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«Administrative and municipal law» (18+)

¹ 2, 2015
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Executive authorities and the civil society
P. 133 - 138
Administrative enforcement
P. 139 - 143
Liability in administrative and municipal law
P. 144 - 151
P. 152 - 159
Law-enforcement legislation
P. 160 - 167
Issues in settling of administrative and municipal disputes
P. 168 - 173
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
P. 174 - 182
P. 183 - 189
Administrative and municipal legal practice
P. 190 - 197
Reviews and bibliography
P. 198 - 201
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
P. 202 - 208
P. 209 - 214
Legal entities of administrative and financial law
P. 215 - 221
Contents details