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Philosophy and Culture
Belikov, A. V. (2014). Esthetics of the Sublime and Canon in the Late Ancient and Byzantine Art. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1672–1683.
Belikov, A. V. Esthetics of the Sublime and Canon in the Late Ancient and Byzantine ArtAbstract: The question about cultural and ideological reasons of the origin of Christian art in the late Ancient Times is still a rather understudied topic. The grounds for creating the fine art canon that defined the particularity of the Byzantine Art are still rather unknown, too, while canonic art itself is rather a well-studied phenomenon. The present article touches upon the problems of esthetical and spiritual experience in art of the early Christian and Byzantine epochs. The author analyzes the process of creation of esthetic concepts and transformation of artistic canons, the shift of the esthetic modus and refusal from the idea of the beauty and replacement of it with the idea of the sublime. Special attention is devoted to studying ways and methods of application of anagogic experience in art and analysis of the role of creative fantasy as a special form of esthetic experience. The topic under research lies at the interface of esthetics, theology, cultural research and art studies which creates the need for application of interdisciplinary methods and attraction of a wide circle of sources. Canon is presented by the author as a set of rules and recommendations aimed at artistic fixation of the so called anagogic spiritual experience typical for Eastern Christianity. Canon is presented as a mechanism regulating the process of creative imagination of an icon painter. The process of imagination is defined as a specific form of the imaginary space where theoretical categories become the images to be understood. Keywords: Byzantine canon, icon, mystical experience, fantasy, esthetic experience, symbol, artistic image, the sumblime, mimetic representation, anagoge.
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