International relations
Bocharnikov, I.V.
On the state ideology of Russia
// International relations.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 22-27.
Bocharnikov, I.V. On the state ideology of Russia
The year 2012 is a year of symbolic anniversaries for Russia. First of all, it is the year of the 400th anniversary of the Time
of Troubles, which was the greatest systemic crisis of the Russian statehood. The destructive processes and riots took
over most of the territory of Russia, and they were strengthened by the foreign intervention, and the further existence
of Russian state was an open question at that time. The aim of its opponents was not only to win, but also to put Russia
down by establishing the rule of impostors. The question was whether Russia would remain as an independent state
or as a colonial borderline of the neighboring states.
political science, international relations, ideology, Russia, politics, state, Constitution, political regime.
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