Question at hand
Manoylo, A.V. (2014). Crimea, Obama and his Continental blockade
. International relations, 2, 156–158.
This article is devoted to the comparative historical analysis of the blockade policy of the current President of
the USA Barack Hussein Obama II and the Continental Blockade policy of the Emperor Napoleon Bonapart, who was
attempting to undermine military, political, trade and economic power of its main opponent – England. As a result of the
comparative analysis method, the author comes to a conclusion that the Russian policy of President Obama, which is
aimed at introduction and further tightening of legal and economic sanctions towards the Russian state and its people
due to the reunification of Crimea and Russia, is copying the policy of Napoleon towards England, which ended in total
failure and destruction of the French Empire. There is an impression that President Obama did not learn the history
of foreign states, or failed to comprehend historical lessons. Otherwise, he would have used the method of historical
analogy, and it would show that any attempts of blockade of Russia are meaningless by their nature, and they are also
harmful for the European allies of the USA.
international relations, politics, Russia, Ukraine, Washington, diplomacy, ideology, Crimea, Napoleon, continental blockade.
Question at hand
Gusher, A.I. (2014). Geopolitical and strategic dimensions of the military and political crisis in Ukraine
. International relations, 2, 159–163.
It has been a long time since such an acute military and political situation with long-standing consequences as
the current situation in Ukraine and around it took place in the world. In such an evaluation the author takes into account
that the current events in the Ukraine form new challenges and direct threats to the national interests and security of
Russia, and they also initiate changes in the so-called “new global order”, which was formed during the last 25 years. The
situation in Ukraine is seriously worsening and threatening the security of living of millions of Russians and a significant
part of the Ukrainians. The regime, which is currently attempting to settle in Ukraine, considers it viable to have acute
confrontation with Russia and subservience to the West. This is the only approach, which may allow the Kyiv to have
financial aid and military – political support of the West. Finally, all the things that have already happened and will
happen in the Ukraine are formed as a result of lasting attempts of the Western states to make Ukraine their strategic
foothold near the Western borders of Russia. They have no other foothold like that, and they are not likely to obtain it
anytime soon.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, conflicts, the Euromaidan, armed riot, color revolution, the USA, the Crimea.
World politics
Filippov, V.R. (2014). The heart of the Black Africa: a planned coronary
. International relations, 2, 164–179.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the events taking place in the Central African Republic (CAR), within
the context of the general processes of destabilization of the political situation in the former French Africa. The CAR is
going through a deep constitutional crisis, which is followed by the insurrections, civil war and armed interference of
the foreign military contingents – the military forces of the French Republic, since its military presence is traditionally
responsible for peace-keeping and support of political stability in its former colonies. The article provides a detailed
analysis of the causes and evolution of the Central African crisis, obviously demonstrating the fact that currently the
insurrections in many former French Africa states, which were previously regarded as sustainably peaceful, such as Mali
and the CAR, have common causes and bases, which were formed throughout a long period of time, partially due to the
miscalculations of the great nation states, such as France, in this region. The comparative study involves the methodology
of the systemic, structural functional, comparative historical analysis, which are especially topical in the conditions of
the African Continent. The novelty of the results of the studies is due to the topicality and lack of sufficient studies of the crisis, including the development of the discussion regarding the nature of the modern “failed states”. Within the broader
framework the war in the CAR is a unfolding re-colonization of Africa, the fight between “old” and “new” actors in the
political process for the African resources. In this respect the events in the Central Africa have the dangerous potential of
political destabilization for the entire continent.
international relations, foreign policy, Africa, the Central African Republic, France, insurrection, conflict, interests, security, the UN.
World politics
Manoylo, A.V., Nizovkina, I.A. (2014). Specific features of the Austrian federalism
. International relations, 2, 180–183.
The article concerns specific features of the Austrian federalism regarding the correlation of the competences
of the federal lands and the center within the framework of legislative, executive and judicial branches of power, as well
as the means for the conflict regulation within such a federal system. The conflicts between the central government and
the lands in Austria are resolved by transformation of political conflicts into legal ones and their resolution within the
legal procedure. The authors also attempt to follow the evolution of the constitutional reforms in the sphere of federal
construction. The methodological basis includes historical method, comparative analysis as well as quantitative contentanalysis
of both Russian and foreign documents. The results of this analysis allow to have an idea of the principles of
the Austrian state structure Presence of a number of a compromise features in the Austrian Constitution allows the
researches to characterize it as a centralized federal state. Currently, there are ongoing discussions regarding the need
for the federal reforms in Austria.
international relations, politics, Austria, federalism, centralization, federal relations, constitution, parliament, state, law.
