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(Published in «SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences» ¹2, 2016)
In the opinions of T. I. Gulyaeva, O. V. Sidorenko, V. V. Smirnova and other scientists, the principal elements of food strategy should be the following:
In Russia, none of the aforementioned components is fully implemented. Moreover, the actual consumption of absolutely all types of food products does not correspond with the scientifically proven norms (Table 1).
- Physical access to food products – presence of required amount and assortment of food products throughout the country in correspondence with the established norms of consumption;
- Affordability of food – level of income that would allow purchasing sufficient amount of food products to meet at least the minimum consumption level;
- Food safety for consumers, prevention of manufacturing and sales of substandard food products that could be harmful to the health of the population.
(Published in "SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" ¹2, 2016)
If the existence ofsecularization is almost uncontested – at least with the developed countries – its interpretations are a different story.There are numerous interpretations of secularization, advanced by sociologists, theologians, philosophers,andpolitical scientist.Almost all of them have contributed to the understanding of the phenomenon, since several different factors have contributed to the erosion of political importance of religion (and the Church),as well as to the secularization on individual level (erosion of observation of religious practices, values, and beliefs) or what we can refer to as secularization of minds. more »
(Published in "SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" ¹4, 2015)
Many authors, both Russian and Western, have attempted to identify those peculiarities of Russia and its inhabitants, as well as to reveal its roots by comparing them with the Western countries and their citizens. Some of them determined that those peculiarities are of cultural origin and could be explained by religious or climatogeografic factors (Lebedev, Maksimovitch 2015), while others emphasized the institutional factor (role of the state) (Rozenova 2015). We believe that the institutional factors do not play as big of a role as the cultural factors in profoundly feudalistic societies, which Russia was until the end of the XIX century, whereas it would be wrong to reject the influence of the state (institutional thesis) on social capital, economy, and identity of its citizens, since it is axiomatic that the totalitarian states (such as Russia under the Communist rule) are so invasive into the personal and social life of the individual, that such factor could not be rejected. Thus, a historical research of the socioeconomic peculiarities, as well as of the political influence, is necessary in order to understand why Russia and its inhabitants seem to be so different from the Western countries and their citizens. more »
(Published in «SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences» ¹4, 2015)
The important question for “transitology” is the question about the influence of one or another institution upon the formation or strengthening of democracy, including discussion about the advantages and flaws of the presidential, parliamentary, and mix model. In Russia, the form of governing is the presidential-parliamentary republic, a local version of which is often referred to by science as “superpresidentialism” – a system, in which the president possesses extraordinary authority, which impede a successful “democratic transition” [5, 3-20]. At the same time, it is impossible for the population of the country not to have a certain attitude towards the forming institutions of power, president, and socio-political reality. The nuances of the public opinion of the developing Russian democracy did not escape the attention of the foreign sociological researches. As a result, based on the example of little-studied surveys of public opinion conducted by foreign authors, an attempt is made in this article to show their view upon the population’s perception of the office and persona of the president, and what effect did the “strong persona” had on the development of the country’s political system. This article examines the research conducted in cooperation with the Russian Institute of Sociology RAS (T. Colton, V. Zimmerman, M. McFaul, H. Hale; The Russian Election Studies series – RES), surveys by the Pew Research Center, and others that analyze the mood of the Russian population towards the political system and state institutions. The timeframe of the post-Soviet Russia defined in this work falls on the period between the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the end of the second presidential term of Vladimir Putin in 2008. more »
(published in «PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal» ¹2, 2015)
Alongside Magnus Lindberg, Jukka Tiensuu, and Tapio Tuomela, Saariaho represents contemporary Finnish school of composers. But its music has long spread beyond the Finnish borders. Saariaho’s compositions sound at almost all major festivals; their premieres are held across the globe, performed by some of the greatest musicians and bands.
Saariaho’s work is fairly broad and diverse in the genre sense. It contains 3 operas, oratorio, ballet, over 15 orchestra compositions, around 40 vocal compilations, among which are choral compositions, soloists with orchestra, choir with orchestra, soloists and ensembles, chamber compositions for various instrumental ensembles, including electronic elements, as well as several electronic and sound installations. more »
All articles are written in both Russian and English. The journal is available online in our library.
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Metadata is now available for ICM - Interdisciplinary center for mathematical and computational modelling, Warsaw University
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The second issue of "Sententia. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences" is available online!
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