Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). 'Is there Anything Not in My Power?' (Experience of One Emotional Storyboarding). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 288–291. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67366
The purpose of the research is to analyse the monologue of Philip the baron in Alexander Pushkin's tragedy 'The Miserable Knight'. Pushkin's little tragedies are enormously rich in psychological findings. As a branch of science, psychology was only about to be born, but a true genius does not need to read books. He looks into the nature of personalities and human passions. Pushkin fearlessly reveals the duality of human feelings. He demonstrates that one emotional state may insensibly turn into the opposite emotion which was hidden at the bottom of the triumphant feeling. The feeling of unlimited power creates fear and uncertain sensation of a catastrophe in the baron's heart. The fear as it is is distinguished from the awe which is a deeper emotional state unexplainable by logic when 'it is both fear and pleasure'. It is not an accident that Albert addresses to the moneylender with a paradoxical greeting: 'Damn Jude, honorable Solomon'. In his research Gurevich has usedthe methods of psychological and linguistic analysis such as decoding of ambivalent human feelings, analysis of emotional states and the character's speech. Gurevich also appeals to modern Pushkin studies and makes an attempt to carry out his own storyboarding of the monologue of the Miserable Knight from Pushkin's little tragedy. The author also tries to actualize the message of the poem and to define paradoxical logic of feelings. At the same time, in his article Gurevich tries to illustrate the Miserable Knight's speech with references to modern psychology. Thus, analysis of the little tragedy's content is included into the phenomenology of people's sensible world.
Pushkin studies, little tragedies, richness, power, passion, fear, awe, feelings, ambivalency, metaphor
Antropova N.A. (2015). On the Reforming of Modern German Under the Influence of the Feminist Critique of Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 292–301. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67367
The subject of the study is the antisexist reform of the German language. The objective of the study is to show how feminist critique of language can affect not only the public language policy, but also the state of the national language based on the example of Germany. The incessant polemic referring to this phenomenon, both in the scientific community and the media, confirms the actuality of the subject. In Germany, many of the criticisms of feminist linguistics were perceived positively and taken into account in developing a strategy of antisexist use of the German language. The author considers: the causes which called into existence a feminist critique of language, its nature, and the signs of androcentrism in the language. The focus is on eliminating gender asymmetries in the German language and legally fixed antisexist use of the German language in various spheres of public life. The author studied the texts of scientific publications, legislation, websites and German media to identify gender-correct language.It was established that the field of application of innovations eliminating sexism in German language is gradually expanding. However, it turned out that gender-correct language attached to a great extent to women's magazines, the other media tend to use the gender-correct forms only in certain cases.
androcentrism, gender asymmetries, language sexism, language policy, language norm, unsexist use of language, feminist critique of language, legal and administrative language, masculine/feminine notations, gender-correct forms
Gorbunova N.N. (2015). To the issue of a transdisciplinary character of some terminological systems. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 302–310. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67368
The article is devoted to the issue of a transdisciplinary character of some terminological systems drawing on the example of the sphere of management. In the framework of one field of knowledge a terminological unit has a standard set of constitutive features, such as monosemanticity, systemacy, etc. Due to the fact that nowadays some terminological systems go beyond a certain field of knowledge, some lexical corpora acquire the features of over-disciplinary terminological systems, that is their lexical units are used in several special spheres. The article attempts to give a complex cognitive-philosophical foundation of the above-mentioned process. A complex method of research is applied in the work, that comprises the contextual type of analysis, method of continuous selection of terminological units, as well as general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. The first part of the article considers the theoretical-philosophical foundation of the transdisciplinary character of terminological systems. The second part of the article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of transdisciplinarity as an essential characteristic feature of some terminological systems in the light of cognitive terminology study drawing on the example management terminological system. The author comes to the conclusion that irrespective of a distribution of the term and its context the constitutive features of a terminological unit remain immutable. In turn the transdisciplinary character of terminological units is possible due to a complex mutual multidirectional extrapolation of terminological units from one field to another without a shift of the corresponding cognitive structures and, as a result, the changes of the semantic content of this lexical unit. A further study of the phenomenon of transdisciplinarity drawing on the material of different terminological systems is of special scientific interest and seems very perspective.
