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Philosophy and Culture
Maydanov, A. S. (2013). Dynamics of World and its Subjects in Vedic Cosmology. Part 2 (Final Part). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 488–498.
Maydanov, A. S. Dynamics of World and its Subjects in Vedic Cosmology. Part 2 (Final Part)Abstract: Indian Vedas show that their authors had a quite established concept of the cause and the driver of any natural phenomena, in other words, its actor and subject. Actors of cosmological processes and phenomena were Gods who had a number of cosmic functions allowing dynamics and unity of the world. The author of the article describes such heaven bodies and associated gods as Sun, Earth, Moon and some stars and planets from this point of view. The author describes the genealogy of such gods and their relations as world actors. The diversity of features of heaven bodies made the Vedas authors to invent diversified deification. The author of the article suggests a certain logic scheme for analyzing gods’ images. This scheme includes a number of different hypostases of gods: description of their appearance and spiritual image, cosmic and social functions and real referents. Analyzing the main gods from this point of view, the author concluded that mythological images were synthetic mental constructs consisting of components of different epistemological value. Myth-makers also shared their views on certain important universal characteristics of the reality such as the law of universal circulation, both natural and social space, time and movement within the Universe. In his article the author shares his logic of understanding the reality that is typical for the initial stage of any cognitive process including scientific one. Keywords: philosophy, Universe, Sun, gods, time, movement, thinking, imagination, real, fictious.
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