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International relations
Borodinov, E.N.
Analysis of the specific features of the state insurrection in Ukraine
// International relations.
2014. ¹ 2.
P. 244-253.
Borodinov, E.N. Analysis of the specific features of the state insurrection in UkraineAbstract: Attention of the global community is drawn to the Ukraine and all the Russian people may not be indifferent to the events there, since Ukraine and Russia are connected by historical and cultural unity and relations. The mayhem, which takes place in Ukraine is outside the scope of understanding of a normal adequate person, such are the derogations and persecutions towards the militia officers and their families, and the bloody provocations of the fighters of the "Right Sector" in the South-East of Ukraine. All of the above causes gravest concern among the population and the leaders of Russia. The concern is also caused by the insurrection in a fraternal country, which was actively supported by the so-called "democratic" states, the EU and the USA. The statement of the USA that the pro-Fascist organizations played a "constructive role" in this bloody Bacchanalia makes one think about the organizers and sponsors of these special operations. Due to the above, the analysis of the specific features of armed riots, as well as the factors serving as prerequisites for the armed takeover in a state, and the forecasts for the future developments in the situation in Ukraine become especially topical. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, color revolution, state insurrection, Euromaidan, armed riot, security, conflict.
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