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Pedagogy and education

The development of cognitive activity in the study of biology in the 7th grade

Khaustov Sergei Anatol'evich

ORCID: 0000-0001-9286-3644

PhD in Biology

Senior Researcher; Scientific and Educational Center in Pushchino; State University of Education

7 Institutskaya str., Pushchino, Moscow region, 142290, Russia
Popova Valentina Ivanovna

Teacher of biology and chemistry; MBOU Secondary school No. 3 Pushchino

142290, Russia, Moscow region, Pushchino, Microdistrict G, 23A









Abstract: Within the framework of this work, the use of an arsenal of pedagogical tools to increase the cognitive activity of students in the study of biology in the 7th grade is proposed. The implementation of an individual-group approach for the development of communication and teamwork skills, the realization of differentiated learning opportunities, and consideration of individual characteristics of students is considered in detail. As an example, the use of the proposed tools for studying the topic "Bacteria" is considered, the developed materials and algorithm for conducting lessons are given. To assess the effectiveness of the experimental technique, verification work was carried out; the data obtained were analyzed and compared with those obtained within the framework of the traditional frontal form of material presentation. It is assumed that the widespread introduction of such approaches not only solves particular research tasks, but can also contribute to improving the effectiveness of school education in general. Among the proposed methods, individual and group learning, mathematical tasks, laboratory experiment, problematic issues, and the construction of mental maps were used. The experience of the experiment and the results of processing the obtained data demonstrated the effectiveness and some limitations of the proposed approach. Thus, within the framework of the traditional form of the lesson, students were more quickly involved in the educational process and successfully completed reproductive tasks. However, creative and problematic tasks were better solved by students who studied the topic in the format of individual and group work. According to the feedback received, the students generally appreciated the experience gained and recognized its benefits for the development of communication skills and teamwork. Among the main prospects, the possibility of studying the subject at an in-depth level as part of groups formed from the most prepared and motivated students is noted.


teaching biology methods, individual-group learning, cognitive activity, educational motivation, differentiated learning, problem tasks, creative tasks, mental maps, advanced level, interdisciplinary

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The modern school is facing a rather noticeable decrease in the educational motivation of students in recent years. The exceptional priority of successfully passing exams and obtaining positive grades for admission to a higher or secondary educational institution significantly devalued the manifestation of cognitive activity, the need to broaden horizons and deepen subject knowledge [1]. At the same time, according to teachers and specialists in the field of cognitive sciences, the success of learning largely depends on the subject's awareness of the value of the knowledge they receive and the presence of internal learning motivation [2]. Previous motives for learning have shown their insufficient effectiveness in the realities of today. In this regard, it is seen as necessary to provide current schoolchildren with a paradigm that fills learning and self-development with new meaning.

It is believed that the future professional success of today's students and students largely depends on the formation of communication skills, teamwork, the ability to take on and distribute responsibility, independently find solutions to emerging problems, show creativity and originality in choosing means [3]. The traditional training system is not sufficiently adapted for the development of the complex of listed competencies. Usually, students see the main purpose of school education in obtaining information from a teacher, memorizing and reproducing specific facts, terms, and dates in test papers. Only individual students realize the importance of acquiring information skills, the ability to reflect and analyze, and identify cause-and-effect relationships [4]. The methodology of individual and group learning, developed and popularized by the team under the guidance of Professor V. V. Pasechnik, fully allows not only to develop the necessary skills of joint productive work, but also to convey the basic meanings and understanding of the goals of the educational process to each student. In addition to the fact that learning within the framework of the proposed methodology has shown its effectiveness in improving academic performance, it causes a positive response and interest from children. The educational process ceases to be perceived as an edification on the part of the teacher. Instead, students immerse themselves in working together in groups at a pace that is comfortable for them, while mastering the optimal amount of knowledge in accordance with their abilities and interests [5].

