Question at hand
Manoylo A.V. (2016). On the creation of the Federal Centre for Color Revolutions Monitoring. International relations, 1, 4–6.
The paper considers the concept of creation in the Russian Federation of a state system of color revolutions prevention both in the country and abroad, in the CIS, and on the territory of the Eurasian and Customs Unions. The aim of the study is to define the organizational and functional structure, the aims, tasks and the main directions of the activities of the centre for color revolutions monitoring, prevention and combating in the Russian Federation and on the Eurasian political space. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional, comparative-political methods, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The concept of creation of the centre for color revolutions prevention is elaborated in accordance with the new edition of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation of 31 December 2015 (Presidential Decree No 537 of 12 May 2009) enumerating the color revolutions threat among the priority threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. The centre should focus on the monitoring of the color revolutions preparation signs, the system of color revolutions prevention, the system of early detection and fast response to color revolutions and attempts to organize them, and the permanent system of color revolutions prevention, including a wide range of general and specific methods. The author pays attention to the fact that the color revolutions threat is becoming urgent not only in Russia, where the western agents and the non-system opposition are becoming more active, but also in Syria, where Russia is carrying out an anti-terrorist operation together with the Syrian Arab Republic armed forces, due to the process of conflict settlement and preparation for general election which results had always been used by color revolutions political engineers as a pretext for mass protest actions.
diplomacy, international relations, US foreign policy, world policy, Russia, political system, interests, state, security, color revolutions
Theory and methodology of international relations
Karyakin V.V. (2016). The chaos and order dychotomy - an environment of self-organizing mechanisms of modern international systems formation. International relations, 1, 7–12.
The article is devoted to the synergetics as a theoretical basis of the political science. The author notes the appearance of the global information space, in which the technologies of info-physiological influence on human mentality are applied in the forms of people’s protest movement. Social medium obtained an absolutely new quality, transforming from the critical opposition to the functioning authority to the highly explosive substance. In this situation the external actors of international policy serve as a fuse, acting with the aim to transform the political regime. The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural-functional, and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The contemporary political processes, taking place in different regions, raise the topical task of synergetic vision of socio-political processes and development of the new methodology of analysis and forecasting its dynamics, based on the self-organization principles of societal systems and the creation of new and effective control mechanisms.
socio-political processes, synergetic vision, technologies, global information space, synergetics in political science, self-organization, interests, state, sequrity, USA
World politics
Karpovich O.G. (2016). Comparative analysis of federalism in Australia and Canada. International relations, 1, 13–17.
This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of federalism in Australia and Canada. The research object is the modern federalism as the organizing principle of the Union State and the federal structure of Australia and Canada. The research subject is the similarities and differences in the models of the Federation of Australia (Commonwealth of Australia) and Canada (which is a constitutional monarchy and, at the same time, a federal state). The purpose of the research is to identify the major similarities and differences between the models of federal state in Australia and Canada.The methodological basis of the research is the system, structural and functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.The author draws attention to the fact that federalism in Australia, as opposed to federalism in Canada, is more harmonious and balanced, despite the similar conditions of states creating and taking into account their common colonial past. At the same time, the Australian federalism is characterized by a number of paradoxes which differ the Australian model from the Canadian one and condition its internal inconsistency.
geopolitics, federalism, world policy, global instability, international relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, risks
World politics
Shestopal E.B., Gubchenko V.A., Davydov S.V., Dzhamaludinov Sh.Z., Dzhgamadze K.B., Levashkina A.A., Marudina Yu.A., Rogozar' A.I., Tumysov I.A. (2016). The EU in the eyes of the contemporary Russian society. International relations, 1, 18–36.
The study is carried out by the department of sociology and psychology of politics of the faculty of political science of Moscow State University. The research is focused on the image of the EU as it is apprehended by the Russian citizens in the period of straining relations between Russia and the EU. The authors have carried out the survey and offered the respondents to answer the following questions: Do you consider the EU as a partner, an enemy, or a friend of Russia? Do you consider the EU as a strong and effective actor on the international scene? How do you estimate the anti-Russian sanctions of the EU? The analysis of the answers led the authors to the particular conclusions. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of political sociology and political psychology, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The image of the EU is notable for its ambivalence and instability. The main conclusion lies in the fact that most respondents consider the EU as a strong but a gradually weakening under the American influence “decorative union”. The image has the signs of ageing. Most people see the EU as a partner. But many respondents are disappointed in it as in a partner, and think that it is unreliable and unfaithful. Approximately a quarter of the respondents consider the EU as an enemy, and only a small number of people see it as a friend. At the same time, the respondents don’t see the alternative to good neighbourly relations and partnership in future. Moreover, most respondents see Russia as a part of Europe.
perception, images, Russia, European Union, Russian citizens, sanctions, international scene, state, security, risks
World politics
Kashulin D.A. (2016). Trans-Pacific Partnership: reasons of creation and possible political consequences. International relations, 1, 37–42.
