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Philology: scientific researches

Gorbunova N.N. To the issue of a transdisciplinary character of some terminological systems

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of a transdisciplinary character of some terminological systems drawing on the example of the sphere of management. In the framework of one field of knowledge a terminological unit has a standard set of constitutive features, such as monosemanticity, systemacy, etc. Due to the fact that nowadays some terminological systems go beyond a certain field of knowledge, some lexical corpora acquire the features of over-disciplinary terminological systems, that is their lexical units are used in several special spheres. The article attempts to give a complex cognitive-philosophical foundation of the above-mentioned process. A complex method of research is applied in the work, that comprises the contextual type of analysis, method of continuous selection of terminological units, as well as general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. The first part of the article considers the theoretical-philosophical foundation of the transdisciplinary character of terminological systems. The second part of the article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of transdisciplinarity as an essential characteristic feature of some terminological systems in the light of cognitive terminology study drawing on the example management terminological system. The author comes to the conclusion that irrespective of a distribution of the term and its context the constitutive features of a terminological unit remain immutable. In turn the transdisciplinary character of terminological units is possible due to a complex mutual multidirectional extrapolation of terminological units from one field to another without a shift of the corresponding cognitive structures and, as a result, the changes of the semantic content of this lexical unit. A further study of the phenomenon of transdisciplinarity drawing on the material of different terminological systems is of special scientific interest and seems very perspective.


lexical unit, cognitive structure, transdisciplinarity, terminological unit, terminology, terminological system, special lexis, field of knowledge, management, cognitive linguistics

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