DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2023.10.68746
The object of scientific research is the social relations that develop in the sphere of application by prosecutors of the Russian Federation of powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings. The subject of the study is the practice of prosecutor's offices of the Russian Federation in bringing guilty persons to disciplinary liability, legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, organizational and administrative documents of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, works of scientists related to the topic of research. The methodological basis of the research includes the dialectical method, methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, observation, modeling, historical, comparative legal, statistical and other methods. The main conclusions of the study are to substantiate the mandatory requirement of the prosecutor to bring the perpetrators to disciplinary liability, since this is dictated not so much by the formal requirements of statistical reporting, but by the need to ensure the prevention of law violations. The scientific novelty lies in the proposals formulated by the author to legislatively consolidate the powers of the prosecutor or his deputy to initiate disciplinary proceedings, mandatory for the authorities specified in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”. The work contains specific proposals for amending Article 21 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office.
prosecutor, prosecutor's office, prosecutor supervision, prosecutorial activity, prosecutor's demand, authorities, local authorities, disciplinary liability, disciplinary action, disciplinary proceedings
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The study of the problems of the implementation of the prosecutor's powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings is important and relevant both for the theory and practice of prosecutorial activity, since the prosecutor's activity is primarily aimed at identifying violations, analyzing them, taking response measures to eliminate them [1, p. 178]. The theoretical significance is expressed in the development of the results of previous scientific activity, the development of a conceptual and systematic approach to legislative regulation, the implementation and organization of prosecutorial supervision. The practical significance of the research lies in the scientific substantiation of the need to amend the legislation regulating the activities of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, to adjust the judicial practice of challenging prosecutors' claims to bring perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility, to increase the effectiveness of law enforcement activities of the prosecutor's office to prevent similar violations of the law. The methodological basis of the research includes dialectical method, system method, methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, observation, modeling, historical, comparative legal, statistical and other methods. In Federal Law No. 2202-1 of 17.01.1992 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter – the Law on the Prosecutor's Office), the concept of "representation of the prosecutor" occurs repeatedly, is used in various semantic meanings. However, from the point of view of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, the prosecutor's representation is, first of all, a kind of an act of prosecutorial response: the idea of eliminating violations of the law (article 24) and the idea of eliminating violations of human and civil rights and freedoms (article 28). One of the traditional requirements (proposals) reflected by prosecutors in the submission is an indication of the need to consider bringing guilty officials to disciplinary responsibility. Law enforcement practice is characterized by a significant variety of approaches to how the relevant requirement should be reflected. This is primarily due to the practice of judicial challenging the prosecutor's submissions, based precisely on the fact that the application of disciplinary measures to the guilty person is the prerogative of the employer, a right, and not an obligation, in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The established judicial practice is confirmed by scientific research [2,3] and decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Resolutions No. 46-AD16-2 dated 03.03.2016; No. 25-AD17-1 dated 03.04.2017; No. 57-AD19-40 dated 02.08.2019). In this regard, in prosecutorial practice, there are often representations in which prosecutors reflect in the operative part of this document "proposals" to eliminate violations of the law (human and civil rights and freedoms), the causes and conditions that contribute to them. Disagreeing with this approach, we note that in the theory of prosecutorial activity, the opinion has been repeatedly expressed that "by introducing an idea of eliminating violations of the law, the prosecutor should demand, and not offer to eliminate the identified violations, the causes and conditions that contributed to them, since Article 17.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of the prosecutor's proposals" [4, pp. 36-38]. In search of a compromise approach, the practice of the prosecutor's offices of the Irkutsk region, the Altai Territory and the prosecutor's offices of other subjects of the Russian Federation has been formed, according to which the final part of the prosecutor's submission reflects the requirements for the elimination of violations of the law (human and civil rights and freedoms), the causes and conditions contributing to them, and the proposal to consider bringing to disciplinary responsibility the guilty officials persons [5]. At the same time, a different point of view has been formed in the theory of prosecutorial activity for a long time, supporting the amendment of article 25 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, the restoration of the provision existing in article 26 of the Law of the USSR of 11/30/1979 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR" on the possibility of the prosecutor issuing a reasoned decision on the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, which must be considered no later than ten days the term after its receipt" [6, p. 22]. In order to eliminate the contradiction between the Law on the Prosecutor's Office and labor