The research object is Trans-Pacific Partnership, the research subject is the reasons and the aims of creating a new trade block. The aim of the study is to outline the possible political and economic consequences of the emergence of a new large regional association for the world economy and politics. The author studies the history of the Partnership’s creation, the set of its member-states and their interests, according to the promulgated text of the treaty and the analysis of the existing balance of power in the region. Special attention is paid to the USA as an initiator of the new block and its “Pacific shift” and the countries whose interests are affected but not taken into account – China and Russia. The research methodology is based on the historical, system, and comparative-political methods, political and economic analysis, the methods of induction, deduction, and observation. The author notes that the USA have launched the shift in the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region aimed at the weakening of their main rival in the region, China, and at the preservation of a unipolar world and financial system based on the American currency. The creation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership may lead to the split of the region into the opposing blocks and to the escalation of tensions.
Trans-Pacific Partnership, world economy, international relations, territorial conflicts, geopolitics, cooperation, transport corridor, transnational corporations, international trade regulations, international monetary system
World politics
Kolomatskaya D.A. (2016). Ways of development of far-left parties in the EU member-states. International relations, 1, 43–49.
The paper is devoted to the contemporary far-left parties in the EU member-states and their comparison. The research object is far-left parties in the European countries. The research subject is the ways of their transformation since the late 1980s till the present. The paper is aimed at studying the modern condition of far-left parties in the countries of the European Union and their prospects. The author defines a far-left party, describes the factors which influenced the way of its development and promoted the electoral success of the European far-left parties. The research methodology is based on the comparative method; the author also applies the analysis of the scientific literature in this sphere, party documents and election results. In the last 25 years European far-left parties have experienced the period of crisis and transformation. By the present moment they’ve managed to adapt to the new conditions and to fine their niche within the European party systems. Several types of far-left parties have formed. They still need to analyze the new social phenomena and processes and to develop the modern programme which would reflect the ideas about radical but realizable transformations to form the society which would be an alternative to the existing one.
far-left parties, European Union, communist parties, radical left, left socialist parties, left, political parties, ecosocialist parties, post-communist parties, far-left paties
World politics
Boyarkina O.A. (2016). Evolution of the U.S. strategy in Central Asia. International relations, 1, 50–54.
The paper considers the new tactics of the U.S. foreign policy strategy in relation to Central Asian states in the context of the change of the international geopolitical situation and the strengthening of Russia’s position on the global scene. The research subject is the influence of the American geopolitical strategy on the condition and development of state-to-state relations of the U.S. and Central Asian states and political stability in this region. The author evaluates the American tactics of “nonpublic diplomacy” and the new form of state-to-state interaction between the United States and Central Asia. The author applies the system-functional approach and event-analysis of foreign policy activities of the Unites States in Central Asia. The author concludes that the U.S. are aspiring to strengthen their positions in Central Asia, offering the states the new format of international interaction. Taking into account the increased strategic importance of Central Asian region and the successes of Russia’s diplomacy and the increase of Russia’s political influence in the world, the United States consider Central Asia as a strategically important region for implementing their national interests.
international relations, U.S. foreign policy strategy, national interests, Big Central Asia, New Silk Road, political stability, national safety, Central Asian region, C5+1 format
World politics
Khauer-Tyukarkina O.M., Setov N.R. (2016). The factor of power in the EU’s foreign policy. International relations, 1, 55–65.
The factor of power is an important prerequisite of the EU’s competitiveness as a global actor and its stability. The authors analyze the power factor transformation in the EU’s policy since the creation of the common European project till the present time; define the role of the factor of power and its aspects (“hard power”, “soft power”, “normative power”) in the contemporary foreign policy of the EU; consider the main instruments of implementation of the power potential of the Union as a global political and economic actor. The authors apply the historical method, comparative analysis, discourse analysis and other general scientific research methods. The paper reveals the transformation character of the power factor in the foreign policy strategy of the EU and defines the role of the factor of power and its aspects (“hard” and “soft” power) in the contemporary foreign policy of the EU. The historical analysis if the stages of the power factor transforming in the common European policy shows that the EU’s foreign policy is based on “soft power” reflecting the values and the ideals typical for the European sociocultural and political life. In spite of the fact that “soft power” is the key source of authority for the EU, based on the cultural and civilizational code and the normative power, in strategic and geopolitical issues the EU actively applies the instruments of “hard” power copying the foreign policy “habitus” of the national state.
soft power, hard power, normative power, EU, European Union, factor of power, foreign policy of the EU, smart power, political realism, political idealism
Regional configurations of international relations
Karpov G.A. (2016). The EU migration crisis and the prospects of British immigration policy. International relations, 1, 66–73.
