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Trends and management
Smelova A.A., Alekseeva T.I. (2016). The innovation activities of TNC in the market of dairy products. Trends and management, 2, 162–180.
Smelova A.A., Alekseeva T.I. The innovation activities of TNC in the market of dairy productsAbstract: The article is devoted to the socioeconomic analysis of the production process of innovations by TNC in the market of dairy products. The object of the study is TNC Danone (Paris, France). So, it is argued that the creation of TNC innovative dairy products is a way to promote the product in the international markets. Individuals are the critical elements in this strategy: customers of innovative dairy produce become «intermediaries» of TNC values (i.e. the scientific approach to health and nutrition); those who abstain from consumption, join the army of critics, i.e., «mediators», thus ensuring the development of the production process of innovative products idea. In both cases, this results in the changing of consumers’ value structure. Moreover, it results in the increased consumption and so in high profits of the company. Theoretical and methodological base of the research includes: historical-network approach (D. Stark), French actor-network theory (B. Latour) and the theory of social construction of scientific fact (B. Latour, S. Woolgar). To confirm the hypothesis, the author designed a graphic model of organization process of innovative development inside TNC R&D network on the macro level and their distribution in international markets (the analysis was implemented in the Ucinet program). The work presents an empirical study "Social impact of Danone innovative activity in the market of dairy products in Russia. Changes in the thinking habits of consumers" in St. Petersburg in April-May 2015, which allowed describing the embeddedness process of values in the structure of personal values of consumers. The knowledge that the company, engaged in innovation activity, can achieve success due to the competent marketing strategy of introducing the innovative product in the daily lives of consumers and providing the return on innovations at the expense of the end consumer, rather than the state expense, becomes particularly essential when Russia enters the international market of innovations. Keywords: Structuring of scientific fact, Actor network theory, Historical network approach, Probiotic, Dairy market, Activia, Danone, R&D centers, TNC, Innovative activity
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