legislation, it was also proposed to supplement the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with Article 194 1 regulating the procedure for carrying out disciplinary proceedings initiated on the basis of a prosecutor's decision [7, pp. 44-51]. Despite the fact that a lot of attention has been paid to this issue in the science of prosecutorial activity [8, pp. 27-32], legislative activity to regulate these problems remains at the same level. Moreover, Professor A.Y. Vinokurov previously noted that currently there is no direct indication at all in the Law on the Prosecutor's Office that the prosecutor's requirement to bring the perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility is mandatory. At the same time, the provision contained in paragraph 2 of article 22 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office that the prosecutor (his deputy) has the right to demand that persons who have violated the law be brought to other responsibility established by law is characterized by uncertainty, since he does not name a specific type of responsibility and the conditions under which the prosecutor can insist on its application, which allows us to talk about corruption of the corresponding norm [9, pp. 84-93]. In this regard, we believe that it is necessary to address this issue again and provide additional arguments in favor of the legislative consolidation of the prosecutor's powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings. The legislative consolidation of the prosecutor's powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings is found not only in the legislation of the USSR, which has lost its legal force, and the legislation of a number of states, such as the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic [10], but also in the "Model Law on the Prosecutor's Office", approved at the 27th plenary session of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Participating States CIS Resolution 27-6 of 16.11.2006, which embodied the advanced achievements of prosecutorial science that existed at that time.
Traditionally, the statistical report on the prosecutor's work "Supervision of the execution of laws, observance of human and civil rights and freedoms", approved by the Order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation No. 98 dated 02/21/2022, contains indicators on the number of persons brought to disciplinary responsibility on the prosecutor's recommendation. At the same time, such an indicator is considered as one of the characteristics of the effectiveness of the prosecutor's activity because it allows, by indirect signs, to assess how fully the prosecutor's supervision has been carried out, whether the persons responsible for the violation have been identified, whether measures have been taken to punish them. In this regard, in practice, there are representations of the prosecutor, which not only reflect the proposal to consider bringing guilty officials to disciplinary responsibility, but also indicate the need to send copies of orders on the application of disciplinary punishment to the prosecutor's office in case the employer makes such a decision. The adoption by the prosecutor of measures aimed at bringing the perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility is dictated not only and not so much by the formal requirements of statistical reporting as by the need to ensure the prevention of violations. Contrary to a common misconception, the presence of a disciplinary penalty in an employee (civil servant) has a powerful educational effect, since it may entail certain negative consequences for him, such as a reduction in the amount of bonus payments, the inadmissibility of assigning another class rank during the period of the disciplinary penalty, the possibility of termination of an employment contract (service contract) for committing repeated disciplinary penalties, and others. Therefore, as a rule, persons with disciplinary penalties try to carry out their professional activities strictly in accordance with the requirements of the law. At the same time, it must be recognized that at present there is a negative practice, expressed in the fact that the heads of organizations, bringing officials to disciplinary responsibility on the initiative of the prosecutor, often remove such a disciplinary penalty almost the next day after the application. In this regard, we consider it necessary to pay attention to paragraph 16 of the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2007 No. 195, which instructs prosecutors "when applying acts of prosecutorial response, to take mandatory part in their consideration, to ensure mandatory control over the execution of the requirements presented by the prosecutor." Thus, we believe that at present there is a need to legislate the powers of the prosecutor to initiate disciplinary proceedings. At the same time, it should be noted that when bringing to disciplinary responsibility on the basis of the prosecutor's submission, a tendency has formed to apply such disciplinary penalties mainly in commercial and other organizations, and not in public authorities. This is primarily due to the fact that the heads of such organizations, fearing the application of stricter measures of responsibility to the head or organization itself (including in the form of an administrative fine), prefer to agree with the requirement (proposal) set out in the prosecutor's submission and find subordinate employees guilty of violating. A similar approach is noted in the activities of the executive bodies of local self-government. At the same time, in representative bodies of local self-government, higher state authorities, the prosecutor's proposal to consider bringing the perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility often does not find support. In this regard, the proportion of officials involved on the basis of the prosecutor's representations in these public authorities is extremely small, and the preventive effect of the corresponding prosecutor's representations is significantly reduced, as a result, similar violations are committed repeatedly, sometimes by the same officials. It seems that this state of affairs is fundamentally wrong. The activity of officials of public authorities is characterized by certain specifics, characterized by the publicity of their activities, the focus on the implementation of state functions, the imperious nature of the powers exercised, the normative