Russian foreign policy
Sizonenko, A.I. (2014). Russia – Brazil: rich traditions, good present and perspectives for the future. International relations, 2, 184–188.
Review: The article is devoted to the sources, traditions and the current situation in the relations between Russia
and the largest state in the South America – Brazil. The author points out the goodwill of both parties to cooperation and
widening the scope of connections in all spheres. Special attention is paid to the meetings and negotiations of the leaders
of the two states in the last two years, which took place in the atmosphere of mutual understanding and closeness of
interests both in Russia and in Brazil. Lately Brazil is more and more often mentioned in Russia. This far and exotic state
of the South America was visited by our leaders V.V. Putin and D.A. Medveded, and the Brazilian Presidents Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva and Dilma Roussef. Brazil has became the main trade partner of Russia in this part of the world, and the
states actively develop scientific and technical cooperation, which is in part due to the appearance of new forms of such
cooperation, and scientific and cultural ties between two states also become stronger.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Brazil, political stability, diplomacy, state, nation, security, cooperation.
Concepts of political structure of the world
Feldman, P.Y. (2014). Geopolitical clientism in the international relations: strategy and tactics of the West. International relations, 2, 189–193.
The state insurrection which took place in the Ukraine in the February of 2014 once again has disrupted the
balance of political forces in the Eastern Europe. The election of the new President of Ukraine, who is oriented towards
the West, and the formation of the political system according to the same principle may lead to the situation when the
European Union shall be directly bordering Russia in the Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov regions of the
Russian Federation. From the point of view of the military strategy the step-by-step lasting spread of the zone of influence
of the West, its ideology and values may be regarded as a pragmatic policy, which is aimed at the global dominance
of the liberal American-European civilization. For the efficient implementation of this idea a whole complex of political,
economic and information instruments of influence on the developing states is being employed. This strategy may be
characterized as geopolitical clientism, which is aiming at the formation of the foreign control over the national elites and
key institutions of the civil society of any nation-state.
international relations, foreign policy, the USA, geopolitics, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, security, values.
Concepts of political structure of the world
Bairektarevich, A. (2014). Multiculturalism is D(r)ead in Europe. International relations, 2, 194–199.
There is a claim currently circulating the European Union (EU), both cynical and misleading: ‘multiculturalism is dead in
Europe’. No wonder, as the conglomerate of nation-states/EU has silently handed over one of its most important debates – that of
European identity – to the left and right wing parties, recently followed by several selective and contra-productive foreign policy
actions. Europe’s domestic cohesion, its fundamental realignment, as well as the overall public standing and credibility within
its strategic neighborhood, lies in the reinvigoration of its everything but institutions transformative powers – stipulated in the
Barcelona process of the European Neighborhood Policy as well as in the Euro-Med partnership (OSCE). There is a claim currently
circulating around the European Union (EU), both cynical and misleading: ‘multiculturalism is dead in Europe’. No wonder, as the
conglomerate of nation-states/EU has silently handed over one of its most important debates – that of European identity – to the
left and right wing parties, recently followed by the several selective and counter-productive foreign policy actions.
information war, geopolitics, multikulturalism, conflicts management technologies, political conflicts, the international safety, the international relations, politica, interests, nation-state.
Political stability
Zhuravel, V.P. (2014). Topicali issues of national security guarantees in the Northern Caucasus (based upon the example of the Republic of Dagestan). International relations, 2, 200–208.
The article contains an attempt to analyze the processes in Dagestan, which is an important region in the
Northen Caucasus, from the standpoint of the support of the national security of the Russian Federation. As a conclusion,
the author offers a complex of measures against terrorism, as well as some proposals for the improvement of the
social, economic and spiritual spheres of the Republic of Dagestan. In the last two decades the Northern Caucasus has
became the most complicated and troubled region in the Russian Federation from the standpoint of social and economic
situation, state administration and resolution of various ethnic-national, religious, territorial and other contradictions
and conflicts, guarantees of national security. The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin pointed out the tensions
in the national republics of the Northern Caucasus, and he noted that the weakening and the falling apart of the united
statehood in the early 1990s caused difficult consequences, not to say bloody conflicts, in the Caucasus. There was a civil
war in some regions. The international terrorists used this situation for the aggression against Russia and the people of
the Caucasus. The terror of the fighters caused stream of refugees and transferred persons. Economics and the social
structure have degraded, and in some Republic it was simply destroyed.
international relations, politics, Russia, the Northern Caucasus, Dagestan, fighting terrorism, modernization, conflict, federal power, state.
