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Historical informatics

Information systems for remote access to documents of regional archives of the Russian Federation

Stepanova Polina Andreevna

ORCID: 0009-0005-8445-7167

Leading librarian, Laboratory assistant; Scientific Library of Altai State University

61 Lenin Ave., Barnaul, Altai Territory, 656049, Russia
Bryukhanova Elena Aleksandrovna

PhD in History

Associate professor, Altai State University 

656049, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, ul. Lenina, 61, aud. 312
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Abstract: In the era of digital development, one of the key activities of archival institutions is the organization of remote access to archival documents. Archives are being converted into electronic form and expand the capabilities of the scientific reference apparatus, independently or jointly with partners they create electronic exhibitions, digital collections, as well as information resources dedicated to the most relevant and in-demand topics. A definite trend in the field of archival business is the development of information systems for remote access to scientific reference equipment and electronic copies of archival documents. Such archival resources are of great scientific and public importance and are of interest to researchers. The main task of the study was to identify regional information systems, describe their capabilities for searching and online access to digitized archival documents.  The research is based on a systematic approach to the study of information resources of the archival industry, the main methods are heuristic, comparative, systematization and generalization. The study consistently examined the official websites and portals of archival management bodies and state archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as regional genealogical projects created with the participation of archives. The main result of the study was a list of information systems for remote access to documents of regional state archives. Information systems were reviewed by federal districts. The leaders in the field of archival informatization can be called the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts, as well as individual regions (Tyumen, Novosibirsk Regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory). The most promising is the creation of multifunctional information systems that provide a wide range of archival services: from online work with a scientific reference device to a remote order for digitization of any archival document. The created list of remote access information systems is aimed at expanding research opportunities for searching and online work with digitized historical documents, as well as popularization of the archival heritage of the regions of the Russian Federation.


Archive, Reference copies, Electronic copy, Digital conversion, Archival Information System, Digital Archive, Site, Remote data access, Finding aid, Federal district

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Relevance and objectives of the study

In modern society, much attention is paid to information technologies and digitalization of many fields of activity, including in the field of historical and cultural heritage. The active development of electronic repositories of libraries, museums and archives contributes to the expansion of researchers' capabilities in terms of remote search, study and analysis of historical sources and/or data. Recently, archival institutions have been actively developing their presence in the online space. Archives are being converted into electronic form and expand the capabilities of the scientific reference apparatus, independently or jointly with partners they create electronic exhibitions, digital collections, as well as information resources dedicated to the most relevant and in-demand topics. A definite trend in the field of archival business is the development of information systems for remote access to scientific reference equipment and electronic copies of archival documents. Such archival resources are of great scientific and social importance, but their appearance and development are uneven and strongly depend on the capabilities of the region. At the same time, expanding the possibilities of remote use of archival reference books and documents will help to overcome the "information inequality" in the archival sphere [1]. Nevertheless, at this stage, it is of interest to researchers, firstly, to identify the very fact of the existence of an archival information system for a particular region or archive, and, secondly, to study the prospects of such a resource for remote work with archival reference books, inventories and documents.

The historiography of the issue of archival resources on the Internet is quite extensive. Such aspects as the development of archives in modern society were considered (V.Yu. Afiani) [2], dynamics and changes in the volume of digitization of archival documents (R.V. Koreeva) [3], some features of providing online access to documents of regional archives (A.S. Lovtsov [4], S.R. Ardashova [5]), monitoring of sites of archival institutions by researchers (E.N. Malysheva [6], E.S. Kopyrina [7]). Yu.Yu. Yumasheva made a great contribution to the study of the informatization of archival affairs in Russia, the study of various problems of creating and using electronic copies of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, and the expansion of the presence of domestic and foreign archival institutions in the online space [8],[9],[10],[11]. Generalization and systematization of the experience of digitization of historical and cultural heritage, approaches to the classification of electronic historical sources, which include archival documents translated into electronic form, as well as problems of their further use are presented in the monograph "Source studies of the Information Age" [12].

