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Philosophy and Culture

Pereverzeva, M. V. Music, Chance and Relation Between Them

Abstract: During the second half of the 20th century music had artistic and esthetic conceptions and methods in which chance became an invariable factor in creating and laying a music composition like in aleatory — writing technique allowing indeterminism of the music material and structure. Aletory composision may have a mobile material and stable form, stable material and mobile form or mobile material and form. One of the main disadvantages of such composition, especially since all the music elements are flexible, was the problem of formation. However, even if the music piece is based on the principle of absolutely random sequence of elements or combination of sounds, special structural factors make it whole and united. These factors are described by the author of the article based on the examples of music by American composers in 1950-1960.


cultural studies, music, chance, aleatory, indeterminism, mobile, module, form, composition, structure.

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