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National Security

Dubynina, T.V. On historic interrelation between the military law and civil law of Russia.

Abstract: The object of studies includes formation and development of military law of Russia and the possible formation of its civil law element. The immediate object of studies includes social relations, which are formed due to implementation of activities by the military personnel and organizations in order to guarantee military security during various historic development periods of Russia. As a result based upon the studies of the normative legal acts regulating the issues of military and civil law at various stages of historic development of Russia the author defines the interrelation of the said legal branches, and establishes the fact of participation of subjects of military security guaranteeing activities (military personnel and military organizations) in the civil turnover, substantiating the need for civil law guarantees of their activities. The methods of studies involve general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization), as well as logical and formal legal methods of scientific studies of norms of law and legal constructions, as applied in the sphere of military security guarantees in the history of the Russian state. The practical value of the studies is due to reflection of provisions and conclusions as formulated in the article, and they form a certain impact on the development of legal system of Russia, its civil and military law, as well as the science of military law. It especially concerns the issues of security of military officers and military organizations.


military law, civil law, periodization, military officials, military organizations, participants of civil law relations, sources of law of Russia, development of military law, legislation, private law relations.

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