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Philosophy and Culture
Boyko, M.E. (2013). Structural analysis and typology of actors in narrative culture. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1141–1151.
Boyko, M.E. Structural analysis and typology of actors in narrative cultureAbstract: The article is devoted to the developing method of structural analysis and a new typology of diegetic actors in the narrative and mimetic narrative forms. In order to form a typology of actors, it is offered to use a notion of character, which should not be just mechanically transferred into the theory of narrative culture from psychology, since imaginary actors have no referent figure outside of diegetic world, and, strictly speaking, they have no psyche. However, the actors may be reduced to a combination of characteristic features. It allows to introduce the term of character structure of actors. Consequently, there appears a new typology of actors depending on the structure of their characters — the actors with 0-character, the actors with simple character, and the actors with complicated character. The author offers a quantitative definition of character closeness of actors by providing them with dot-positions in the multi-dimensional space. Keywords: philosophy, cultural studies, diegetic person, narrative culture, structural analysis, structuralism, semiotic, character structure of an actor, typology of actors, artistic discourse.
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