Philosophy and Culture
Kutyrev, V. A.
Does the Cognitization of the World Help Humankind to Survive?
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 96-106.
Kutyrev, V. A. Does the Cognitization of the World Help Humankind to Survive?
Cognitology (knowledge management) is the theory of information thinking without consciousness,
images and psyche involved. Derived of reflection, such thinking turns into artificial intellect. It can
be interpreted as the post-human world of the Other from the ontological point of view. The purpose of the
philosophy of science is to form certain navigators in the spiritual elite environment that would help the processes of interactions between qualitative and cognitive forms of existence as well as transmission of such
capabilities into a society. To survive in the high-tech world, we must cultivate the kind of consciousness
which would be adequate from the geocentric and anthropological point of view.
philosophy, knowledge engineering, consciousness, thinking, information, the other, navigator, trans-modernism, geocentricism, anthropology.
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