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Chebotareva Yu.V. Interpretation of the Genre of Violin Concert in Henryk Wieniawski's Creative Work

Abstract: The importance of the present research is caused by the growing popularity of the romantic music genre and orientation at romantic styles and trends demonstrated by contemporary composers and players. In this regard, it is very important to appeal to the creative life and work of the most brilliant representatives of the romantic movement in music, Polish violinist and composer Henryk Wieniawski. Remarkable and spectaculous and at the same time philosophical compositions of Wieniawsky opened the door to new discoveries, heights and directions for the development of the violin art, thus helping to develop the genre of violin concert. The subject of the research is the two compositions of Henryk Wieniawski in the genre of violin concert as the brightest example of his creative style. The author of the article makes an attempt to draw attention of modern music teachers and players to the composer's intention and profound conceptual solutions, in particular, in his Second concert. The research is based on the integrated theoretical and practical approach and the method of comparative analysis of these two Henryk Wieniawski's violin concerts in terms of the research subject. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes parameters for the comparative analysis of the two violin concerts composed by Henryk Wieniawski from the point of view of their concent and style. As a result of the research, the author makes conclusions about the development of the Polish composer's style and way of thinking, peculiarities of his expressive means and symphonization principles. The results of the research can be important for further researches of the creative life and work of the Polish composer and violonist Henryk Wieniawski as well as encourage further studies of European romantic art. 


virtuosic romantic genre, romantic lyrical genre, narrative methods, monointonationalism, monothematism, composition logic, instrumental ornamentality, conceptual way of thinking, violin concert, Henryk Wieniawski

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