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Philosophy and Culture
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). ‘Oh, the Anger of Love and the Tenderness of Hatred’. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1549–1554.
Gurevich, P. S. ‘Oh, the Anger of Love and the Tenderness of Hatred’Abstract: The article is devoted to the philosophical expertise of the term ‘hatred’. The author of the article analyzes hatred not only as an individual feeling but also as a social phenomenon. The author worries about the growth of hatred in the global community and Russian environment and tries to show that this dangerous symptom may lead to catastrophic consequences. In his research Pavel Gurevich analyzes historical disasters caused by fierce hatred. Hatred is viewed as a trigger of social convulsions. The author also thinks about how to decrease the degree of mutual intolerance so that hatred does not leave the burnt field of reason, the fur of ill affects and the boomerang effect. Methods used by the author in this article relate to the phenomenology of social thinking. The author bases himself on particular expressions of philosophers about hatred which creates a complete Gestalt picture of hatred as an emotional state. The author also uses the basic provision of psychoanalysis about ambivalent nature of human feelings and following Shakespeare describes hatred in love and tenderness as a disguise of hatred. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that neither philosophical no ethic vocabularies do not have a section devoted to this emotional state. The author proves hatred to be the irremovable feature of human nature. Based on Seneca, Friedrich Nietzsche, Erich Fromm, Jean-Paul Sartre and examples from the world and Russian history, the author describes different sides of this phenomenon, ist social, psychological and anthropological roots. Keywords: philosophy, psychology, rage, hatred, phenomenology, emotional ambivalence, hostility, malevolence, frenzy, history.
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