It is important to explain to students the main goals and principles of learning in a new format for them: a list of tasks for each lesson, skills and abilities that the learning process is aimed at developing, the need for a high degree of meaningful perception of the material. The instruction card (instruction) reinforces the introductory words of the teacher and focuses on achieving the planned results. It may contain a problematic component, contradictory information, missing data that must be obtained in the learning process. The key feature is that the educational unit in this case is not the lesson, but the topic being studied. Thus, a more distant perspective is created for students, requiring the allocation of time and effort over a long period, which is also an important skill to develop [6].

Materials and methods of research

The experimental site for the work was MBOU Secondary School No. 3 in Pushchino. The study involved 56 people from two classes studying the subject in a traditional and individual group form. A school textbook [7], additional illustrative and video materials (Grade 7) were used as educational materials. Biology. Forms of the spread and use of bacteria. URL: (Date of application: 07/13/2024)), microbiological laboratory supplies (Petri dishes with agarized medium). Data collection was carried out through written work in the form of testing, observations and recording student feedback. The analysis and graphical visualization were performed in the Microsoft Excel application. The basic principles of the methodology of individual and group learning are borrowed from the methodological manual of V. V. Pasechnik [8].

The results of the study and their discussion

As part of a pedagogical experiment, the effectiveness of studying the topic of "Bacteria" in the 7th grade in the traditional frontal form and using an individual-group method was investigated. The students of the experimental class were asked to divide into groups, each of which was given a developed instruction card containing questions aimed at mastering a new topic using a textbook and additional materials. The presence of experimental, problematic, interdisciplinary tasks is designed to activate students for productive communication, search for successful learning strategies, self-reliance and leadership.

At the initial stages of studying the topic, the traditional form turned out to be more familiar, allowed to master a larger amount of material during the lesson, all students were equally involved in the process. Group work, on the contrary, required significant time allocation to teams, clarifying the rules of work, and maintaining discipline. Some students were unable to get to work for quite a long time, there was protest and discontent, manifested in general statements: "You are a teacher, so you have to explain a new topic to us." Only in the following lessons, there was a gradual involvement of all students in the class in independent group work with an increase in learning efficiency and an improvement in the emotional and psychological atmosphere in the classroom.

The instruction card contained information about the goals, means, methods of studying the topic and tasks, some of which are given below (Table 1).

Table 1

Tasks of the instruction card

Based on the material in paragraph 20 of the textbook, COMPLETE THE TASKS IN THE NOTEBOOK:

1. When and by whom were bacteria first discovered?

2.What is the name of the science that studies bacteria?

3. What is the main feature of the spread of bacteria in nature?

4. Why do I need to ventilate the classroom before the lesson?

5. Draw the structure of a bacterial cell: sign its components (indicate where the murein, protective capsule, membrane, nuclear substance, cytoplasm, cell wall is contained).

6. Calculate and mark on the graph what is the maximum number of cells formed from one bacterium in 5 hours under favorable conditions (doubling occurs every 30 minutes).

Homework assignment:

Draw bacterial cells of various shapes (cocci, bacilli, vibrions, spirilli, staphylococci) in a notebook using textbook material - p. 129 (description), 130 (figure) and video:

The first group of tasks involves searching the textbook for answers to the questions asked and develops attentiveness, basic information skills, and the ability to fluently study relatively large volumes of text. The teams that mastered the ability to distribute tasks among the participants coped much faster, because everyone was looking for an answer to a separate question, after which everyone exchanged the results. The question concerning the justification of the need to ventilate the classroom can be attributed to a problem-oriented one, requiring reflection and analysis of previously received information in order to formulate reasonable conclusions.

The next task contained a creative practical component, since it required drawing a bacterial cell, noting its structures, including those found in the text of the textbook, but missing from the illustration. Despite the fact that the task was performed individually, group work can increase its effectiveness.

The calculation of bacterial population growth and its graphical representation can be attributed to interdisciplinary tasks of a reconstructive type and corresponds to the level of complexity of mathematical concepts studied in the algebra course. The possibilities of using mathematical tasks in the study of biology are justified in the author's previous work [9]. The graph obtained during the tasks (Fig. 1) is intended to demonstrate the rapid exponential growth of the number of organisms and needs further discussion to understand the key reason for the ubiquity of bacteria in nature.