In addition, there are a number of works devoted to the preparation and organization of remote access to scientific reference equipment and archival documents in some federal and regional archives, for example, the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation (M.V. Dobrenka) [13], archives of St. Petersburg (I.O. Garkusha [14], A.V. Tikhotskaya [15]) , Tyumen (E.M. Bragina, D.S. Orlova [16], E.V. Frolova [17]) and Irkutsk (O.A. Mikhailova) [18] regions, Khabarovsk Territory (M.V. Lunina) [19], Udmurtia (A.D. Mohireva) [20] and Yugra (L.D. Sazheva [21], A.V. Ivanov [22]), the Siberian Federal District (V.V. Moiseev, K.V. Zakharov [23]), etc. Of interest are works based on a survey of archives and a survey of researchers on the use of the electronic fund of use, reflecting the most popular forms of archival electronic resources and possible directions for their development (E.V. Bobrova) [24],[25]. Some works also present examples of the use of archival information systems for specific historical research, noting their advantages and limitations [26],[27]. However, most of the publications are devoted to a specific archive or archives of individual regions. At the same time, the number of archival information systems increases annually, so it is important to update information about the composition and functionality of such resources and regularly study the experience of implementing and developing information systems in the field of archiving.

The main task of the study was to identify regional information systems, describe their capabilities for searching and online access to digitized archival documents. The research is based on a systematic approach to the study of information resources of the archival industry, the main methods are heuristic, comparative, systematization and generalization.

The regulatory framework of the study was compiled by the departmental program of digital transformation of the Federal Archival Agency, reflecting the main directions of development of online resources of federal archives [28] and methodological recommendations on the operation and placement of information systems on the official websites of state and municipal archival institutions [29],[30].

The main group of sources consisted of regional electronic archival resources. One of the authors of the article consistently studied the official websites and portals of archival management bodies and state archives of all subjects of the Russian Federation. Special attention was paid to regional genealogical Internet projects, in the creation of which archives participated, for example, the portals "Communication of generations of Yugra" of the State Archive of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, "Accessible Genealogy" of the Central State Archive of the Udmurt Republic and others.

Information systems for remote access of archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation

The term "information system for the remote use of archival documents" means "an information system that provides storage, accounting and use of copies of the electronic fund for use, as well as access to reference and search tools" [29, p. 4]. Other methodological recommendations provide a more detailed definition of the term, which also provides for the reception and maintenance of electronic requirements for working in both electronic and traditional reading rooms of the archive, maintaining a user's personal account, monitoring the terms of use of documents, payment for services, etc. [29],[30]. Concepts such as "electronic/virtual reading room" are found on the official websites of archival institutions and in publications [31, p. 153],[23],[3, Pp. 57, 59] and "electronic/virtual archive" [23],[4],[32], which are used as synonyms to each other and the term "information system for the remote use of archival documents".

In the course of the study, 40 subjects of the Russian Federation were identified, including the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg separately, in which information systems for remote access to archival documents operate. Special attention was paid to archival portals of a genealogical nature, which often feature additional search functionality and provide remote access to a large number of such popular sources as metric books, audit tales, confessional sheets, often used in specific historical research. Six regional online genealogical projects were identified, in three of which electronic copies of archival documents are freely available.

The main result of the study was a list of information systems for remote access to documents of regional state archives, presented in the appendix to the article. The archival information systems of the regions were systematized and reviewed by federal districts, characterized by the following criteria: developers of information systems; conditions of access to scientific reference equipment and digital copies of documents; the level of functionality of the systems.

The Central Federal District

Information systems for remote access to digital images of archival documents operate in thirteen subjects of the Central District. The products of the ELAR Corporation are presented in the Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk and Ryazan regions. Alt–Soft information systems are operating in four more regions – Moscow, Tula, Kaluga and Vladimir regions. Information resources of the Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions were created on their own by regional archival institutions. The developer of the portal "Archives of the Tver region" is the St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center.

The most functional are the information systems of the Voronezh, Tula, Vladimir, Tver and Moscow regions, which provide several types of services: remote viewing of electronic copies of documents, processing orders for digitization and issuance of documents to the reading rooms of state archives. All systems of the regional archives of the Central Federal District provide for free access to the scientific reference apparatus of the archives, with the exception of the state archives of the Kursk and Lipetsk regions, which lack the functionality of a "guest login" to the system.

