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Philology: scientific researches

Asadova A.Yu., Razduev A.V. Eponymy in Digital Photography and Nanotechnology Terminology: a Contrastive-Comparative Aspect

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of eponymic terminological units of the spheres of digital photography and nanotechnologies in the contrastive-comparative aspect. It considers a short story of appearance of the term «eponym», the morphological and syntactic structure and from the point of view of anthropocentrism the word-formative models of eponymic terms as terminological units formed with the help of proper names. It is stated that the majority of such terminological units are correlated with the surnames of scientists who participated in the creation and development of any special objects, who made a certain discovery in the fields in question. A complex method of research is applied which includes definitional, contextual types of analysis, method of continuous selection of terms. Digital photography and nanotechnology terminologies, despite some distinctions in their nature and peculiarities of term-derivation in the Russian and English languages, are no exception. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of spelling of eponymic terms with small and capital letters in both languages, as well as to the abbreviating of onymic and appellative components. The authors come to the conclusion of the significance of eponymic terms in the spheres of digital photography and nanotechnologies, despite their relatively small amount in the analyzed terminological systems. Eponymic terms of the spheres of digital photography and nanotechnologies in the modern Russian and English languages are characterized by the different morphological-syntactic structure, the presence of eponymic and non-eponymic synonymic terms, a clearly expressed tendency to abbreviation.


eponymy, terminological unit, terminology, terminological system, proper name, digital photography, terminological element, nanotechnologies, eponymic term, word-formative model

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