Fig. 1. The option of performing a reconstructive task

Despite the fact that the study of the textbook material throughout the lesson takes place in a single group form, the tasks are arranged in such a way that the maintenance of cognitive activity is carried out by switching the nature, pace and complexity of the activity performed. A successful group work strategy involves distributing questions among students, searching for answers and sharing results, and helping each other identify difficulties. Problematic tasks require the most active discussions and joint activities. The solution of an interdisciplinary task requiring the construction of a population growth schedule can be carried out individually, after which it is appropriate to compare the results, identify errors and find the most accurate solution.

When completing homework, students are expected to use skills to work with various types of information – graphic, text, animation. The textbook material is structured in such a way that in order to find a match for the forms of bacteria and their names, it is necessary to carefully read the description and consider the images. A link to the educational video in the form of a QR code is provided for additional mastering of the topic at the request of students, which corresponds to an in-depth study of the subject.

In the second lesson of studying the topic, students mastered the material of the next paragraph of the textbook and compiled a mental or intelligence map [10], where logical connections were built from the central concept of "The role of bacteria in human life" in the directions of examples of beneficial and harmful bacteria, use cases, methods of infection, control, etc. During the remaining time of the lesson, laboratory work was performed in a mini-format in accordance with the tasks of the instruction card, a fragment of which is given below (Table 2).

Table 2

A fragment of the instructions for performing laboratory work

Description of the laboratory work

An approximate scheme

1. Carefully turn over the Petri dish, divide the bottom into 4 sectors with a marker, in each sign the first letter of your name, at the bottom - the surname of the head of the experiment and the date.

2.Carefully open the Petri dish and leave an index finger print by lightly touching the agar-agar.

3.Close the Petri dish and leave it for a few days.

4. In the next lesson, without opening the lid, count the number of colonies, determine their shape and color, and formulate conclusions.

The level of mastering the topic was determined by the results of test work with tasks of various types: reproductive (with a choice of one or more answer options), variable (for intelligence, not standard), creative (drawing) (Table 3). The effectiveness of the proposed teaching methodology was evaluated in comparison with the traditional system.

Table 3

The form of the verification work to control the level of knowledge on the topic "Bacteria"

No. p / p



A spore is a thick shell that forms in bacteria under adverse conditions.

Not really


The nucleic acid (DNA) of bacteria is located in the nucleus.

Not really


All bacteria are rod-shaped.

Not really


Bacterial cells differ from cells of other organisms in that they do not have:

a) shells, b) flagella, c) nuclei, d) cytoplasm


In adverse conditions, bacteria turn into:

a) cocci, b) spores, c) kidneys, d) germ cells


The nucleic acid in bacteria is located:

a) in the nucleus, b) directly in the cytoplasm, c) in the spore, d) in the flagella


They turn the remains of dead organisms into humus:

a) soil bacteria, b) fermented milk bacteria, c) pathogenic bacteria


Bacterial cells differ from cells of other organisms in that they do not have:

a) shells, b) flagella, c) nuclei, d) cytoplasm


What is the role of bacteria in nature? List at least three items.


Make a drawing and sign the parts of the structure of the bacterium. Specify at least 5 cellular structures.

The results of the verification work performed by students who studied the topic in the form of individual and group learning and the traditional frontal system are shown below (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The results of the verification work.

Processing of the results showed that the average score for most of the questions turned out to be slightly higher when using the experimental technique. Questions related to terminology and factual data were answered somewhat better by students studying the topic within the framework of a traditional lesson. At the same time, tasks of a problematic nature that require logical thinking and a creative approach are better solved by students who have studied the topic in the format of individual and group work. In addition, the survey and reflection in the second case revealed an increase in internal motivation, interest in knowledge, and joint activities to a greater extent than in obtaining good grades.

As a result, students not only studied the textbook material, but also demonstrated the competence of joint activities, solving creative, problematic, interdisciplinary tasks. About 30% of the students in the class completed additional tasks and mastered the topic at an advanced level.