An automated search of digitized archival files is available for users of most archives in the district. In the State Archive of the Kostroma region, a separate section of the information system is an "electronic fund for use", where a researcher can search through the descriptions of cases containing digitized images of archival documents. On the official website of the State Archive of the Ivanovo region, you can see lists of digitized funds and annual plans for digitizing files, which also allows the user to quickly navigate through the composition of digitized archival documents.

The registration forms for entering the electronic reading rooms of the state archives are different. Registration/entry into information systems through Public Services is possible in the Voronezh, Kursk, Ryazan, Yaroslavl and Tver regions. Sufficiently detailed personal information must be filled in when registering on the Archives of the Moscow Region portal. The simplest form of registration is the information system of the state archives of the Tver region, where the user should specify only the full name and E-mail.

Separately, it should be noted the possibilities of the online service "My Family" of the Central State Archive of the city of Moscow. Without registration, the user can view digitized images of metric books, audit tales and confession sheets. Access to electronic copies of documents is free of charge. In the descriptions of some metric books, you can find the names of churches in the order in which they are found in the metric book, which greatly facilitates the work of the researcher. The "Parish Indexes" will be a fairly convenient search tool. The value of the indexes lies in the fact that the archival description descends to the document level, which allows the user to quickly find information of interest in a historical source.

North-Western Federal District

Remote access to archival documents is provided in the state archives of six subjects of the Northwestern Federal District. The information systems of the archives of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions were created by regional information and communication technology centers, the archival departments of the Leningrad and Novgorod regions established cooperation with Alt-Soft, and the Murmansk Region with ELAR Corporation.

Almost all information systems of the archives of the Northwestern Federal District provide access through Public Services, registration is required for the archives of St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Vologda regions. The exception is the electronic catalog of the state archives of the Novgorod region, which provides not only free access for users to archival descriptions, but also to electronic copies of archival documents.

The information systems of the state archives of St. Petersburg and the Vologda Region are distinguished by their scale and search capabilities, which provide several types of services: viewing digital copies of documents; orders for digitization; ordering files to the reading rooms of archives. These systems also provide automated search for descriptions of digitized archival files, classifiers and indexes have been developed. To access the electronic use fund, registration through Public Services is required.

The Archives of St. Petersburg portal provides remote access to digital copies of archival documents from six central state archives of St. Petersburg. Access to most of the digitized documents is provided for a fee, but periodically some documents are opened for free viewing. It is important to note that users can search thematically using the indexes of a Single Classifier of documentary information. Such functionality can help the researcher to find the necessary information faster without first studying guidebooks and archival inventories.

In 2022, the State Archive of the Vologda Region created the first electronic index of churches for the archives of the Northwestern District [33, p. 130]. The user has the opportunity to search by the name of the church and the locality of the parish: when selecting the desired church, an archive cipher will be available, which will allow you to quickly find the necessary case. The resource is convenient because next to the archive cipher, the types of records (birth, death, marriage) of the desired church are indicated, the deadline dates of documents and sheets on which these records are located in the metric book, as well as links to digitized images of sources, access to which is provided free of charge.

Southern Federal District

Only two state archives of the Southern Federal District provide remote access to archival documents. The ELAR — AIS corporation "ELAR-Archive" system with the possibility of "guest entry" is available in the archive of the city of Sevastopol. To view digitized images of archival documents, registration in the system itself is required. To get acquainted with the composition of digitized funds, a special section has been developed on the archive's website, which contains a list of funds whose documents are available for viewing in the electronic reading room. The numbers and names of the funds are systematized by historical periods. Most of the digitized funds date back to the pre-revolutionary period.

The State Archive of the Astrakhan region has created a special portal "Your pedigree". In the "Archive files" section, the user can search by the archive cipher, the name of the case, the type of document and the geographical indication. A great contribution to the development of the information system was made by volunteers who indexed the events "about birth", "about marriage" and "about death". A name index is also a convenient search tool. The value of the resource lies in the fact that by specifying the person's full name, type, place and year of the event, the user can automatically go to the desired page of the historical source, where the required information is reflected. This function is available to the user if the case is indexed.

Volga Federal District

In six regions of the district, state archives provide remote access to archival documents. AIS "ELAR-Archive" is represented in the state archives of the Samara region, Penza region and the Republic of Tatarstan. The possibility of guest entry is available only in the state archives of the Samara region. Remote access to archival documents of the Central State Archive of the Samara Region and the Samara Regional State Archive of Socio-Political History is carried out through different information systems with similar functionality: viewing electronic copies of archival documents and ordering cases in the reading room.

