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Taxes and Taxation

Syrov A.N. Topical Issues of Enchancing Tax Revenues for Local Budgets: Land Tax and Personal Property Tax

Abstract: At the present time local taxes are still far from being the main sources of municipal budgets. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the current situation with local tax revenues for municipal budgets as well as to prepare practical recommendations on enchancement of these revenues. To achieve the goal of the research, the following research tasks have been solved: the author analyzed the current practice of developing the income basis of local budgets and the main factors reducing local tax revenues and made reasoned proposals on how to increase the collectability of the land tax and personal income tax. In his research Syrov has used general methods of analysis and synthesis, elements of the systems analysis and expert evaluation. The researcher has also conducted the practical analysis of the implementation of the aforesaid proposals based on the municipal administrations of the Moscow Region. Syrov has modeled activity of the local self-government authorities aimed at raising revenues from the land tax and personal income tax. He has also compared the factors restraining the full collection of tax revenues with the mechanisms of enchancing these revenues for the municipal budget. The author concludes that echancement of tax revenues for local budgets are possible only when there is coordination between the local self-government authority, Federal Tax Service and Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. 


municipal income, tax collection, local taxes, fiscal administration, property tax, land tax, municipal budget, encouragment of tax revenues, to improve revenue collection, increase in the tax base

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