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Taxes and Taxation
Gidirim V.A. (2016). Interpretation of International Tax Treaties in International Practice. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 85–142.
Gidirim V.A. Interpretation of International Tax Treaties in International PracticeAbstract: The article is devoted to the theory and practice of interpretation of international tax treaties on the example of the OECD Model Convention. The basic principles of interpretation of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, as well as their application in the jurisprudence of the various states are viewed. The author also investigates the applicability of the interpretative documents and supporting materials as suitable sources of the interpretation of tax treaties. A significant part of the article is devoted to the tax authorities and the provisions of the judgments of foreign countries, which represented a particular interpretation of the terms of tax treaties, as well as links to this interpretation, driven by the courts. The study begins with a review of the generally accepted principles of interpretation predusmtrennyh Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969. These principles are considered in relation to the basic rule determining the values of the terms of tax treaties concluded in Article 3 (2) of the OECD Model Convention and the bilateral tax treaties. In this context the author investigates the applicability of the Commentary to the Model Tax Convention as an acceptable source of interpretation. The theoretical conclusions are further reflected in court decisions, which are justified by reference to the sources of interpretation. Generalizing these principles and techniques of interpretation, the author cites many examples of court decisions in different countries in which these principles and methods have been reflected. The result of the study is the lack of consistency and inconsistency of the application of the above principles in the jurisprudence of different countries. The consequence of this is ineradicable conflicts qualification terms of tax agreements, which prevent the uniform application of the taxpayers, tax authorities and courts of different countries. Keywords: teleological interpretation, comments, context, purpose of the treaty, fair comment or interpretation, OECD, Model Convention, international tax treaty, interpretation, Vienna Convention
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1. Venskaya konventsiya o prave mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov. Prinyata 23 maya 1969 g. [].
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Klaus Vogel, “Double Taxation Conventions”, P. 209, Note 60a. 31. OECD Model Convention Commentary (2010), Condensed version, Art. 3, par. 2. 32. Podpunkt 32.3. Kommentariya k stat'e 23 MK OESR (2010). 33. Klaus Vogel. Double Tax Treaties and Their Interpretation, P. 60. 34. Roy Rohatgi “Basic International Taxation. Volume 1. Principles”, P. 52. 35. Boulez v. Commissioner 83 T.C. 584 [1984] []. 36. Roy Rohatgi “Basic International Taxation, P. 50. 37. OECD Model Convention Commentary (2010), Condensed version, Art. 2, par. 12, P. 81. 38. Frank Engelen, Interpretation of Tax Treaties under international law. P. 482. 39. OECD, Fiscal Committee, Minutes of the 21st Session held in Paris on Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th September, and Friday 1st October, 1965, FC/M(65)3, Paris, 22nd October 1965, P. 3 (“General Remarks”) 40. Klaus Vogel, Double Tax Treaties and Their Interpretation, 4 Int'l Tax & Bus. Law. 1 (1986), P. 27. []. 41. OECD Model Tax Convention (2000) Commentary to Art. 23, paras 32.1. – 32.7. 42. Leonhard Andra and Partner GmbH v. CIT [2000] []. 43. Klaus Vogel, “Double Taxation Conventions”, Article 3, 61-74. 44. John Avery Jones et al. The Interpretation of tax treaties with particular reference to Art. 3(2) of the OECD Model Convention. (Part I and II), P. 100. 45. OECD MTC (2010), Commentary to art. 3(2) paragraph 2, sections 11-13 (P. 70). 46. H. Shannon, US Income Tax Treaties, Reference to Domestic Law for the Meaning of Undefined Terms (Intertax, 1989) P. 157. 47. Estate of Burghardt v. Commrs. (1983) (US); IRC v. Exxon Corp. [1982] (UK); Union Texas Petroleum Corp. v. Critchley [1988] (UK); The Queen v. Melford Developments Inc.[1982] (Canada). 48. Danish Administrative Tax Court, Case No. 1985-5-173, decision of 22 May 1985; Fothergill v. Monarch Airlines [1981] AC 251. 49. US Supreme Court, Zicherman v. Korean Air Lines Co., 516 U.S. [1996] P. 226 50. []. 51. 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