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Philosophy and Culture
Zhukovskiy V.I. (2016). Key provisions of D. Pivovarov's synthetic theory of idealism as a methodological basis of the innovative concept of visual arts. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 892–898.
Zhukovskiy V.I. Key provisions of D. Pivovarov's synthetic theory of idealism as a methodological basis of the innovative concept of visual artsAbstract: The article investigates the basic provisions of the synthetic theory of the ideal, proposed by the Russian scientist D. Pivovarov, which became the methodological basis of the innovative concept of visual arts. D. Pivovarov analyzed and summarized the conceptual ideas of A. Losev, M. Lifshitz, E. Ilyenkov, E. Classen and D. Dubrovsky, and concluded that the main components of every ideal relationship are following: the fiducial object, the scheme of actions with it and the extrapolation of the knowledge about it in the supersensible reality. According to D. Pivovarov "ideal" is a balance of internal and external, where the "ideal" is externally (sensory) presented as "idol", and the content of the "ideal" is internally (supersensory) presented as "an idea." According to the statement of D. Pivovarov, culture is a human activity on cultivating ideals intended to facilitate the process of human being comfortable existence, comfortable communication with other people, first and second nature objects, and the universe. The comparative analyses of the sources related to the subject of the study, as well as the critical analysis of previously published works of the Russian scientists are given in the article. Methodological ideas of D. Pivovarov created the conditions for a theoretical explanation of the elite, inclusive and individual evolution aspects of the creation of an ideal; and also for studying the laws of the ideal creation process in visual arts. The author concludes that the synthetic theory of the ideal, developed by D. Pivovarov, helps to master the extremely complex mechanism of representative (through the idol) relationship of a viewer with his own soul and souls of other people, the Spirit of God and the perfection of the fullness of life by means of art-object as a complex of signs. Keywords: Spectator, Creative work, Model, Concept, Visual art, Culture, Eidos, Ideal, Synthetic theory of idealism, D. V. Pivovarov
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