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«National Security» (18+)

¹ 3, 2014
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Strategy of national security
P. 366 - 371
Rapid response and tactics
P. 372 - 379
Legal support of national security
P. 380 - 389
Informational support of national security
P. 390 - 397
Internal aspects of national security
P. 398 - 405
External threats and countermeasures
P. 406 - 414
Economical support of national security
P. 415 - 424
P. 425 - 431
Scientific and engineering support of national security
P. 432 - 437
P. 438 - 444
Humanitarian support of national security
P. 445 - 453
Person and citizen within security systems
P. 454 - 464
Contents details