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Administrative and municipal law
Gromova G.A. (2015). Problems of establishing and formation of institutions of local government as administrative law subjects. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 215–221.
Gromova G.A. Problems of establishing and formation of institutions of local government as administrative law subjectsAbstract: The article deals with the development and formation of the institute of local self-government in Russia as a subject of administrative law in different historical realities of the state. The author emphasizes the need for redistribution of powers from the central government to local governments. The author reveals the peculiarities of interaction and interrelationship of decentralized management as compared with the central government, focuses on the problem of the government's influence on the autonomy and independence of local governments. It is concluded that in the process of development and formation of local self-government the state surveillance through the increasing influence on the actions of the municipal government has been growing. The author uses the methods of internal comparison of Russian legal system, the complex general-theoretical and empirical methods - the methods of analogy (according to which the author establishes the similarity of local governments on various stages of development), and deduction. The author justifies the conclusion about the central government's influence on local governments. The author notes the importance of reference to the history of local governments formation which is of a big scientific and practical interest for the development of regulations about the Local Government. The author outlines the peculiarities of Zemstvos, which are still significant. In addition, the relevance of the article is conditioned by the need to broaden the understanding of the idea, the stages of development and the characteristics of the institution of local self-government with a practical aim of extracting the positive and negative experiences from the processes of establishing, formation and activities of local governments in the modern world. Keywords: caste society, government, local authorities, zemstvo, reform, administrative law, public administration, the government, local authorities, serfdom.
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