Political stability
Raiklin, E.I. (2014). The Ukrainian “pendulum”. International relations, 2, 209–212.
The goal of this article is to evaluate the events, which took place in November-December of 2013 in Kyiv – the capital
of Ukraine, and which were called the Euromaidan. Many scientists had some grounds to point out the similarities between
the December manifestations in the main maidan of Ukraine and the analogous events, which took place at the same place
at the time of the Orange Revolution – the state insurrection, which brought to power Victor Yushchenko, the pro-Western
leader, who was supporting the idea of Ukraine entering the NATO and the EU as soon as possible. Nevertheless, in addition to
obvious similarities, there are some differences and specific features, which should be taken into account in the analysis of the
Euromaidan as a social and political event. The methodology of studies is based upon the systemic, comparative economic and
comparative historic approach, analysis, synthesis and generalization methods. The main conclusion of the studies is however
much the new opposition stays at the Euromaidan, the destiny of Ukraine, both well-provided for and not, Western and Eastern
Ukraine shall directly depend upon the situation in Russia. While Russia remains oligarchic and corrupt and socially divided
state, socially and geographically divided Ukraine shall sail the waves of uncertainty searching for a union.
international relations, politics, Ukraine, color revolutions, security, the Euromaidan, opposition, power, conflict, Russia
Political stability
Karyakin, V.V. (2014). Social, political, ethnic and religious threats to the public security in the modern Russia. International relations, 2, 213–221.
The ethnic-religious threats to the national security of the Russian Federation may be classified depending on the
level of danger based upon political and terrorist activities of the bearers of ethnic and religious radical ideologies. Most of the terrorist attacks in Russia are committed by the Islamic radicals – Wahhabites, who hold the lead in the number
of extremist crimes. Both Russia and global community as a whole face the need to develop a new technology for the
prevention and regulation of conflicts and crisis situations, which are considerably different in their contents and course
of actions from the political conflicts of the recent past. This technology should include most efficient political, legal and
coercive methods, tested by previous experience, in combination with the instruments which correspond with the realities of
the globalized world. In some Russian regions, which are traditionally populated with the Muslim ethnic group, the Islamic
radicalism is closely intertwined with the ethnic national separatism, which is also the subject of this article.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, ethnic separatism, extremism, threats, conflicts, security, interests, values.
Regional configurations of international relations
Bocharnikov, I.V. (2014). The new course of Georgian foreign policy: the reloading scenario. International relations, 2, 222–229.
The article presents analysis of the developments in the situation in Georgia after the Presidential elections of
2013, priorities of its foreign policy, taking into account the initiating of the Association Agreement with the European
Union, course towards the strategic partnership with the USA, changes in the Georgian relations with Russia. The article
discusses topical issues in the sphere of relations between Georgia and the Republic of Abkhazia, and Southern Ossetia.
The author defines the important problems in the domestic policy of Georgia and the perspectives for their resolution. In
the last two years there were significant events in Georgia, which is duly regarded as one of the least sustainable states
in the post-Soviet territory. As a result of the parliamentary elections in 2012 for the first time in Georgia the opposition
represented by the “Georgian Dream” alliance gained parliamentary majority. It also managed to form the government,
which was in opposition with the head of the state. The results of the Presidential elections of 2013, where the victory
belonged to the representative of “Georgian Dream” G. Margelashvili put the end to almost a decade of rule of M.
Saakashvili, who had to leave the country due to the threat of possible criminal investigation.
international relations, foreign politics, Georgia, Georgian-Ossetian conflict, “Georgian Dream” coalition, economics, Russia, Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, domestic political problems, security.
Demidov , A.V. (2014). From the “soft power” to the “controlled chaos”. International relations, 2, 230–236.
In this article the author attempts to analyze the strategies, which are more and more often used by the United
States of America and other Western stats in order to change regimes, which they find unsuitable. The author mentions
the principles of relevant strategies and the practical methods. The authors provides recommendations for the possible
counteractions against application of the “soft power” and “controlled chaos” strategies in Russia, offering the options
for involvement of the “soft power” elements in the foreign policy of Russia. In the modern global world, where the
political, social and economic standards are formed in an unified manner offered by the only remaining superpower, the
indirect means of undermining the rival state from inside are often used instead of the traditional military actions. There
are many names for these technologies “soft power”, “smart power”, “controlled chaos”, etc. All of these definitions
involve various means undermining political and economic potential of the state. These means also include the socalled
“twitter revolutions”, artificially formed oppositions, kindling the protest movements. The characteristic feature
of implementation of these strategies in the regions and states, in which the West has its interests, is application of the
double standards. It is proven, for example, by some specific features of the “Arabian Spring”, when almost simultaneously
in the course of two months the riot covered almost all of the regions, while having no development in the Qatar and
the Saudi Arabia, which are the allies of the USA. There the riots were suppressed by the local regimes fast and without
mercy, and there were no protests from either Washington or other Western capitals.
international relations, foreign politics, the USA, soft power, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, values, controlled chaos.
