Asadullaev I.K (2014). New (physical) picture of the world? - Part 2. Expansion of similarity as a category of philosophy, Universal Law and Universal Form of Matter in Motion . SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 200–206.
Author considers that with the expansion of a similarity certain objects turn other objects into their likeness. It is manifested in space and time. Expansion of similarity occurs in the process of stability of things, phenomena, when an object retains its likeness. In addition, there is an expansion density when a second-level expansion occurs - uniformity of different scales. It is an expansion of religions, communism, democracy, and so on. Author emphasizes the attention on next. However, in a true democracy everyone has the right to refuse to be the likeness of others. But not in respect of democratic laws and human lifestyle. A man has to be like others in exercising democratic laws and rules of humanity. The article concerns such topics as: “Nobody has the right to forcibly turn others to his likeness, unless it jeopardizes security through the system of violence or genocide”. Motion of uniformity is one of the most important forms of motion of the matter contrary to its other form - constant generation of innovations, diversity and differences. Motion of uniformity has at least three "sleeves": expansion of similarity, reflection as a universal property of matter and invariance, philosophically perceived as preservation of uniformity in various systems, transitions and dimensions. There are many forms of expansion of similarity: social contagion, fascism or totalitarianism and others. In the theory of reflection, developed in the twentieth century, we come across with a more or less passive reflection of some phenomena by others, which is why the researchers sought to specifically identify the active substance of reflection as universal properties of the matter. It was not incorporated in the concept of reflection. Concept of reflection initially had no idea of creation and "aggression", had to be supplemented in theory. The methods of the research are the following: dialectical approach, materialism, structuralism, comparative method, systemic and organismic approach, functional method, cloning method in cognition, methods of induction and deduction, method of inverted hierarchies, when ultimate event determines the processes while individual phenomena affect the key factors. The novelty of the problem is that the concept of expansion of similarity is introduced for the first time and is regarded as a universal category, universal law of existence and universal form of matter in motion Author concludes that the novelty of the problem is that the concept of expansion of similarity is introduced for the first time and is regarded as a universal category, universal law of existence and universal form of matter in motion. The article for the first time describes the logic of alliances and associations based on similarity of subjects and people. It takes place in nature as well, when communities of such objects and phenomena emerge. There is a fundamental law of existence that reflects essential commitment of phenomena to create systems similar to it or to continue own similarity. Science has known many scholars that studied similarity of phenomena, the relations of identity and difference, replication and difference. However in this aspect, motion of similarity as unfolding in space and time, in a variety of scope and depth, the concept of similarity expansion without doubt must find mathematical, astrophysical, in other word, natural science aspects through identification of specific laws and relations.
The main thesis of the author is next. The concept of expansion of similarity more fully reveals essential aspects of democratic process, and identifies specific properties of extremism and fundamentalism, in other words, their "bloody mutation", regardless of their political colour. Giordano Bruno most vividly and selflessly defended cognitive cosmological principle, which concept is determined by the expansion of similarity - the entire infinite and yet to be better cognized Universe is similar to the universe seen to us. Expansion of similarity is manifested as a method of cognition and principle of determinism.
Universalism, Expansion of Similarity, Democracy, Totalitarianism, Fundamentalism, Universal Law, Logic of Union, Humanism, System of Uniformity, Fascism