lexical unit, cognitive structure, transdisciplinarity, terminological unit, terminology, terminological system, special lexis, field of knowledge, management, cognitive linguistics
Bystrova T.E. (2015). Precedent Names in the Works of Anton Chekhov (Based on the Short Stories 'Reporter's Dream', 'Pure Soul (The Story of an Idealist)', 'Jubilee' and 'Good People'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 311–319. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67369
The article addresses the problem of precedentiality within the texts of fiction, provides a definition of such concepts as the "common text" and "precedent name". The author of the article analyses different types of precedent names found in Chekhov's short stories 'Reporter's Dream', 'Pure Soul (The Story of an Idealist)', 'Jubilee' and 'Good People'. Special attention is given to biblical names because, according to many researchers of biblical words, the biblical texts had a special status among precedent phenomena. The Bible relates an infinite variety of interpretations and due to that the Bible can be found everywhere. In the present study the researcher has used the method of stylistic analysis of texts. By analyzing four short stories of Anton Chekhov it is possible to identify several types of precedent names that are most typical for creativity of this writer. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that precedentiality in the prose of Anton Chekhov was not addressed previously by researchers in the field of language, culture and literature. This author of the article discusses the types of precedent names based on the material of several short stories of Anton Chekhov: this is the name of the Moscow realities of the time (restaurants, hospitals, cemeteries, etc.), the names of classical writers, their works, literary characters' names, last names of famous people , the contemporaries of Anton Chekhov, geographical names, biblical names. Also in the works of Anton Chekhov one can observe a few cases of the names of songs and precedent texts (quotations and quasiquotations) as well as set expressions.
biblicisms (biblical words), Bible, Anton Chekhov, precedent-related name, Yury Karaulov, precedentiality, precedent text, biblical names, Moscow, 19th century
Author's view
Fetisova E.E. (2015). 'The Third Poets' Guild': Traditions and Innovation. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 320–330. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67370
The article is devoted to one of the most important but understudied literary phenomena, The Third Poets' Guild that had a tremendous influence on the development of genres, literary schools and literature of the 20th century in general. Based on the analysis of various scientific sources, the author of the article provides the main definitions of the concept, reconstructs the history of the development of The Third Guild, its aesthetic platform and relation to traditional acmeism; and studies creative paths of poets from The Third Guild as well as the role of The Third Guild in the literary process of the 20th century. Within the framework of the traditional acmeism, the author distinguishes Nikolay Gumilev's 'Parnassian' acmeism and Vladimir Narbut's adamism. The author also describes the history of associations which belonged, on the one hand, to the acmeistic or neoclassical school of poetry and, on the other hand, to nontraditional, or alternative movements of the 20th century. Fetisova also considers the relation of the aforesaid phenomenon to other phenomena such as The First and The Second Poets' Guilds and literary and ontological categories. The researcher defines the features of traditional acmeism in the aesthetic program of The Third Poets' Guild. Through a detailed analysis of almanacs and other periodical publications of The Third Poets' Guild, the researcher outlines the main stages of their development, authors, covering, aesthetic views and public response as well as their prehistory and artistic specifics. In order to reveal the contents of acmeism as the artistic movement of the 20th century, the author examines peculiarities of its functioning as part of the internal communication with symbolism (which reached the latent phase in 1934) and neoclassicism. Comparative analysis as well as semiotic reconstruction of a poetic text are the keys to understanding internal structures of the acmeistic cultural paradigm. The author concludes that acmeism of emigrants ('neoacmeism') continued the mission of symbolism: the acmeistic movement transformed the 'bi-worldness' and the concept of the world as the 'aesthetic phenomenon' into the principle of mystical energetics and understanding the noumenal world through the 'mystical insight'. Emigrants' acmeism is described as the synthesis of the elements of modernism and realism: the poetry unites all mystical worlds, the 'real-unreal' dichotomy, the symbolic 'theory of correspondence' and clarity, historical particularities, memory of the 'past-not-in-vain' inherited from realism. This approach to viewing acmeism as the continuous paradigm of post-symbolic traditional creativity as one of the most significant trends of literary (and spiritual) growth based on the experience of Russia (metropolis) and foreign states allows to define the internal integrity of Russian literature which developed through the dialogue and interaction of different artistic systems (in particular, symbolism, acmeism and neoclassicism). Such variety of searches, artistic and stylistic trends and movements creates prospects for new discoveries in the sphere of Russian and world literature.