The information system of the State Archive of the Ulyanovsk region, developed by Alt-Soft, implements the following online services: viewing digital copies of archival documents; orders for digitization; submitting requirements for the issuance of archival documents to the reading room. A simple form is provided for registration, where you must specify your last name, first name, date of birth and E-mail. The user can freely view archival descriptions, as well as – in a separate section – search through digitized images of archival documents.

A feature of the digital development of the archival industry of the Volga Federal District has become a great attention to the creation of online genealogical resources, where you can access a large number of documents such as metric books, audit tales, assembly records, etc.

Free access to digitized images of audit fairy tales and metric books of the Perm province is provided on the portal "Generations of the Perm Region". During the development of the portal, digitization of archival documents and their indexing were used, i.e. creation of a database of archival records and preservation of their "connection" with the original translated into electronic form. This approach became the basis of the "record search" section, in which the user can specify the last name and automatically go to the image of the page of the metric book with the desired record. This option seems to be very convenient.

The Archive Service of Udmurtia has developed two projects "Accessible Genealogy" and "Udmurtia for Victory", which present digitized documents and electronically translated information of historical documents stored in the archives of the Udmurt Republic. The portal "Accessible Genealogy", opened in 2021, has implemented the ability to search for certain categories of historical sources: metric books, audit tales, population census, confessional murals, clerical records, household books, registry office records. In the search form, the user can specify an archive cipher (numbers of funds, inventories, cases) or search by year and locality. There is no search by case headings. To view digitized images of archival documents, you must register on the portal and pay for the service.

Ural Federal District

The service of remote access to archival documents is being implemented in four regions of the district. The ELAR— AIS corporation "ELAR-Archive" system operates in all archives. Three regions have the possibility of guest entry, the exception is the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug system.

The most functional resources are where the user, upon guest login, can access the archive's scientific reference system, including thematic lists, indexes, personal databases, etc., as well as search through the entire set of reference books. Such opportunities are implemented in the information systems of the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions, including in the state archive in Tobolsk. In these archives there is also a paid service "providing access to an archival document online", and in the archive of the Chelyabinsk region there is also a service "making digital copies of archival documents".

There are two remote access systems to archival documents in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — GIS "Electronic Archive of Ugra" and the portal "Communication of Generations of Ugra". The first system discusses user orders for viewing digital copies of documents and issuing archival documents to the reading room. To do this, the user must complete the registration procedure in the system. The project "Communication of generations of Ugra" was launched by the Archives Service of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. This resource was created with the technical assistance of ELAR Corporation and Archival Information Technologies LLC [22, p. 132]. Such popular historical sources as metric books are available to researchers free of charge. The portal provides a convenient search engine. The user can automatically go to the required source page by specifying the full name, locality, name of the church or chronological period. An Interactive Map is also a convenient search tool, reflecting the geographical location of churches operating in the territory of the modern Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Siberian Federal District

The service of remote access to archival documents is being implemented in six regions of the district. Alt-Soft information systems are represented in three regions: Altai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk Region. In the Omsk and Kemerovo regions, remote access to archival documents is provided through the EAIS platform manufactured by Archival Information Technologies LLC.

According to the researchers, the leader among Siberian archives in terms of digitization and organization of remote access to documents is the State Archive of the Novosibirsk Region [23, pp. 107, 108]. Viewing electronic copies of documents is possible through two information resources – "Archives of the Novosibirsk region" and "Multimedia Archive of the Novosibirsk region". The Archives of the Novosibirsk Region portal provides an automated search for descriptions of digitized archival files, as well as lists of individual types of documents (photo, video, phonographic, cartographic and unique documents, a directory with personnel documents). In 2020, the Internet portal "Multimedia Archive of the Novosibirsk Region" was launched, in which municipal archives actively participate [34, p. 10]. In the section "Service for access to images of archival documents", the user can access collections of metric books, audit tales and books of civil status records. Viewing digitized images of archival documents is available after registration and payment. An interactive map is a convenient tool for searching archival information, where it is possible to view information about parishes: the name of the church, status, years of existence, a list of settlements, etc.

