the UN, politic, policy, double standards, security services