Administrative activity of the police
Badulin, A.D., Kurakin, A.V., Tregubova, E.V. (2013). Administrative responsibility for
the offences in the alcohol market
and the role of police
in its enforcement. Police activity, 4, 227–244.
It should be noted that administrative responsibility for the violations in the sphere of production and
turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products has a considerable input in the protection of
legal order in the relevant sphere. The type of legal responsibility in question allows to differentiate the influence
on the offenders in the sphere of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products,
including physical persons, officials and legal entities. Additionally, this type of legal responsibility allows
the state to prevent and stop the crimes, which may be committed in the alcohol market. Based upon the abovementioned
matters, enforcement of administrative responsibility for the violations in the sphere of production and
turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products plays an important role in the development
of a civilized market of alcohol products and helps to fight excessive consumption of alcohol by the people of our
principle, procedure, alcohol, spirit, responsibility, turnover, abuse, alcoholic, death, alcoholism, consuming, supervision, poisoning, products, responsibility, regulation.
Administrative activity of the police
Obydenov, V.V. (2013). Mitigating circumstances
for administrative responsibility
in the sphere of jurisdictional activities
of the police. Police activity, 4, 244–253.
The article contains a study of legal and organizational problems regarding application of the mitigating
circumstances within the mechanism of administrative punishments in the activities of the federal executive bodies
in general, an of police in particular.
jurisdiction, principle, mitigation, responsibility, humanism, production, process, punishment, the Administrative Offences Code, elements, offence.
Preventative work of the police
Doroshenko, O.M. (2013). Administrative legal regulation
of the police activities in the sphere
of fighting juvenile crime. Police activity, 4, 254–262.
The article is devoted to the place and role of the police within the system of prophylactics of the juvenile
offences. As the studies have shown, a certain part of juveniles have became criminally active population of our
country. The criminal statistics up to 1990s had shown relatively slow growth of the juvenile crime (about 11-12
per cent each 15 years). Starting with 1991 there was a considerable growth of number of juvenile criminals.
In 1991-2012 the numbers grew by 46 per cent. Currently the juveniles form one of the most criminal groups of
people. T he number of offences by the juveniles grew six times faster than the number of the people in this age
group. Juveniles started to commit unlawful acts, which were previously not characteristic to them (dealing arms,
narcotic and psychoactive substances, high technologies, robbery, failure to comply with lawful requests of a police
officer, etc.).
offence, children, delict, police, activities, form, method, tragedy, delinquency, elements, control.
Preventative work of the police
Chvyakin, V.A. (2013). Fighting anti-disciplinary behavior
of the juveniles. Police activity, 4, 262–267.
Children amount to more than a quarter of the people of the Russian Federation. However, in the course
of social and economic reform the state government and municipal bodies have failed to provide guarantees of
protection for the juveniles from the negative consequences of transitional period. The aggravation of social and
political situation in Russia had a considerable negative impact on the position of the juvenile. The crises in many
spheres of state government directly influenced the situation in the sphere of juvenile offences. As the studies had
juveniles, children, behavior, offence, discipline, character, offence, condition, adaptation, trait, accident.
Police administration
Gorin, E.V. (2013). Administrative legal regulation
of extra-departmental
security guards. Police activity, 4, 268–275.
The article is devoted to legal and organizational problems regarding management of extra-departmental
security, role and important of improvement of the administration of various social processes within internal affairs
bodies. It is noted in the article that extra-departmental guards became a key subject in the sphere of property security
guarantees for persons and legal entities. The extra-departmental guards protect property in cooperation with
other police departments, services and law-enforcement bodies. Currently the role and value of extra-departmental
is growing, and there is a need to improve the legislation regulating the property security sphere.
guards, security, police, internal affairs bodies, regulation, proprietary security, forms, methods, public order, administration.
Police enforcement
Kostennikov, M.V. ,Trofimov, O.E. (2013). Legal regulation
of transportation security
and role of the police
in its guarantees. Police activity, 4, 276–288.
Currently the development of transportation and transportation infrastructure calls for the formation of
a complex system of transportation security. In 2012 the number of automobile accidents grew by 10%, for the air
and water transportation it was 3,4%, for the railway transportation it was 5,6%. Annually about 100 000 people
die in transportation accidents in the Russian Federation. The above-mentioned data proves that there is a need to
improve administrative and legal regulation of the activities of federal executive bodies in the sphere of protection of
transportation and transportation infrastructure security.
The issues of security of a person, state and society have always been a center of attention for the state and civil
society. Globalization of the economy, terrorist threats, economical and political instability make the states change
their attitude to global security issues, including the sphere of transportation functioning, since its functioning is
currently rather vulnerable.
security, transportation, threat, police, system, means, guarantee, control, infrastructure, automobile.
Serving in the police
Komakhin, B.N. (2013). On the issue of establishing
the efficiency criteria for
the administrative and legal regulation
of public service relations within
the framework of state administration
and innovation development
modernization. Police activity, 4, 289–295.
The civil state service was formed as a type of state service during the reform period. The system of federal
state civil service, state civil service in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, and municipal service was
formed, the principles of the relations between state and municipal civil service were established, the reform of the
military forces has started, and propositions were formed for the reform of the law-enforcement bodies. The Federal
Laws of 2003 “On the System of State Service in the Russian Federation”, of 2004 “On the Civil State Service in the
Russian Federation” and of 2007 “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” became an important stage of the
state service reform. Unfortunately, these laws did not manage to drastically improve the service activities administration.
efficiency, state, service, reform, official, status, control, quality, management, publicity, body, competence.