The effectiveness of the proposed techniques may probably differ in repeated experiments, and will largely be related to the teacher's experience and work style, the willingness and trust of schoolchildren to participate in the study. It is believed that, in general, the effectiveness of the educational process and the quality of learning by students depend on the breadth of the arsenal of applied techniques in accordance with the goals and conditions of specific educational situations [11]. This work demonstrates the applicability and effectiveness of a limited set of means of reinforcing cognitive activity and is designed to encourage teachers not to stop on the path of finding new solutions and experimental approaches.


It can be concluded that the traditional form of the lesson turns out to be quite familiar to students, memorizing new factual material when using it occurs more efficiently in accordance with the algorithm "heard by the teacher – recorded – repeated – reproduced". Creative, logical and problematic tasks, on the contrary, are better performed after studying the topic in the format of group work.

In general, the use of experimental approaches has shown its effectiveness and lays the foundations for subsequent, including in-depth study of the subject. When observing the learning process, a strong belief is created that such teamwork is more natural for children, models joint work in a team, and is supported by a positive emotional and psychological background.

The objective results laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard: "to show interest in deepening biological knowledge and choosing biology as a core subject for future professional activity" can be most effectively achieved precisely by applying the methodology of individual and group training in combination with methods of reinforcing cognitive activity.

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The article "The development of cognitive activity in the study of biology in the 7th grade" is submitted for review. The work is a brief overview of theoretical research, as well as an analysis of the results of an experimental study. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of individual and group methods and the use of experimental, problematic, interdisciplinary tasks to enhance the cognitive activity of students. The methodology of the study. The author analyzes a number of works that address the problem in the following aspects: the methodology of individual and group learning under the guidance of Professor V. V. Pasechnik. The relevance of the study is due to a number of factors: - the success of learning largely depends on the subject's awareness of the value of the knowledge gained and the presence of internal educational motivation, and the previous motives for learning have shown their insufficient effectiveness in the realities of today; - it is necessary to provide current schoolchildren with a paradigm that fills learning and self-development with a new meaning; - it is important to explain to students the main goals and principles learning in a new format for them: a list of tasks for each lesson, skills and abilities that the learning process is aimed at developing, the need for a high degree of meaningful perception of the material; - it is necessary to test the methodology of individual and group training. The scientific novelty of the research. In the work, the author demonstrates the effectiveness of using creative, logical and problematic tasks, which are recommended to be performed after studying the topic in the format of group work. This approach allows you to lay the foundations for further, including in-depth study of the subject. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The logic in the work can be traced. The content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. The scope of the work allows you to fully disclose the subject of the study. The introductory section defines the relevance of the study. The author notes that the modern school is facing a significant decrease in the educational motivation of students in recent years. Previous motives for learning have shown their insufficient effectiveness in the realities of today. It is important to identify effective models of individual and group learning methods. The author considers the possibilities that are offered within the framework of V.V. Pasechnik's developments. The next section is devoted to the description of research materials and methods. The author described the experimental site, the respondents, as well as the features of collecting and analyzing the empirical material obtained. Further, the article presents the results of the study and their discussion. The author conducted a pedagogical experiment that made it possible to compare the results of learning using the traditional frontal form and individual-group methods. During the research, the students of the experimental class were asked to divide into groups, each of which was given a developed instruction card. Each card contains questions aimed at mastering a new topic using a textbook and additional materials. The work carried out has demonstrated that, thanks to experimental, problematic, interdisciplinary tasks, productive communication is activated, successful learning strategies are found, and students show independence and leadership. The article presents the tasks of the instruction card, the results of the reconstructive task, a fragment of the instructions for performing laboratory work, a form of verification work to control the level of knowledge. Special attention is paid to the description of the results of the verification work performed by students who studied the topic in the form of individual and group learning and the traditional frontal system. At the end of the article, the author presented brief conclusions based on the results of the study. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 11 domestic sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list includes mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, educational and teaching aids are also available. The sources are designed uniformly and correctly. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: 1) to analyze the domestic and foreign works of specialists who consider this problem, highlighting a separate theoretical section; 2) to describe in more detail the results of the conducted experimental research. Conclusions. The problems of the topic are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of developing cognitive activity in the study of biology in a general education institution. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, which is characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.