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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Stychiskaya A.B. International protection of children’s rights: political aspect

Abstract: The subject matter of this article is the institute of international protection of children's rights as a set of international legal norms regulating the cooperation of the States aimed at ensuring and protecting the rights of the child and as an integral part of the modern system of international human rights protection. The singling out of issues concerning children's' rights into a separate subject in the larger framework of international human rights protection was done for objective reasons: firstly, resulting from historical conditions, the social status of children is lower than that of adults, therefore, international children's rights protection has as its objective the promotion of their rights and opportunities on equal terms with those of adults; secondly, due to physical and mental immaturity of children they are in need of special rights and supplementary protection. The modern system of international protection of children's rights, which is an element of international protection of human rights, was formed within the framework of the United Nations Organisation, one of the basic principles of which is the proclaimed respect for human rights and freedoms and reprobation of any sort of discrimination.


International humanitarian law, law of human rights, rights of the child, freedoms of the child, cooperation of States, several norms, modern system, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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