World politics
Manoylo, A.V. (2013). Syria and Iran in the US politics: the Libyan scenario repeated. International relations, 1, 4–12.
This article presents the results of analysis of possible causes of growing tension in the situation regarding Iran, as well
as of the practice of application of the modern technologies for the management of political conflicts in Syria by the
USA. Many characteristic features and traces of application of such technologies allow one to say that the colored revolution
in Syria, as well as the managed escalation of conflict with Iran are the links of the same operation, which is held
by the USA in order to reformat the Middle East.
Libya, Syria, Iran, fig revolutions, national security, foreign policy, international conflict, conflict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
Concepts of political structure of the world
Gusher, A.I. (2013). The geopolitical picture of the modern world. International relations, 1, 13–21.
The modern world is characterized by the vast global variety and contradictive character of various economic, political
processes, etc. So it becomes hard for many people to understand in which direction their country and the global civilization
are moving, what their goals and moving forces are, what facilitates or prevents the movement, what challenges
and threats may be faced by individuals, society and state in a month, a year, or several years, as opposed to the greater
perspective. Such is peculiarity of our time. Now, when the information technologies rule, the horizons of image of
the world in the eyes of a person are at the same time widened and unclear, so he often lacks time to comprehend and
analyze the stream of information, to make the right conclusions.
international law, international relations, politics, global order, conflict, threats, stability, political forecast.
Russian foreign policy
Bocharnikov, I.V. (2013). On the state ideology of Russia. International relations, 1, 22–27.
The year 2012 is a year of symbolic anniversaries for Russia. First of all, it is the year of the 400th anniversary of the Time
of Troubles, which was the greatest systemic crisis of the Russian statehood. The destructive processes and riots took
over most of the territory of Russia, and they were strengthened by the foreign intervention, and the further existence
of Russian state was an open question at that time. The aim of its opponents was not only to win, but also to put Russia
down by establishing the rule of impostors. The question was whether Russia would remain as an independent state
or as a colonial borderline of the neighboring states.
political science, international relations, ideology, Russia, politics, state, Constitution, political regime.
Russian foreign policy
Bunevich, D.S. (2013). Policy of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.V. Kozyrev and E.M. Primakov on Poland:
comparative analysis. International relations, 1, 28–30.
The article is devoted to the process of formation and development of the Russian-Polish relations in 1990s. Based on
the comparative analysis the author comes to a conclusion that there was certain continuity between the foreign policies
of the Ministers A.V. Kozyrev and E.M. Primakov towards the Eastern Europe. The author comes to a conclusion that
after 1993 A.V. Kozyrev abandoned the idealistic approach and made the foreign policy of Russia more pragmatic. This
political line was continued and strengthened by E.M. Primakov.
political science, Poland, Russia, Primakov, Kozyrev, NATO, OSCE, politics, international relations, conflicts.
Russian foreign policy
Panteleev, O.E. (2013). Russian statehood and integration processes in the Eurasian territory. International relations, 1, 31–36.
The current year was announced the Year of Russian History, and this is a good reason to think about the modern
problems from the standpoint of formation and development of the Russian statehood, which was always characterized
by national unity. For many centuries Russia has been providing its protection to various tribes and peoples of the
vast Eurasian space – from the Western borders to the Chukotka and from the Northern Arctic Ocean to Kushka, while
preserving cultural and language identity of these tribes and people. As a rule the Russian assigned governors knew
languages and habits of their territories of Russia (or later the USSR), and considerable financial, material and intellectual
resources were put into the economic and social development of the annexed territories.
political science, international relations, ideology, Russia, statehood, integration, post-Soviet territory, the CIS, politics, economics.
Political stability
Stepanova, E.N. (2013). Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan and the female electors. International relations, 1, 37–49.
The article includes analysis of the current political opposition in Taiwan, the elective strategy of the DPP, and the
electoral behavior, as well as the factors, which influenced the results of the recent elections of 2012 in the isle. How
correctly shall the political position of the DPP towards the mainland be formed? Shall it be the decisive factor for
the victory of the DPP in the coming Presidential elections? The relations between the Taiwan and the mainland
China shall serve as an indicator for positive and negative tendencies for the Eastern Asian region and the global
world as a whole.
political science, international relations, politics, Taiwan, conflicts, interests, DRC, elections, parties.
Regional configurations of international relations
Vinogradova, E.A. (2013). The “turn left” in the Latin America: evaluations by the European mass media. International relations, 1, 50–54.