The services of remote viewing of electronic copies of archival documents and placing orders for cases to be issued to reading rooms are implemented after registration in the personal offices of the state archives of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kemerovo Region. Free user access to some archival documents is organized in the Irkutsk region on the Yandex 360 platform. To view electronic copies of documents, researchers are invited to fill out an application form and click on the link to view digitized cases. Thus, this resource is a cloud storage of electronic copies of documents without the possibility of searching inside the collection. The images are available to users in JPG format and without watermarks. In a test mode, an electronic record is being made on the official website of the State Archive of the Irkutsk region in the reading room without the possibility of forming an electronic requirement for the issuance of specific cases.

Far Eastern Federal District

In three subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, a remote access service to digitized images of archival documents is available for users. The ELAR Archive system operates in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Sakhalin Region. All systems have a guest entrance, which makes it easier for users to get acquainted with archival reference books, with the composition and content of digitized archival documents.

After registering and gaining access to the AIS "ELAR Archive" of the Khabarovsk Territory State Archive, the researcher has the opportunity to view electronic copies of documents. However, the system does not provide the function of ordering the digitization of archival documents. If the archive fund or the file has not been scanned, then the user can study them only in traditional paper form in the archive's reading room.

Through the ELAR Archive system of the National Archive of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the user can view digitized images of archival documents, as well as form requirements for the issuance of documents on traditional media to the archive's reading room. A separate page of the archive's official website contains a list of digitized and archived documents available in the information system. The list is systematized by types of documents - audit tales, metric books, settled, family lists, etc. - and contains the numbers and titles of the relevant archival collections.

The ELAR Archive system of the State Historical Archive of the Sakhalin Region provides the following services: ordering a copy of the document and registration in the reading room. The order of archival documents to the reading room is available only after registration in the system.

The district's systems do not provide a separate section "Services", where an unauthorized user could familiarize himself with the functionality of the systems in advance, such information is provided on the official websites of the archives. In addition, unlike other districts, information resources do not provide for the possibility of registration/entry through the ESIA (Public Services).


The list of information systems for remote access to documents of state archives includes 45 resources from 40 subjects of the Russian Federation.

The largest number of regional information systems (13) providing remote access to archival documents was identified in the Central Federal District, which is explained by the large number of subjects in the district, as well as the level of funding for archival business. 5-7 archival information systems have been created in the Northwestern, Ural, Volga and Siberian Federal districts. 2-3 resources have been developed in the Southern and Far Eastern districts. In the North Caucasus Federal District, the service of remote use of electronic copies of documents is not implemented in any state archive. It should be noted that the functionality of the identified archive systems differs significantly. According to the total number of information systems, the list of available online services and the volume of digitized documents, regional archives of the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts, as well as state archives of individual regions, for example, the Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions, occupy the leading positions.

The service of remote access to archival documents is actively developing in regional archives, but its dynamics strongly depends on the financial and human resources capabilities of individual subjects of the Russian Federation. Two groups of documents can be distinguished, which are most often presented on archival information resources - these are the materials of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. (photographs, lists of conscripts, front-line soldiers, home front workers, evacuees, etc.) and genealogical documents (audit tales, population censuses, metric books, registry office records, etc.).

The development of multifunctional information systems providing remote access to scientific reference equipment, including thematic lists, indexes, databases, etc., an electronic fund of use containing digital copies of documents most in demand by users, a service for ordering copies of unclassified files and documents, as well as functions for recording and ordering cases in the traditional reading room of regional archives, seems promising.. Such information systems will provide researchers with remote search capabilities, preliminary assessment and analysis of historical sources, verification of the title and content of documents in the case. In addition, the provision of free online access to digitized archival documents is aimed primarily at popularizing and expanding access to the historical and cultural, including archival, heritage of the regions of the Russian Federation.


