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Software systems and computational methods
Ponachugin A.V. (2015). Problems of functioning and maintenance reliability of modern computer systems. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 365–373.
Ponachugin A.V. Problems of functioning and maintenance reliability of modern computer systemsAbstract: In the middle of the last century the problem of functioning and maintenance reliability has acquired the status of scientific. This was facilitated by the active development of computer systems. Implementation and support of information systems are long, difficult and complicated processes, which affect how the future interactions between users and the system. The article discusses various approaches to the allocation and use of time required for supporting information system. Author analyzes the importance of supporting information system at all stages of its life cycle. Author reviews different approaches to ensuring the reliability of the operation and maintenance of the various classes of information systems. The article gives a defined list of recommendations for ensuring functioning of the information system at different levels of management. The study shows an analysis of existing software and hardware tools and methods related to maintenance and reliable functioning of information systems. The author concludes: the maintenance of computer systems is equally important at all stages of the life cycle and occupies a considerable share of time in the work of the information technology department and is inextricably linked with the indicators of reliability of information systems. Also, the author suggests the technique of the use of software tools for the control of characteristics of information system. Keywords: durability, life cycle, reliability, soft agents, support of information system, computer systems, infallibility, obsolescence of the information system, design of information systems, automated control systems
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