The European mass media are the key sources of formation of the social opinion on the ALBA states. Currently the mass
media have became one of the strongest means for the political mobilization. In this article the author attempts to
provide systematic analysis of the leading mass media in the EU in order to show the perspectives and difficulties of the
foreign political relations between the ALBA and the EU. When working with mass media sources, one should keep in
mind, that they always act within the frameworks of limitations and pressures from their owners, editors and economic
interests. Additionally, while evaluating the discussion of international news by the European mass media (and more
specifically, the news regarding the ALBA states), one should keep in mind, that currently most European mass media,
such as the British The Guardian, Italian Liberazione, La Repubblica, French l’Humanité, Le Monde diplomatique,
Libération, Spanish El País, are Leftist and Liberal in their views.
political science, Latin America, “turn left”, mass media, politics, Bolivarian initiative, conflicts, international relations, national interests, values.
Regional configurations of international relations
Kostyukhin, A.A. (2013). The Western expert evaluations on possibilities and perspectives of military cooperation with
the Central Asian states. International relations, 1, 55–79.
The Central Asian region which includes the former USSR republics and currently independent states of Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan has became one of the most important centers for the geo-strategic
interests of the states of global influence in the last decade of XX century and early XXI century. This region attracts
more and more attention from the politicians, scientists, and military strategists. This is due first of all to its geopolitical
positions, as well as to its natural riches, such as oil and gas. Turkmenistan possesses vast amounts of oil, gas, rock
and potash salt, non-ferrous and rare earth metals. Uzbekistan has natural gas, brown and black coal, gold, copper,
wolfram, bismuth, oil. Kazakhstan has uranium, lead, zinc, chrome, gold, copper, oil, iron, bismuth, molybdenum and
bauxites, manganese. Kirgizia has gold, mercury, black coal, oil and gas, as well as antimony.
Tajikistan has uranium, oil and gas. Most of the states of this region hold leading positions in Asia on production of
electric energy, chemical production, metal production.
political science, international relations, Central Asia, military cooperation, conflicts, the NATO, the USA, security, national interests, politics.
Neimatova, A.Y. (2013). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the new public diplomacy. International relations, 1, 80–85.
The modern time gives rise to novel realities. One of topical modern matters is the new public diplomacy, which presupposes
more active work with the social opinion, as well as constant dialogue with the foreign targeted audiences.
Such a format of communications is impossible without new communication technologies. Russia is now entering the
path of modernization of public diplomacy and use of social media. The author views achievements and difficulties,
which the Russian diplomacy is facing in this sphere.
political science, international relations, foreign policy, national security, image of the state, national branding, public diplomacy, Russia, the MFA, values.
Challenges and threats to international security
Zhuravel, V.P. (2013). Current state of affairs and tendencies in fighting terrorism in Russia in 2008-2012. International relations, 1, 86–91.
Terrorism in the variety of its forms is regarded as one of the most pressing global problems in the modern world. From
the 1990s on this threat touches upon Russia as well. Terrorism is a threat to the national security of our state, its national
interests, no matter if its sources are domestic or transnational extremist and terrorist organizations, which wish
to influence the political processes in Russia, while using various ethnic, political and religious slogans.
political science, Russia, extremism, terrorism, security, political stability, politics, the Northern Caucasus, the anti-terrorist operation, ideology.
International conflicts
Petrenko, A.I. (2013). The Syrian Gambit. International relations, 1, 92–95.
The stability of the regime of Asad in Syria may be amazing to some people. While the authoritarian regime in Tunisia
held for some weeks, and the regime of Moubarac in Egypt held for a little more than a month, Colonel Gaddafi fought
the pressure of the insurgents and the NATO bombings for about 6 months, the regime of Asad hold on in spite of the
sanctions, which last for more than a year, NATO bombings for about 6 months, armed riots in Dayr – az- Zawr and Hims
and the help of the Syrian opposition from Turkey and Qatar. Moreover, judging by the demonstrations in Damask, this
regime is supported by the people. The survival of this regime should be viewed within the larger context of the situation
in the Middle East, as well as partially within the context of relations of the Arabian states and Iran.
international law, international relations, foreign policy, the global order, crisis, conflict, threats, security, confrontation.
Psychology of international relations
Sedykh, N.S. (2013). Terrorism and global modern risks: psychological and political analysis. International relations, 1, 96–102.
The article includes analysis of terrorism within the context of the modern globalization processes, as well as information
threats and psychological threats. The author views social, psychological and political prerequisites of terrorism
in the modern situation, as well as the influence of the global risks on the terrorist activities. The author then analyzes
specific expressions of terrorist aggression within the context of information and psychological influence, then the
author shows the perspectives for the further studies of the problem.
political science, terrorism, society, risk, threat, security, globalization, influence, information, communications.