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«Culture and Art» (18+)

¹ 5, 2013
Published since
2013 year

Culture and authority
P. 487 - 508
Culturology and cultural studies
P. 509 - 515
Theoretical culturology and the theory of culture
P. 516 - 524
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
P. 525 - 532
Memory studies
P. 533 - 539
Historical culturology and the history of culture
P. 540 - 543
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
P. 544 - 555
Culture of art and the process of creation
P. 556 - 561
Art and Art History
P. 562 - 569
Styles, trends, schools
P. 570 - 578
Music and music culture
P. 579 - 588
First person view
P. 589 - 597
Contents details