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Culture and Art
Medova, A. A. (2013). Analytical Thinking as Time Relations:
Based on the Example of Oliver Messiaen’s
‘Mode de Valeurs d’Intensites’. Culture and Art, 5, 579–588.
Medova, A. A. Analytical Thinking as Time Relations: Based on the Example of Oliver Messiaen’s ‘Mode de Valeurs d’Intensites’Abstract: The article is devoted to the discovery of the temporary modus of analytical thinking that means description of logical relations in the sphere of time relations. Time means one’s internal perception and subjective experience of time. Serial music was chosen as the empirical material that is equally based on time relations and analytical thinking. The research methods included phenomenological analysis of perception of time as well as the structural and harmonious and rhythmic analysis of the musical text. The article also describes time aspects of preconditions of analytical operations: division, distinction and concreteness (tematization); the role of perception of time in formation of categories of quality and quantity is also shown. The differentiating potential of time relations is well shown during the analysis of the etude No. 2 of the cycle «Four Rhythmic Etudes for a Piano» composed by Olivier Messiaen (1908–1992). The musical text is analyzed from the point of view of axiological and differentiating role of time. The etude is submitted as art integrity where time is a source and condition of distinctions, differentiations, creation of logical system, recognition and definiteness of tones, tematization of sounds of series. Keywords: cultural research, analytical thinking, internal perception of time, distinction, differentiation, thematisation, quality and quantity, length and intensity, serialism, Oliver Messiaen.
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