List of information systems for remote access to documents of the state archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation

The Central Federal District

1. Electronic reading room of the State archives of the Moscow region "Archives of the Moscow region". URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

2. My family// Central State Archive of the city of Moscow. URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

3. Archive fund. Catalog of funds// The Internet portal of the Archival Service of the Yaroslavl region. URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

4. Viewing digital copies of documents// State Archive of the Tula region URL: (date of application: 09/16/2024)

5. Archives of the Tver region URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

6. The State information system "Archival heritage of the Ryazan region" (EGIS ANRO)// The State Archive of the Ryazan region. URL: (date of application: 09/16/2024)

7. Unified Archival information System of the Lipetsk region" (EAIS LO). URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024) (in development)

8. Unified identification and authentication system of the Kursk region (ESIA CO)// Archival Service of the Kursk region. URL: (date of application: 09/16/2024)

9. The electronic reading room of the OGKU "State Archive of the Kostroma region". URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

10. Viewing digital copies of archival documents// State Archive of the Kaluga region. Electronic catalog. URL: (date of application: 09/16/2024)

11. Electronic reading room of the State Archive of the Ivanovo region. URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

12. The State information system of the Voronezh region "Information retrieval system of the digital fund for the use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Voronezh region" (IPS CFP AF VO). URL: / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

13. List of digitized documents// State Archive of the Vladimir region. URL: (date of application: 09/16/2024)

North-Western Federal District

14. Access to digitized documents// Portal "Archives of St. Petersburg‑St. Petersburg". URL: (date of request: 09/17/2024)

15. The portal "Archives of the Leningrad region". URL: / (date of access: 09/17/2024). Remote access to documents of the Leningrad Regional State Archive in Vyborg

16. Electronic catalog of the State Archives of the Novosibirsk region. URL: / (date of request: 09/17/2024)

17. An automated information system based on documents from the Archive Fund of the Murmansk region. URL: (date of application: 09/17/2024)

18. Electronic archive of the Vologda region// The Internet portal of the Vologda Oblast Archive Service. URL: (date of application: 09/17/2024)

19. The Unified archival information system of the Arkhangelsk region "Archives of the Arkhangelsk region". URL: / (date of request: 09/17/2024)

Southern Federal District

20. Electronic reading room// Archive of the city of Sevastopol. URL:просмотр-документов-в-аис-элар-архив / (date of access: 09/16/2024)

21. The Internet project "Your pedigree". URL: / (date of application: 09/16/2024) Created with the active participation and based on the materials of the State Archive of the Astrakhan region.

Volga Federal District

22. Electronic reading room of the Central State Archive of the Samara region (AIS TSGASO)// Department of the State Archival Service of the Samara region. URL: / (date of request: 09/17/2024)

23. Electronic reading room of the Samara Regional State Archive of Socio-political history (AIS SOGASPI)// Department of the State Archival Service of the Samara region. URL: / (date of access: 09/20/2024) (as of September 2024, remote viewing of electronic copies of archival files was temporarily suspended)

24. Electronic archive "Udmurtia for victory". URL: / (date of application: 09/17/2024) (created by the Committee for Archives under the Government of the Udmurt Republic)

25. The Accessible Genealogy project. URL: / (date of application: 09/17/2024) (created by the Committee for Archives under the Government of the Udmurt Republic, provides remote access to the materials of the Central State Archive of the Udmurt Republic)

26. Virtual reading room of the Penza Region State Archive (AIS G). URL: (date of application: 09/17/2024)

27. The Internet search engine "Generations of the Perm region". URL: / (date of application: 09/17/2024) (created with the participation of the Agency for Archives of the Perm Region, the State Archive of the Perm Region)

28. Unified Archival Information System (UAIS) of the Republic of Tatarstan. Electronic reading room. URL: (date of request: 09/17/2024)

29. List of scanned archive documents// Archives of the Ulyanovsk region. URL: (date of application: 09/17/2024)

Ural Federal District

30. Electronic archive. The State Archive of the Tyumen region// Department of Archives of the Tyumen region. URL: (date of application: 09/18/2024)

31. Electronic archive. The State Archive in Tobolsk// Department of Archives of the Tyumen region. URL: (date of application: 09/18/2024)

32. Electronic archive// United State Archive of the Chelyabinsk region. URL: (date of application: 09/18/2024)

33. State Information System (GIS) "Electronic archive of Ugra"// State Archive of Ugra. URL: / (date of access: 09/18/2024)

34. Genealogical portal "Communication of generations of Ugra". URL: / (date of access: 09/18/2024)

35. The State information system "Electronic Archive of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug" (GIS EA YANAO)// State Archive of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. URL: / (date of access: 09/18/2024)

