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Pedagogy and education
Pasholikov, M.S. (2023). Organization of the Interaction Between the Pedagogical University and Institutions for Children's Additional Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 53–69.
Organization of the Interaction Between the Pedagogical University and Institutions for Children's Additional Education
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.68934EDN: ENTJMZReceived: 08-11-2023Published: 15-11-2023Abstract: We often hear regular statements from the mass media of specialists in the field of education that characterize the situation with the industry's staffing, such as, "There is no one to work." Indeed, there are still a number of problems in this area that need to be addressed. The Concept of the Development of Additional Education for Children until 2030 explicitly indicates the insufficient staffing of organizations of additional education and the low level of involvement of educational organizations of higher education in implementing additional general education programs. Updating the content of students' training, as well as the success of their professional socialization, is largely determined by the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of relations between an educational institution of higher education and employers. Within the framework of such cooperation, pedagogical universities offer programs for teachers at institutions aimed at improving their professional level. In turn, these educational institutions provide students with opportunities for practical training, which helps them to better understand professional realities. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of building a system of interaction between institutions of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. Integrating pedagogical universities and children's educational institutions with additional training is a key factor in developing the modern education system. It contributes to the formation of a unified professional community that can effectively solve current problems in the field of pedagogy and education. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that based on the concretization of scientific ideas and generalization of successful practices, the main categories of the interaction of a pedagogical university with a regional system of additional education for children are determined. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the proposed algorithm for building joint activities of a pedagogical university with educational organizations implementing additional educational programs in the design and implementation of basic professional educational programs, the development of educational, industrial and other types of practices that provide solutions to the tasks of training student teachers. Keywords: pedagogical University, professional teacher training, additional education, education system, integration, social partnership, development of teaching staff, research, internship, mentoringReferences
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