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«Administrative and municipal law» (18+)

№ 3, 2024
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

This issue is currently being formed. All articles presented on this page have already been included in this issue, are considered published, and will remain unchanged in the final version of the issue along with other metadata of the articles.
Founder: Dr. Danilenko Vasiliy,
Main editor: Uvarov Aleksandr Anatol'evich - doktor yuridicheskikh nauk, Vserossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet yustitsii Sochinskiy filial, professor, Mezhdunarodnyy innovatsionnyy universitet, professor, 354000, Rossiya, Krasnodarskiy kray, g. Sochi, Dagomysskaya ul., 42,
Administrative law, municipal law and institutes of democracy
P. 1 - 18
Contents details