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Trends and management
Yanygin, V.Y. (2013). Issues of sustainable development and future
of the Russian economy in XXI century. Trends and management, 2, 218–226.
Yanygin, V.Y. Issues of sustainable development and future of the Russian economy in XXI century.Abstract: The goal of the study is to analyze the sustainability of the Russian economy, to define and analyze the criteria, characterizing sustainability of an economic system, its correspondence to the long-term principles of sustainable development. The results of the study showed that the general structure of investments in the Russian Federation is not satisfactory from the viewpoint of goals and aims of sustainable development. In particular, a rather small share of investments is directed into agriculture, forestry, high-technology industry. The unreasonably large share of investments is used for infrastructure and consumption. The disproportion in the economy development structure grew in the last decade. The study of dynamics and investment processes showed that the real growth of investments is present in infrastructure and consumption spheres. The level of investments into agriculture, processing and extracting spheres has lowered, which stands for stagnation and lack of growth. The study showed that development of the economy of the Russian Federation does not meet the goals of sustainable development, as set forth in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation till 2020. In the XXI century Russia should formulate and consistently implement the sustainable development with the modernization of production, agriculture, public education on preservation of resources and environmental protection. Keywords: economics, sustainable, development, investments, national, security, branch, structure, environment, modernization.
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