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Administrative and municipal law
Mayorov V.I. (2016). On the formation of administrative judicial law in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 854–858.
Mayorov V.I. On the formation of administrative judicial law in the Russian FederationAbstract: The article reveals the process of formation of administrative judicial law in the Russian Federation. This process is inextricably connected with the realization of the constitutional provision on administrative legal proceedings as one of the forms of realization of judicial authority. In this context, the recodification of the current procedural legislation and the adoption of the Administrative Procedure Rules in 2005 were among the most important conditions of the formation of administrative judicial law. The author concludes that the adoption of the Administrative Procedure Rules leads to the establishment of a new paradigm of administrative justice in Russia, to the formation of independent administrative legal proceedings. The author considers the problem of the administrative judicial law system as a forming branch of law. The author defines the administrative judicial law structuring criteria. The author concludes about the importance of the Administrative Procedure Rules which had legitimated the administrative judicial law fundamentals, corresponding with the standards of the rule-of-law state. The research methodology is based on the recent achievements in epistemology. The author applies general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation and modeling), traditional methods of jurisprudence (formal-logical), and the methods of special sociological research (statistical, expert assessments, etc.). The author concludes that at present, in order to establish the administrative justice institution, many things should be done, particularly, it is necessary to improve the quality of various administrative and procedural means of adjudication of cases. The author states the necessity to improve the procedural regulation of adjudication of administrative cases. Keywords: decision, adjudication, procedure, process, Constitution, justice, court, proceedings, power, law
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