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Financial Law and Management
Kolosov B.V., Kudyakova A.E., Sidorova I.V. (2016). Tax Efficiency as a Criterion of Management Reliability in a Large-Scale Social System. Financial Law and Management, 4, 326–331.
Kolosov B.V., Kudyakova A.E., Sidorova I.V. Tax Efficiency as a Criterion of Management Reliability in a Large-Scale Social SystemAbstract: In their research the authors solve the problem of defining reliability as a significant indicator denoting efficient management of the taxation system development and explaining why the taxation system is a large-scale social system, and what functional reliability means in terms of managing such a large-scale system. For the first time in the academic literature the authors view functional reliability of management as a significant indicator of fiscal efficiency. As a result of the research the authors make a more precise definition of the mechanism of tax legal regulation which is understood as a system of legal and institutional means by which the effective impact is made on the relations arising during determination, establishment, introduction and collection of taxes and levies, arrangement and execution of tax control, and holding liable for committing tax crimes. For the first time in studying taxation issues the authors apply the method of the management functional reliability to analyzing large-scale organisation systems. The results of the research demonstrate that reliability as the result-to-objective relation starts to play a prevailing role in defining efficiency of the taxation system, thus, the main requirement for the efficient management of the taxation system is its reliability as a criterion that ensures the compliance of the process of the system's functioning to the legal standards. One of the key moments in studying the functional reliability of the taxation system management is the idea of the influence of such management on economic stability of the country. Keywords: economic benefits, functional reliability, social system of taxation, reliability index, large-scale system, reliability management, tax efficiency, target efficiency of taxation, reliability index, organisation social system
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