The paper analyzes the roots of the 2015 immigration crisis in the EU and briefly describes the dynamics of the events. The author generalizes the results of the study of the Conservative Party’s immigration policy of 2010 – 2015, the main measures, and the prospects of this policy. The author studies immigration situation in Great Britain in 2010 – 2014: its dynamics, the regions and countries of migratory flows, the main ways of entering the country. Special attention is paid to the role of the migration issue and the problem of Britain’s membership of the EU in the internal political competition before and after the parliamentary election of May 2015. The research methodology is based on the problem-historical and structural-functional approaches, the methods of comparative analysis, observation, synthesis, and deduction. British authorities are not willing to stick to the all-European practice of refugees acceptance, and are planning to pursue their own immigration policy oriented towards the protection of national interests. It should be taken into account that the British economy needs for the continuous labour migrants inflow, and migration is admitted unavoidable. The Conservative Party hadn’t revised their immigration policy in 2010 – 2014, and in the late 2014 they admitted the failure of the policy aimed at the significant decrease of immigration. Probably, in 2016 – 2017 the ruling party will also confine itself to half measures and populist promises. At present it is hard to evaluate all possible consequences of the ongoing immigration crisis in the EU. But even if Britain retains its membership of the EU after the referendum of 23 June 2016, we may state that Western Europe is facing the age of large-scale internal and external changes with unpredictable results.
world policy, David Cameron, Syria, refugees, migration, Great Britain, EU, international relations, the Conservative Party, global instability
Challenges and threats to international security
Kholodkova N.V. (2016). Political tactics of the modern terrorist structures functioning: “Al-Qaeda” and “The Islamic State” comparative analysis. International relations, 1, 74–79.
The paper is aimed at carrying out the comparative analysis of the two largest terrorist organizations – Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State by means of studying the political practice of their functioning. The research object is the terrorist structures, and the research subject is the comparison of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State according to their similarities and differences. Special attention is paid to the concept of terrorism, the peculiarities of the contemporary terrorist organizations, the history of development and the structure of the groups under discussion, and the results of their terrorist activities. The research methodology is based on the comparative analysis of terrorist organizations revealing their similarities and differences according to eight positions. The author applies the structural functional general methodological approach to the consideration of the elements of these organizations, their functions and interdependencies. The author applies the following empirical methods: analysis of documents and the secondary analysis of statistical data. On the base of the comparative study the author analyzes the development of the phenomenon of terrorism using the particular examples. The author concludes that Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State are very much alike in the object of struggle and some methods of recruiting, have common types of sources of financing and the origins of the military activists, and have the almost equal number of recruiters in different countries. But they differ in the type of organization, the character of actions, the territory of spread and the ideas about the possibility of the soonest coming of Islamic caliphate.
terrorism, terrorist organizations, Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, comparative analysis, genesis, institutional peculiarities, development trends, threats, international safety
Clash of civilizations
Bocharnikov I.V. (2016). On the Eurasian geopolitical strategy of Russia. International relations, 1, 80–85.
The article explains the prospects of the Eurasian geopolitical vector of Russian development.It is largely determined, on the one hand, by the traditionally hostile attitude of the leading European countries towards Russia. Over a long historical practice, the Russia's potential had been used to ensure the security of European countries; at the same time, these countries pursued the policy of weakening of Russia, and imposing the maximum damage on it, including its involvement in wars and armed conflicts. A similar kind of policy is carried out in relation to the Russian Federation by the United States and its European (NATO) allies. It demonstrates the futility of efforts to build mutually beneficial relations with European countries and the United States as a result of the reluctance on the part of the latter.The methodological basis of the research is the system, structural and functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.Taking into account that Russia is a Eurasian state, it is necessary the use this circumstance for its effective development.The author of the paper defines the most promising directions of the Eurasian vector of Russian development and the preconditions of its formation, establishment, and practical implementation.
geopolitics, Russia, world policy, US foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, color revolutions
Issues of war and peace
Zverev P.G. (2016). On the issue of the legal status of combatants and non-combatants. International relations, 1, 86–91.
