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«Philosophy and Culture» (18+)

¹ 2, 2012
Published since
2013 year

Editor-in-Chief's column
P. 4 - 5
The issues of holistic world
P. 6 - 20
Picture of the world in natural science
P. 21 - 31
Spectrum of consciousness
P. 32 - 37
Self-consciousness and identity
P. 38 - 41
Philosophical anthropology
P. 42 - 50
Philosophy and culture
P. 51 - 61
Myths and modern mythologies
P. 62 - 70
Cycles and tides in the global world
P. 71 - 79
Philosophy of science and education
P. 80 - 89
Philosophy and art
P. 90 - 100
Philosophy of technology
P. 101 - 108
History of ideas and teachings
P. 109 - 122
The stream of books
P. 123 - 125
P. 126 - 130
Contents details