Gubenko, A.V. (2014). The Ukrainian events: the look from the inside. International relations, 2, 237–243.
The Euromaidan in Kyiv is an event of gigantic political resonance, attracting attention of observers from Russia,
the CIS and all of the world. This article provides the view at the Euromaidan events from the inside, with the eyes of the Kyiv
resident, social psychologist and analyst and scientific journalist. The article includes an attempt of analysis of a number of economic, political, social and psychological events and phenomena, characterizing the latest turbulent events in Kyiv. The
author casts light upon the geo-political and economic position of the Ukraine, predefining its status as a borderline between
the East and the West. Ukraine has a unique standing among the global political powers, its weight may tip the balance
of scales in the geopolitical opposition between Russia and the West. The author notes the need for the novel approaches
towards achieving mutual understanding between Russia and Ukraine, pointing out social and psychological miscalculations
of the Russian politics towards Ukraine, and offering some recommendations on optimization of cultural, social and economic
cooperation between the two states, as well as on strengthening the pro-Russian vector in the Ukrainian politics.
international relations, politics, Ukraine, maidan, color revolutions, power, opposition, political regime, protest, security.
Borodinov, E.N. (2014). Analysis of the specific features of the state insurrection in Ukraine. International relations, 2, 244–253.
Attention of the global community is drawn to the Ukraine and all the Russian people may not be indifferent to
the events there, since Ukraine and Russia are connected by historical and cultural unity and relations. The mayhem, which
takes place in Ukraine is outside the scope of understanding of a normal adequate person, such are the derogations and
persecutions towards the militia officers and their families, and the bloody provocations of the fighters of the \"Right Sector\"
in the South-East of Ukraine. All of the above causes gravest concern among the population and the leaders of Russia. The
concern is also caused by the insurrection in a fraternal country, which was actively supported by the so-called \"democratic\"
states, the EU and the USA. The statement of the USA that the pro-Fascist organizations played a \"constructive role\" in this
bloody Bacchanalia makes one think about the organizers and sponsors of these special operations. Due to the above, the
analysis of the specific features of armed riots, as well as the factors serving as prerequisites for the armed takeover in a
state, and the forecasts for the future developments in the situation in Ukraine become especially topical.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, color revolution, state insurrection, Euromaidan, armed riot, security, conflict.
Spiridonov, V.V. (2014). Economic approach towards the analysis of the causes of the political conflict in Ukraine. International relations, 2, 254–261.
At the verge of 2013-2014 there was a wave of protests in Ukraine, which was caused by contradictions in the
views of political forces on the vector of foreign political development of the Ukrainian state. One side was in favor of
complete integration with the European Union, while another was in favor of the closer relations with Russia. Several days
before the date when Ukraine was supposed to sign documents with the European Union, the Ukrainian Government has
suspended the preparations for conclusion of this treaty. It caused dissatisfaction among the forces, who were in favor
of Eurointegration, the acute protest actions followed, and they were mostly aimed against the ruling elite. The result of
the opposition in Ukraine was the downfall of the government. This article contains overview and analysis of the factors
of domestic and external economic development of Ukraine, including analysis of real and financial economy sectors.
Analysis of economic parameter, such as the budget structure, trade balance, financial situation from the standpoint
of business structure, correlation of foreign and domestic assets, vectors of capital movement in Ukraine allowed to
uncover the connection between their dynamics and potential threat to the stability of the state.
diplomacy, political instability, Ukraine, Russia, foreign policy, international relations, economics, nation, conflict, security.
International image of the state
Belyaev, S.A., Makarova, I.N. (2014). Belyaev, S.A., Makarova, I.N. International relations, 2, 262–271.
The article is devoted to one of the aspects of the foreign political activity of France – the so-called cultural diplomacy.
