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International relations
Karpovich O.G. (2016). Comparative analysis of federalism in Australia and Canada. International relations, 1, 13–17.
Karpovich O.G. Comparative analysis of federalism in Australia and CanadaAbstract: This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of federalism in Australia and Canada. The research object is the modern federalism as the organizing principle of the Union State and the federal structure of Australia and Canada. The research subject is the similarities and differences in the models of the Federation of Australia (Commonwealth of Australia) and Canada (which is a constitutional monarchy and, at the same time, a federal state). The purpose of the research is to identify the major similarities and differences between the models of federal state in Australia and Canada.The methodological basis of the research is the system, structural and functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.The author draws attention to the fact that federalism in Australia, as opposed to federalism in Canada, is more harmonious and balanced, despite the similar conditions of states creating and taking into account their common colonial past. At the same time, the Australian federalism is characterized by a number of paradoxes which differ the Australian model from the Canadian one and condition its internal inconsistency. Keywords: geopolitics, federalism, world policy, global instability, international relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, risks
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