The article is devoted to the comparative study of the legal status of combatants and non-combatants from the position of international humanitarian law and from the point of view of Russian and foreign international law doctrine. Special attention is paid to differences in the legal status of these persons in land, sea and air warfare. The weak positions of the Russian and foreign international law specialists in an attempt to distinguish these categories of eligible participants of armed conflicts are observed. The provisions of the 1949 Geneva conventions and their Additional protocols of 1977 are analyzed. The objective of this study is to determine the qualitative feature, which may help to delineate clearly the legal status of combatants and non-combatants in international and internal armed conflicts.The research is based on a combination of specific historical, comparative-legal, formal-legal and political-legal methods.The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) combatants should in any circumstances distinguish themselves from the civilian population; 2) non-combatants are entitled to use their weapons only for self-defense or the protection of the property and persons entrusted to them; 3) non-combatants should include only the medical staff and clergy, all other categories of eligible participants of armed conflict are considered to be combatants. The novelty of the research is that the position of the Russian international law specialists on the question is described for the first time in comparative perspective in English.
Russian doctrine, clergy, medical personnel, war, legal position, non-combatant, combatant, armed conflict, Geneva conventions, Additional protocols
International conflicts
Filippov V.R. (2016). Chad: war of all against all. International relations, 1, 92–105.
Using the method of historical reconstruction, the author shows the latent causes and the neo-colonial character of the civil war in the Republic of Chad - one of the longest and the bloodiest conflicts in Africa in the post-colonial period. Comprehensive analysis of the little-known historical sources (materials of judicial and investigative journalism, evidences of well-known politicians and diplomats) allows finding out the motives and goals of many different actors of the political process in the domestic and international conflict, and estimating the perspectives of future conflict resolution. The research methodology comprises the system, structural-functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and observation. The author focuses on clarifying the role of France in the civil war in Chad outbreak, and on its policy (the "Françafrique" policy) towards other countries involved in military operations - the United States, Libya, Sudan. The author demonstrates the close connection between the events in the Republic of Chad and the war in Darfur. The study substantiates the statement that the Fifth Republic has inspired and has been supporting for a long time interconfessional and interracisl confrontation in order to maintain the economic and political preferences of Paris in this uranium-rich and strategically important region. The study was funded by RHF project number 15-01-00363, "External interference in the internal affairs of the countries of the" third world "in an era of the "Cold War ": the experience of multilevel analysis".
geopolitics, corruption perception index, world policy, global instability, socio-political processes, diplomacy, interests, state, security, risks
Neymatov A.Ya. (2016). Modern color revolutions in the context of the scientific-technological approach. International relations, 1, 106–110.
The subject of this research is the modern knowledge and understanding of the nature of color revolutions, as well as the discussions over this phenomenon in the Russian and foreign science. The author draws attention to the fact that in the late XXth - the early XXIst century the new forms and methods of organizing take-overs, based on the use of methods of "soft power" - the so-called color revolutions, emerge. The author examines in detail a color revolution from the positions of the two alternative approaches - as a phenomenon and as a technology, agreeing with the opinion of the Russian experts, who believe that a modern color revolution is a technology of a take-over and main tool of political regimes dismantle which is based on the youth protest movement clashing with the authority under nationalist slogans. The signal to launch the technologies of color revolutions is the elections - the most convenient and the classic pretext involving the initiation of mass protests on the wave of allegations put forward by the opposition about the massive electoral fraud. This is the most classic pretext that had been used in color revolutions in Serbia, in the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Revolution of Roses in Georgia and in many other countries - the habitual and well-tested method, a cliché, a "democratic pattern." The methodological basis of the research is a system, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The Russian expert community today maintains two opposite points of view about the nature of color revolutions, which are expressed in the existence of the two hypotheses: phenomenological (which considers a color revolution as a phenomenon) and technological (which considers a color revolution as an instrument of political influence and as a political technology). The aim of this study is to identify the forms and methods of organizing and conducting color revolutions in the world.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, policy, values, security
Orekhov A.A. (2016). On the causes of M. Morsi's government collapse in Egypt. International relations, 1, 111–115.
The research subject is the causes of the military coup of 3 July 2013 in Egypt that led to Morsi's islamic government collapse. The author studies the political and social effects of the "Arab Spring". The paper analyzes the critical points of islamic opposition' pre-election programme, and the causes of its support by the population; the measures of M. Morsi's islamic government' internal and external policy are reviewed using the concrete examples. Special attention is paid to the contents of the 2012 constitution.The research methodology comprises the complex historical and political analysis, based on different sources, of the military coup in Egypt prerequisites.The author comes to the conclusion about the reasons for the reaction of the army leadership and the population on the islamic government's policy, which led to the military coup. The study shows the roots of the reasons of the 3 July 2013 coup. They consist in the unsuccsessful domestic politics of the islamic government together with its insufficient foreign politics.
islamism, islamic opposition, Muslim Brothers, the Freedom and Justice party, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brothers constitution, egypt, consequences of the Arab Spring, Egyptian Army, Military Coup