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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Khalabudenko O.A. Legal regime of human organs, tissues and cells after death

Abstract: The article analyzes the legal regime of human organs, tissues and cells. The author analyzes the current national and international legislation, regulating the issues of transplantation of human organs, tissues and cells. Using the examples of national and international legislation, the author demonstrates the peculiarities of private-law acts causa mortem. The author notes that human body can’t be considered as a separate independent object, since during the human’s life it doesn’t exist on its own, but is an integral part of an individual. To achieve the research goals the author applies the general scientific and special methods, including analysis, synthesis, the structural-logical method, the statistical method, the method of comparative-legal analysis, the method of moving from concrete to abstract and other methods of scientific cognition. The author claims that the rights, dealing with the mentioned objects, relate to a special group of rights sui generis – somatic rights. The author argues that in such cases a special legal regime should be applied. The author notes that the rights dealing with these objects can be the object of private-law acts causa mortem with regard for their special legal regime.


transplantation, legal regime, death, somatic rights, private law acts, personified, body, personal integrity, donor, individual

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