Law and Politics
Shugrina, E.S.
State stipends and the measures of material support for the
student: their definitions and types.
// Law and Politics.
2012. ¹ 10.
P. 1646-1655.
Shugrina, E.S. State stipends and the measures of material support for the
student: their definitions and types.
This article is devoted to the deÞ nition and types of stipends,
which are paid in accordance with the existing legislation and
under the draft of the Federal Law on Education. The measures
of stipend support are correlated to the measures of social and
material support. The author also studies the measures of
material support, which are provided for the students, whose
education is budget-funded or self-funded (commercial).
jurisprudence, academic stipend, social stipend, education, higher education, material support, social support, typical provisions, stipend support, Bachelor
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