Administrative activity of the police
Kostennikov, M.V., Kurakin, A.V. (2013). Administrative process and its implementation in police activities. Police activity, 3, 155–170.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the construction of administrative process, which is based upon the
generalization of scientific experience. It is noted that currently administrative process is more than just a combination
of administrative procedures. It should include both administrative procedures and regulations. The modern
administrative process includes administrative jurisdiction process and positive administrative process, which in turn
includes various positive procedures (processes) and regulations.
process, procedure, regulation, stage, participant, status, jurisdiction, activity, administration, regulation, control, principle.
Administrative activity of the police
Trofimov, O.E. (2013). Administrative legal regulation of aviation and aviation infrastructure security guarantees
in the foreign states. Police activity, 3, 170–174.
The article concerns legal and organizational bases for the transportation and aviation security, as well as
specific features of aviation security. In the conditions of thorough economical reform and changes in geopolitical
position, Russia needs a rational state transportation policy, which reflects specific features of transportation and
its role in economic and social processes. At the same time due to the inertial character and high capital intensity of
transportation system, long periods of construction and reconstruction of the large transportation objects and formation
of novel means of transportation, the goals in the sphere of transportation should be considered both for the short
term and the long term.
transportation, aviation, security, incident, major highway, automobile, control, economics, infrastructure, protected, interference.
Preventative work of the police
Afonkin, G.P., Dodonov, O.E. (2013). Modern problems of legal guarantees of criminal responsibility for family
(domestic) violence in Russia. Police activity, 3, 175–181.
It is noted in the article that violence inevitably appears in all spheres of human communication, which
involve submission of will of one person or group of persons to another, including the relations between family members,
social groups, classes and entire peoples, no matter what the level of development of society is. It also should be
noted that violence may be interpreted as a purposive forceful coercion of one subject over another subject, which is
performed with a certain goal against the agreement, will and interests of the latter subject.
family, spouses, violence, coercion, sex, woman, group, will, domestic, sphere, home.
Preventative work of the police
Evseev, A.V. (2013). On the issue of guarantees of criminological security. Police activity, 3, 182–185.
The article includes analysis of the problems regarding the guarantees of criminological security and the
need to formulate a new strategy of prevention of crimes by the ministry of internal affairs personnel. The article may
be of interests for the practical workers in the MIA system, as well as to the students of the educational institutions of
the MIA of Russia.
criminology, security, prevention, prophylactic, crime, interception, police, MIA, police officer.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Kuleshov, R.V. (2013). Systemic approach in the formation of the private theory of operative military counteraction
to extremist and terrorist activities. Police activity, 3, 186–189.
In this article the author applies the method of systemic analysis, which is a necessary condition for the development
of theory of operative military counteraction to the terrorist and extremist activities. It allows the author to
single out a number of topical directions for the further formation of the operative investigation theory.
operative military counteraction to extremist and terrorist activities, systemic approach, general theory of operative military counteraction to the terrorist activities, organization of operative military counteraction to terrorist activities, tactics of the operative military counteraction to the terrorist activities.
Foreign police forces
Gaikin, V.A. (2013). Korean riots after the earthquake of 1923 in Japan and the police activities. Police activity, 3, 190–197.
After the Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910 it became a part of the Japanese Empire. In 1925 there was
103 000 of migrant workers in Japan, out of whom 54,5% were construction workers, 28% were factory workers, 8,3%
were mine workers, 6,7% were servants and housemaids, 1,8% were dockside workers (loaders). Specific mentality
of the Japanese people and the hierarchical character of their world view were reflected on their attitude to the migrants.
In the opinion of the authors of the study held by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Japan “Position of the Koreans
in Japan in 1925” “the Japanese viewed the Koreans as the lower race” For the first time in the Russian historiography,
this article includes description and analysis of the causes of the Korean bashings in Japan in 1923, which included the
actions of the branches of Japanese government taken in order to divert the vector of popular discontent to the Korean
Diaspora, as well as quasi-spontaneous, mass anti-Korean hysteria of the people, which was the result of the induction
of the will of the government. Topicality of article includes analysis of the Japanese experience in “digesting” the mass
labor migration.
jurisprudence, Japan, Korea, immigrants, Koreans, discrimination, police, earthquake, riot, bashing.
Serving in the police
Nugaeva, A.I. (2013). On the issue of the rights of people to serve in public prosecution. Police activity, 3, 198–203.
The article is concerned with the legal and organizational problems regarding implementation of the right
of citizens to be accepted into the state service in general and prosecution service in particular. The author notes that
the legislative provisions for the requirements to persons assigned as prosecutors, order of assignment of the prosecution
workers and competence of prosecutors, the widening scope of the collegial factor in prosecution considerably
strengthened the legal basis for the cadres. However, not all of the issues of legal regulation of choice and positioning
of the prosecution cadres were duly resolved.
service, prosecutor, prosecution office, lawfulness, acceptance, citizen, education, lawyer, bachelor, master courses.
Supervision of the police
Vinokurov, A.Y. (2013). Prosecutor supervision over the compliance with the law by the police: object and limitations
to its implementation. Police activity, 3, 204–210.
In this article the author analyzes the specific features of prosecution supervision over the compliance with
the law by the police, he formulates the object and limitations to the supervision in this sphere, defines this type of
activity as a complex, inter-branch direction of supervisory work of prosecutors.
prosecutor, prosecution bodies, prosecutor supervision, supervision over the implementation of laws, object of supervision, police, key directions of police activities.
International police cooperation
Admiralova, I.A., Grishin, Y.N. (2013). On the issue of compliance of the legislation of the CSTO states in the sphere
of human trafficking with the international acts. Police activity, 3, 211–212.
The article concerns the results of comparative analysis of the legislation of the CSTO states regarding human
trafficking and illegal migration with the international legal acts.
human trafficking, illegal migration, transnational organized crime, CSTO states, international legal documents.