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Administrative and municipal law
Kopylova O.P., Guseva T.A. (2016). Government regulation of the production and distribution of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation: current condition and development trends. Administrative and municipal law, 11, 913–921.
Kopylova O.P., Guseva T.A. Government regulation of the production and distribution of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation: current condition and development trendsAbstract: Alcohol abuse in the Russian Federation is a result of a range of negative social and economic factors. The article studies statutory instruments, regulating the production and the distribution of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation, which, along with other statutory instruments, form the system and the framework of government regulation of relations in this sphere. Particularly, the authors analyze some provisions of the Federal law of 22 November 1995 No 171 “On government regulation of the production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, and on the restraint of consumption of alcoholic products”. Besides, the authors enumerate the peculiarities of introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System of accounting of the level of production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in retail trade since 2016, the legislative initiatives of public authorities of the Russian Federation and the directions of activity and policies, proposed by the World Health Organization, aimed at the reduction of consequences of alcohol abuse. The authors apply such general scientific and specific research methods as dialectics, the system analysis, the sociological, statistical and comparative-legal methods. The novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the main statutory instruments in the sphere of production and distribution of alcoholic products in the Russian Federation, and the factors, influencing the legislative changes in this sphere. The authors come to the conclusion that Russian legislation in this sphere is the basis of government regulation of the production and distribution of alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation; it is the set of statutory instruments, which are currently forming and changing. Keywords: statutory instruments, retail trade, USAIS, alcoholic beverage market, production and distribution, legislation, government regulation, World Health Organization, legislative initiatives, international experience
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