cultural paradigm, philology (language studies), phenomenon, literary context, acmeism, literary schools, symbolism, neoclassicism
Gasilin A.V. (2015). Jean-Paul Sartre's Existential Psychoanalysis as the Method of Philosophical Anthropology. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 331–339. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67371
The subject of the research is a specific philosophical method of human biography analysis presented by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre in his philosophical treatise 'Being and Nothingness'. Within the framework of the research existential psychoanalysis is being viewed as the method of modern philosophical anthropology and an alternative to existing psychoanalytical, psychological, symbolic, linguistic, socio-historical and other techniques of analysis of human reality. The main target of the research is to demonstrate the key features, the scope of application and heuristic potential of this method as well as the fundamental differences between this method and Sigmund Freud's classical psychoanalysis. In the course of research Gasilin carries out a comparative analysis of Jean-Paul Sartre's existential psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud's classical psychoanalysis. He defines their common features and differences and analyzes the key concepts of Sartre's existential psychoanalysis such as the other, being-for-others, fundamental project, bad faith, non-thetic consciousness, etc. The result of the research is the strict differentiation between potential scopes of classical and existential psychoanalysis. The latter is absolutely inapplicable as the psychotherapeutic method and cn be viewed only as a specific method of biographical analysis as well as a tool for literary analysis. The fact that special features of Sartre's approach to biographical analysis are very little studied by Russian researchers make the present research especially important for Russian philosophical anthropology.
biography, psychoanalysis, existential psychoanalysis, existentialism, phenomenology, literature, intersubjectivity, philosophy, sadism, masochism
Vorobey I.A. (2015). The 'Poor' God in Rainer Maria Rilker's 'The Book of Hours'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 340–344. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67372
The subject of the present article is the linguistic execution and interpretation of the poetic concept of God in the cycle of poems 'The Book of Hours' written by an Austrian poet of the 20th century Rainer Maria Rilker. The author of the article offers his own definition of the poetic concept within the framework of the linguistic poetic research. Special attention is paid to the definition of 'sense'. Poetic senses form the sense of the concept that differs from the generally accepted sense. Vorobey analyzes lexical and sense bearing structures of the concept of God. The main content of the article is devoted to the interpretation of the concept under review. The researcher also establishes relations with other concepts from the cycle of poems. To study the poetic concept, the authr offers to apply the hermeneutic-linguistic method that is based on the combination of Roland Barthes' method of textual analysis as well as the method of predicate nests and the method of hermeneutic circle. Researchers who study Rainer Maria Rilker's poetry mostly focus on his late period of writing while the cycle of poems 'The Book of Hours' which he wrote in his late period is often left out. The present research fills the gap. The novelty of the research is also caused by the fact that the author creates a new method for analyzing a poetic text. This method combines linguistic and hermeneutic methods.