This sphere of activity concerns cultural exchanges between France and other states, international cooperation of France in the
spheres of education, science, French elementary and middle education abroad, cinema, music and information. The authors
provide a detailed analysis of the activities of the French Institute and specialized institutions in this sphere, radio- and TVchannels,
as well as modern information and telecommunication companies, which facilitate the cultural presence of France
abroad. The methodology of studies is based upon the political and legal analysis of the mechanism for the cultural diplomacy
of France within the framework of the comparative analysis of the analogous systems of cultural diplomacy in other states. This
article is the first among the researches of this type in Russia. Moreover, the foreign legal literature provides no publications on this issue, or these publication of the scientific – popular character. The authors draw a conclusion on the relevance of use
of the experience of the French diplomacy in the Russian foreign political mechanisms including the Federal Agency on the CIS
Affairs, matters of compatriots living abroad and international humanitarian cooperation.
France, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign policy, diplomacy, culture, the French Institute, the Russian Cooperation Agency (Rossotrudnichestvo), foreign experience, education, science.
History of international relations
Zemskov, V.n. (2014). The starting stage of repatriation of the Soviet prisoners of war and civilian internees (second half of the year 1944). International relations, 2, 272–289.
The issue of return to Russia of the Soviet prisoners of war, the USSR citizens, who were forcibly brought to Germany,
and the refugees is one of the least studied issues in the historical literature. Up to the late 1980s the documents on this
issues were state secret in Russia. The lack of the sources and objective information caused a lot of myths around this
issue. It concerns a number of publications both in the West and in Russia. Often the facts were selected tendentiously and
interpretation was biased. Currently the researches have gained access to the previously closed sources, among which
special place should be provided for the documents of the Soviet of Ministers (Department of the Plenipotentiary of the
Soviet of the People’s Commissars) of the USSR on the Issues of Repatriation, which was formed in October of 1944. Its head
was Colonel General F.I. Golikov, who was the former head of the military intelligence. These materials served as the main
sources for the author, when this article was prepared. Additionally, for his analytical work the author used the documents
of the State Defense Committee, Administration Department of the SPC (Soviet of Ministers) of the USSR, the Secretariat of
NKVD (MIA) of the USSR, the Department of Special Camps (Control and Filtering Camps) of the NKVD of the USSR.
international relations, foreign policy, the USSR, the 2nd World War, repatriation, the SDC, the NKVD, the prisoners of war, security, the SPC.
History of international relations
Anisimov, L.N. (2014). The historical legal recourse towards the problem of the Treaty of Peace between the USSR (Russia) and Japan. International relations, 2, 290–298.
On January 31, 2014 in Tokyo there was another round of regular consultations at the level of Vice-Ministers of the
Foreign Affairs of Russia and Japan. The Russian side was represented by I.V. Morgulov and the Japanese side was S. Sugiyama. In
the course of consultations the main attention was paid to the issues of furthering the Russian – Japanese cooperation, including
closer political dialogue, wider scope of trade and economic ties, development of contacts in the practical spheres and cultural
exchanges in the light of implementation of agreements achieved at the meetings of heads of the two states in 2013. There was
an exchange of opinions regarding a number of topical international issues, including the security guarantees and lowering the
conflict potential in the Asian-Pacific region. According to the assignments of leaders of two states – Russia and Japan there was
a discussion of concluding a Treaty of Peace between Russia and Japan and its historic aspects. The parties have agreed upon
holding the next round of consultations in Moscow. Specific time shall be agreed upon via the diplomatic channels.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Japan, political stability, Treaty of Peace, conflict, interests, values.
Psychology of international relations
Rakityanskiy, N.M. (2014). Evaluation of the Islamic mentality (political – psychological essay). International relations, 2, 299–314.
The article contains a conceptual analysis of the phenomenon of Islamic mentality on the basis of the methodological
potential of the subjectivity and dogmatic principles. The Islamic mentality is regarded in the unity of historical, theological,
psychological and political scientific aspects. The author showed the connection of political mentalities and the monotheistic
religious dogmatic systems. The article contains comparative analysis of the dogmatic sources of formation of the Judaic,
Christian and Islamic mentalities. The author shows cardinal differences among the three monotheistic mentalities in
the political scientific context, showing the fundamental bases for the political subjectivity. The author discusses specific
features of corporate national and individual personal types of political subjectivity, as well as non-subject type of political
mentality. The author expressed an opinion on the influence of mental-dogmatic positions of the Islam on the political and
psychological qualities of the Islamic world. The conclusion is made that being a super-conscience phenomenon, Islam is
a supreme value for the Muslims, and it defines the mental-dogmatic quality of the Muslim political world. The author
formulates the problems, grounds and possibilities for the political interaction with the Islam.
international relations, foreign policy, Islam, Ummah, political mentality, political subject, super-conscience, lack of subject, mental-dogmatic settings, Orthodox Christian – Islamic consensus.