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Police activity

Doroshenko, O.M. Administrative legal regulation of the police activities in the sphere of fighting juvenile crime

Abstract: The article is devoted to the place and role of the police within the system of prophylactics of the juvenile offences. As the studies have shown, a certain part of juveniles have became criminally active population of our country. The criminal statistics up to 1990s had shown relatively slow growth of the juvenile crime (about 11-12 per cent each 15 years). Starting with 1991 there was a considerable growth of number of juvenile criminals. In 1991-2012 the numbers grew by 46 per cent. Currently the juveniles form one of the most criminal groups of people. T he number of offences by the juveniles grew six times faster than the number of the people in this age group. Juveniles started to commit unlawful acts, which were previously not characteristic to them (dealing arms, narcotic and psychoactive substances, high technologies, robbery, failure to comply with lawful requests of a police officer, etc.).


offence, children, delict, police, activities, form, method, tragedy, delinquency, elements, control.

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