structuring of the relations of the head and subordinate, the regulation of official and non-official activities of a civil servant by the Code of ethics [11, p. 47]. Therefore, we believe that the head of the state authority or local self-government body, who is the employer's representative, in which the violations identified by the prosecutor were committed, cannot use the margin of discretion provided for in Article 192 of the Labor Code The Russian Federation for employers (commercial and other organizations, individual entrepreneurs), and arbitrarily refuse to initiate disciplinary proceedings without sufficient grounds. So, for example, paragraph 10 of the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2007 No. 195 provides that "when supervising the execution of laws by regulatory authorities, it is necessary to check the legality and completeness of the measures taken by these authorities to eliminate violations and bring perpetrators to justice, and in case of detection of inaction of such an authority – to raise the question about the responsibility of its head." Thus, summing up the results of the conducted research, we propose to establish the obligation for state authorities and local self-government bodies to initiate disciplinary proceedings at the request of the prosecutor. To do this, it is necessary to amend paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, adding the words "The requirement of the prosecutor or his deputy to initiate disciplinary proceedings is mandatory for the authorities specified in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of this Federal Law."
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5. Usov, A.Yu. (2019).Prosecutor's supervision over the implementation of federal legislation. Irkutsk, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
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7. Subanova, N.V. (2014). The prosecutor's requirement to bring persons who have violated the law to disciplinary liability: optimization of the legal model. Bulletin of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the RussianFederation, 5, 44–51.
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11. Channov, S.E. (2010). Administrative-legal model for regulating service relations in the Russian Federation: concept and main features: abstract. dis. ... Doctor of Law. Sci, Saratov.
First Peer Review
Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.
The subject of the study. In the peer-reviewed article "On the powers of the prosecutor to initiate disciplinary proceedings", the subject of the study is the norms of law defining the powers of the prosecutor. Research methodology. The methodological apparatus of the article consists of the following dialectical methods of scientific cognition: analysis, abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis. The application of historical, theoretical-prognostic, formal-legal, systemic-structural methods, as well as legal modeling is noted. The article used a combination of theoretical and empirical information. The relevance of research. The importance and practical significance of this study is determined by the presence of conflicting provisions in the current legislation, which, in the author's opinion, must be eliminated. Thus, the author of the article notes: "... in the Law on the Prosecutor's Office there is no direct indication at all of the mandatory requirement by the prosecutor to bring the perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility. At the same time, the provision contained in paragraph 2 of article 22 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office that the prosecutor (his deputy) has the right to demand that persons who have violated the law be brought to other responsibility established by law is characterized by uncertainty, since he does not name a specific type of responsibility and the conditions under which the prosecutor can insist on its application, which allows us to talk about corruption of the relevant norm". Scientific novelty. The article is not an absolutely new study on this issue, but the aspect chosen by the author has some elements of scientific novelty. Some of the author's conclusions and suggestions deserve attention: "... we propose to establish the obligation for state authorities and local self-government bodies to initiate disciplinary proceedings at the request of the prosecutor. To do this, it is necessary to amend paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, adding the words "The requirement of the prosecutor or his deputy to initiate disciplinary proceedings is mandatory for the authorities specified in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of this Federal Law." Style, structure, content. In general, the article is written in a scientific style using special terminology. However, there are comments on the use of certain terms (for example, the term "prosecutorial science" is not generally accepted and is rarely found in scientific circles) or abbreviations unexplained (for example, "HE form"). When referring to opponents, you should first indicate the initials, and then the last name. There are typos in the text (for example, "... The Labor Code of the Russian Federation by Article 1941 ..."). It is also necessary to structure the article, in particular, the scientific article should have an introduction that meets certain criteria (relevance of the topic, methodology and purpose of the study, etc.). Comments are disposable and do not detract from the results of the work done on writing the article. The stated topic has been disclosed, the content of the article corresponds to its title. Bibliography. The author has used an insufficient number of doctrinal sources, there should be at least 10 of them, including publications of recent years. The bibliography list should be updated and the content of the article should be supplemented accordingly. Appeal to opponents. It cannot be said that the article presents a scientific controversy. There are isolated appeals to opponents. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "On the powers of the prosecutor to initiate disciplinary proceedings" may be recommended for publication with the condition of its completion. The topic of the article is relevant and has practical significance. This article may be of interest to specialists in the field of law enforcement, as well as to teachers and students of law schools and faculties.
