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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Pudikov I.V. (2016). Was Korney Chukovsky a Freudian?. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 935–948.
Pudikov I.V. Was Korney Chukovsky a Freudian?Abstract: Korney Chukovsky is the most widely read author in the history of mankind. Already this fact alone makes it urgent to identify the prerequisites for his creative success. In his article Pudikov analyzes the influence of the facts from the writer's biography, his fascination with the concepts of Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Isaacs, the writer's contacts with Russian and foreign psychologists, on creative writing of Korney Chukovsky, in particular, his book on child psychology "From two to five" which became a bestseller in the USSR. With the help of the historical-biographical method, correspondence of the writer with representatives of the creative intelligentsia, analysis of the writer's notes in the primary sources from his library, the sources of his psychological and pedagogical concept are revealed, comparisons are made with the works of foreign specialists. For the first time in the Russian psychology of creativity the psychoanalytic methodology of the classical author of Russian children's literature is considered, the connections of the position of Chukovsky as a psychologist with the works of his contemporary psychoanalysts are traced. A conclusion is drawn about the psychoanalytic foundation and at the same time the originality of the author's concept of "From two to five", as well as his orientation at the work of representatives of the British school of psychoanalysis. Keywords: edition, history of psychology, psychoanalysis in the USSR, British school of psychoanalysis, pedagogical literature, psychoanalysis, creative writing of Korney Chukovsky, psychology of creative writing
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