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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Buzina, T. S., Shatalov, P. N. Specificity of tsennostno-semantic sphere of the narcodependent

Abstract: given article represents results of research of tsennostno-semantic sphere of consumers of psychoactive substances. Comparison substantial and dynamic characteristics of motivational sphere of patients with dependence on the psychoactive substances which are receiving and not receiving the psychotherapeutic help was an objective of this research. Research has shown that patients with experience of psychotherapeutic intervention are more focused on productive activity have more adaptive and socialized hierarchy that is possible, reflects positive influence of psychotherapy. The conducted research also specifies in values which are necessary for developing in the course of medical-rehabilitation actions with the patients dependent on psychoactive substances.


psychology, psychoactive substances, psychotherapy, dependence, a narcotism, alcoholism, motivation, valuable orientations, hierarchies of values, smyslo-vital orientations.

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