Second Peer Review
Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.
The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as follows from its title, the powers of the prosecutor to initiate disciplinary proceedings. The stated boundaries of the study are fully respected by the author. The methodology of the research was revealed by the scientist: "... dialectical method, systematic method, methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, observation, modeling, historical, comparative legal, statistical and other methods," however, the list of research methods should be exhaustive. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is beyond doubt: "The study of the problems of implementing the prosecutor's powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings is important and relevant for both theory and practice of prosecutorial activity, since the prosecutor's activity is primarily aimed at identifying violations, analyzing them, and taking response measures to eliminate them [1, p. 178]. The theoretical significance is expressed in the development of the results of previous scientific activity, the development of a conceptual and systematic approach to legislative regulation, the implementation and organization of prosecutorial supervision. The practical significance of the research lies in the scientific substantiation of the need to amend the legislation regulating the activities of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, adjust the judicial practice of challenging prosecutors' demands to bring perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility, increase the effectiveness of law enforcement activities of the prosecutor's office to prevent similar violations of the law." The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in the author's final proposal "... to establish the obligation for state authorities and local self-government bodies to initiate disciplinary proceedings at the request of the prosecutor. To do this, it is necessary to amend paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, adding the words "The requirement of the prosecutor or his deputy to initiate disciplinary proceedings is mandatory for the authorities specified in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of this Federal Law." Thus, the article makes a definite contribution to the development of domestic legal science and deserves the attention of the readership. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the article, the author substantiates the relevance of the chosen research topic, reveals its methodology, and determines the theoretical and practical significance of his work. In the main part of the article, the scientist analyzes the currently available powers of the prosecutor to initiate disciplinary proceedings, relevant law enforcement and judicial practice, identifies shortcomings in the legal technique of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office in this part, and formulates proposals for improving these legal norms. The final part of the work contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article fully corresponds to its title and does not cause any special complaints. The bibliography of the study is presented by 11 sources (dissertations, scientific articles, textbook). From a formal and factual point of view, this is quite enough. The nature and number of sources used in writing the article allowed the author to reveal the research topic with the necessary depth and completeness. There is an appeal to opponents, both general and private (S. V. Filipenko, E. Galina, etc.), and it is quite sufficient. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly. The provisions of the work are justified to the necessary extent and illustrated with examples. Conclusions based on the results of the conducted research are available ("... we propose to establish the obligation for state authorities and local self-government bodies to initiate disciplinary proceedings at the request of the prosecutor. To do this, it is necessary to amend paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, adding the words "The requirement of the prosecutor or his deputy to initiate disciplinary proceedings is mandatory for the authorities specified in paragraph 1 of Article 21 of this Federal Law"), have the properties of reliability and validity, and certainly deserve the attention of potential readers. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of prosecutorial activity, provided that it is slightly refined: clarifying the research methodology.