Police activity
Nugaeva, A.I.
On the issue of the rights of people to serve in public prosecution
// Police activity.
2013. ¹ 3.
P. 198-203.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62956
Nugaeva, A.I. On the issue of the rights of people to serve in public prosecution
The article is concerned with the legal and organizational problems regarding implementation of the right
of citizens to be accepted into the state service in general and prosecution service in particular. The author notes that
the legislative provisions for the requirements to persons assigned as prosecutors, order of assignment of the prosecution
workers and competence of prosecutors, the widening scope of the collegial factor in prosecution considerably
strengthened the legal basis for the cadres. However, not all of the issues of legal regulation of choice and positioning
of the prosecution cadres were duly resolved.
service, prosecutor, prosecution office, lawfulness, acceptance, citizen, education, lawyer, bachelor, master courses.
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