poetic concept, interpretation, sense crystallization, Rainer Maria Rilke, sense dispersion, poverty, sense, God, The Book of Hours, poor men - Arme
Nilogov A.S. (2015). Decryption Methods From the Point of View of the Ontological Status of the Word/Antiword. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 345–354. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67373
In his article Nilogov again raises a question about the ontological status of the word which he understands as the manner and the fashion in which a word exists in a natural language. The topic is being viewed from the point of view of the methodological grounds of the philosophy of antilanguage, a new discipline created at the confluence of linguistics and philosophy. As an example of the ontological status of the word, Nilogov uses decrypted linguistic instead of language units when analyzing ancient writings (Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian and etc.). These units are obtained as a result of application of particular methods and techniques aimed at reconstruction of ancient texts' interpretation. In the course of his research Nilogov has used antilanguage, hermeneutical, cryptophilological, linguistic methods, decryption, reconstruction, philological, heuristical and etymological methods. As a result of the research, decrypted language units are classified as antiwords that are usually used in a natural language but at the same time non-obviously refer to antilanguage. In particular, the author defines the following kinds of antiwords: decrypted antiwords (that denote hypothetically decrypted words as well as all words from dead written languages) and non-decrypted antiwords (that denote words from dead nonliterate languages). Nilogov divides all decrypted antiwords into the following subclasses: particular decrypted antiwords (conventional decrypted antiwords), cryptodecrypted antiwords and quasidecrypted antiwords (pseudodecrypted antiwords).
ontological status of the decrypted antiword, decryption, Egyptology, Dyakonov, philosophy of antilanguage, Perepyolkin, egyptologism, decrypted antiword, antiword, Emelyanov
Asadova A.Yu., Razduev A.V. (2015). Eponymy in Digital Photography and Nanotechnology Terminology: a Contrastive-Comparative Aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 355–366. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67374
The article is devoted to the study of eponymic terminological units of the spheres of digital photography and nanotechnologies in the contrastive-comparative aspect. It considers a short story of appearance of the term «eponym», the morphological and syntactic structure and from the point of view of anthropocentrism the word-formative models of eponymic terms as terminological units formed with the help of proper names. It is stated that the majority of such terminological units are correlated with the surnames of scientists who participated in the creation and development of any special objects, who made a certain discovery in the fields in question. A complex method of research is applied which includes definitional, contextual types of analysis, method of continuous selection of terms. Digital photography and nanotechnology terminologies, despite some distinctions in their nature and peculiarities of term-derivation in the Russian and English languages, are no exception. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of spelling of eponymic terms with small and capital letters in both languages, as well as to the abbreviating of onymic and appellative components. The authors come to the conclusion of the significance of eponymic terms in the spheres of digital photography and nanotechnologies, despite their relatively small amount in the analyzed terminological systems. Eponymic terms of the spheres of digital photography and nanotechnologies in the modern Russian and English languages are characterized by the different morphological-syntactic structure, the presence of eponymic and non-eponymic synonymic terms, a clearly expressed tendency to abbreviation.
eponymy, terminological unit, terminology, terminological system, proper name, digital photography, terminological element, nanotechnologies, eponymic term, word-formative model
Myth and mythemes
Simush P.I. (2015). The Sacral Keys of Classical Writers: How is Russia Opened? . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 367–377. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67375
Today's realities require a new Concept on the Sacramental State of Historical Russia to bring Russia close not only to the rest of Europe but also Islamic East and Judaic Israel. This reasonably required approximation allows to both figure out 'the general course of nature' and make an assumption about the tremendous role of chance which forms the mystical experience of the 'body-soul-spirit' triad in the Russian context. The central symbol thereof is the 'absolute beginning of culture' creating the 'Keys to Russia'. The final hypothesis introduces the integral categories of 'keys' and 'keyness' into the science and points out that Russian philology is becoming the leading idea of turning the long-suffering nation into the world spiritual force. The author of the article tries to express the mystical feeling which he has conceived and which has turned out to be in tune with the Russian language arts. This is the reason why he is so sure that literature and interpretation of literature may turn out to be the Ariadne's thread in understanding the fate and destiny of Russia and analyzing its historical contradictions. Paying tribute to Christianity which created the revolution in the spiritual areal of the planet, the author of the present article tries to come close to understanding the sacral 'cornerstone' of the Russian House through a series of explanations.
physicality, Absolute, pereformat, Biblical keys, national keys, Russian keyness, world culture, Russian culture, philology, warm-heartedness, spirituality