Siberian Federal District

36. Services. Viewing digitized documents// Archives of the Altai Territory. URL: (date of application: 09/19/2024)

37. Remote access system. The State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. URL: / (date of access: 09/19/2024)

38. EAIS of the Kuzbass State Archive (Electronic reading room)// Kuzbass State Archive. URL: (date of application: 09/19/2024)

39. The portal "Archives of the Novosibirsk region". URL: / (date of access: 09/19/2024)

40. The Internet portal "Multimedia archive of the Novosibirsk region". URL: / (date of access: 09/19/2024)

41. Reading room. Remote access to the digitized files of the archive and its branches (Virtual reading room)// State Archive of the Irkutsk region. URL: https://гаио .RF/resources/funds/virtual-zal/ (accessed: 09/19/2024)

42. Catalog of funds. Information search engine// Historical archive of the Omsk region. URL: / (date of access: 09/19/2024)

Far Eastern Federal District

43. Unified archival information system of the Khabarovsk Territory. URL: / (date of request: 09/20/2024)

44. AIS "Elar-Archive" of the National Archive of the RS(Ya). URL: / (date of request: 09/20/2024)

45. EAIS. Electronic projects// The State Historical Archive of the Sakhalin region. URL: /; URL: (date of application: 09/20/2024)

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Review of the article "Information systems for remote access to documents of regional archives of the Russian Federation". The subject of the research is information systems for remote access to documents of regional archives of the Russian Federation. The research methodology is based on the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. The paper uses such methods as heuristic, comparative, as well as methods of systematization and generalization. The relevance of the topic is due to the new possibilities of information technology and digitalization, which make it possible to translate archival documents into electronic (digital format) and make them accessible to readers from different places. The article notes that "a certain trend in the field of archival business is the development of information systems for remote access to scientific reference equipment and electronic copies of archival documents," which undoubtedly has great scientific and public importance. Unfortunately, not all archives and regions of our country have well-developed remote access information systems. The article emphasizes the relevance of "identifying which regions have such electronic access and exploring the prospects for digitalization of archival documents " for remote work with archival reference books, inventories and documents" The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the formulation of the problem and research objectives. The novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the article systematizes the archival information systems of the regions of the country and the characteristics of access to them and work with documents. Style, structure, content. The style of the article is generally scientific, while it is accessible and will be understandable not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of readers. The language of the article is precise and clear. The structure of the work is aimed at achieving the purpose of the article and its tasks, it is divided into sections, each section has a title. The structure consists of the following sections: Relevance and objectives of the study; Information systems for remote access of archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation; Central Federal District; Northwestern Federal District; Southern Federal District; Volga Federal District; Ural Federal District; Siberian Federal District; Far Eastern Federal District; Conclusion and appendix. The section "Relevance and objectives of the study" reveals the relevance, purpose, objectives and regulatory framework of the study. In addition, a qualitative analysis of the historiography of the research topic is presented, the most significant works devoted to the most important issues of the topic under study are highlighted. The main group of sources consisted of regional electronic resources and regional Internet projects in which archives participated. The section "Information systems for remote access of archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation" explains the meaning of the terms information system for the centralized use of archival documents, electronic reading room, etc. Further, it was noted in which subjects of the Russian Federation (as well as cities) there are information systems for remote access to archival documents, special attention was paid to archival portals of a genealogical nature, which provide remote access to a number of sources that make it possible to study specific historical topics. The article further presents archival information systems of the regions for seven federal districts. In each district, information systems were studied and presented according to the following criteria: developers of information systems; conditions of access to scientific reference equipment and digital copies of documents; the level of functionality of the systems. In conclusion, the article presented the main conclusions on the research topic, showed the uneven development of information systems for remote access to archive documents and their causes, it was noted that information systems are represented in all districts of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the North Caucasus Federal District, in which the service of remote use of electronic copies of documents is not implemented in any state archive. The article identifies two groups of documents that are most often presented on archival information resources: materials of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and documents of a genealogical nature. Promising directions for the development of information systems are also shown. The appendix contains a list of information systems for remote access to documents of the state archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The bibliography of the work consists of 34 sources on the topic of the study, which fully meet the goals and objectives of the study and made it possible to prepare an interesting article. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of the information received during the work on the topic under study and the bibliography. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article is written on a topical topic and will be of interest to specialists and a wide range of readers.