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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Suvorova M.V. Network Innovation Destructiveness of Minors Under Modern Conditions

Abstract: The subject of the research is the psychological state of minors bearing in mind that the modern world is becoming more powerful in innovative technologies. It is difficult to imagine human activity from which the computer is completely excluded. It is undeniable that technological innovation of life to But reached the top, humanity is faced with the so-called side effects, are identified at the younger generation. Computer addiction is doing great and irreparable harm, affecting the psyche of young people.The research methodology involves the analysis of scientific literature in order to analyze and identify the causes of scientific novelty of deviant behavior of minors related to computer innovations. The main conclusion is that against the background of strained mental space is the formation of delinquent behavior. Unlawful conduct of a minor in nature means that there is an internal conflict, as well as a conflict between the individual and society - between individual aspirations and the public interest. Further, it should be noted that the destructive behavior of minors is the result of an internal desire to meet their needs, which means to change the psychological imbalance to psychological balance, in spite of public opinion.


a sense of satisfaction, dependent behavior, mental development, upbringing, emotions of anger, craving, fear, aggression, minor, game addiction

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